Święta polskie - Kolekcja


Two prison cellmates get a one-day leave out of jail to dress up as Santa Claus and an angel and give presents to children from an orphanage. But the presents don't seem to be for kids.

The main character - a man who suffers from alcoholism - wants to change his tumultuous life. The day before Christmas Eve he receives a gift from his son - a yellow scarf. A gift is a kind of talisman he receives from loved ones, and every time he loses it. When after another banquet he falls into delirium, his ex-wife and secretary bring him to his mother. She helps him to sober up and arranges holiday celebration for two of them. She gives her son another yellow scarf, in belief that it will help him break the pernicious habit.

Television film from the "Polish Holidays" series was made according to his own script by Ryszard Bugajski, creator of the famous "Interrogation". A tragicomic tale of life, transience and destiny that one cannot escape. The story of three generations - grandfather, father and son are together again, but all three realize that it is not for long. A serious illness does not give up. However, this meeting arranged by the junior on the occasion of Father's Day will teach them a lot, will allow them to learn other values, overcome their barriers, understand the meaning of life, throw out deeply hidden regrets and grievances, strengthen family ties, resolve disputes, clear up past misunderstandings and disputes.

As every year, the celebration of All Saints Day brings Polish families together at the graves of their loved ones. On this special day Maria, 80-year-old widow, visits the graveyard with her son, his wife and their children.

"Miss Wet T-Shirt" is a humorous and thought-provoking story of a widowed man in his fifties who rebels against the degradation of the world around him, full of corruption and moral ambiguity. Władysław did not always act honestly in life, so his wife left him. Soon she was gone forever and only after her death did he understand his mistake. He tries to redeem guilt, adhering to the principle that no one can escape from responsibility for committed sins, for existence in the world of evil. The hero heads a group of so-called defenders of morals, actively participates in combating the progressive demoralization of society.

Careerist Maciej gives a lift to a hitchhiker with opposite beliefs as they both head to their hometowns. In the meantime, the local community gets prepared for the annual Corpus Christi procession.

Bogdan and Marta take part in a TV show 'Blind Date' and eventually win a romantic stay at the luxurious hotel for the long May Day weekend. They seem to be so different, however, that they hardly stand each other.

Piotr manages to buy a splendid though dilapidated villa from the eccentric 80-year-old painter Mimi. The woman treats him like her long-lost only son whereas Piotr tries to send her away to old people's home.

A young priest comes to a town to help the old provost in pastoral ministry. It early May, the parish prepares for the First Communion. Unexpectedly, the provost is admitted to hospital with a heart attack. Priest Piotr is on his own now in a completely new place. At a catechesis, one of the girls catches his attention. She’s sad, introvert and sometimes even aggressive. Marta is a daughter of the richest man in the town. During her confession, the priest feels she’s hiding something. When the time of Sacrament reception comes, Marta runs away from the altar. After hours of searching, priest Piotr finds her hidden in a vestry. The girl tells him the horrible truth.

A coal mine director invites Jacob, a TV series star, to add splendor to the celebration of St. Barbara's Day, the patroness of miners. Basia, a worker from the sorting department, is chosen to hand Jakub the welcoming loaf of bread. The two completely different worlds come together: flashy, success oriented strangers from Warsaw and traditional, modest and unwilling to change Silesians.

In a post-State gmina Osiek, on August 15th the plaque commemorating the liberation of the town from the hands of the Bolsheviks in 1920 will be unveiled. Vogt wants the event to be festive and to contribute to the promotion a the forgotten gmina. He needs a veteran, but where will he find a veteran of the 1920 war? Marian, a village shopkeeper, promises to “find” a veteran in excha

Another film from the TV series "Polish Holidays", this time illustrating a holiday not entirely Polish, but already firmly rooted in the native reality - Valentine's Day. The script for it was written by Jerzy Pilch. For the famous writer, winner of the Nike Award, this is the second encounter with this cycle: earlier he wrote the script for the excellent "Yellow Scarf". His collaboration with director Janusz Majewski resulted in a story full of humor and charm, treating love with a slight wink of the eye and a touch of nostalgia. Wojciech Malajkat, who also played the main role, is a great merit.