When two brothers are forced to fight in the Korean War, the elder decides to take the riskiest missions if it will help shield the younger from battle.

Kosmoso užkariavimo istorija - tai ne tik sėkmingi skrydžiai, gravitacijos įveikimas, pripratimas prie nesvarumo bei nesuskaičiuojamos treniruotės, be kurių nė vienas kosmonautas neatlaikytų skrydžio. Kosmoso įsisavinimas - tai pavojingas procesas, kuriame neapsieinama be aukų ir praradimų. Vienas iš tokių praradimų įvyko 1986-ųjų sausio mėnesį ir tapo tikru šoku: praėjus minutei su trupučiu nuo kosminio erdėlaivio "Čelendžeris" starto, jis sprogo, nusinešdamas septynių amerikiečių astronautų gyvybes. Kaip tai įvyko ir kokios priežasatys tapo sprogimo priežastimi? Kodėl kosminis laivas sėkmingai startavo, tačiau negalėjo tęsti skrydžio? Kaip išvengti šios tragedijos pasikartojimo? Ką pasakyti astronautų šeimoms? Šio mįslingo įvykio tyrimas gula ant mokslininko Ričardo Feinmano pečių.

A horror webtoon writer journeys to a shabby apartment building in search of ideas. The building's caretaker tells him about multiple strange events that happened throughout the building's history.

A team of rag-tag girls with their own agenda form Team India competing for international fame in field hockey. Their coach, the ex-men's Indian National team captain, returns from a life of shame after being unjustly accused of match fixing in his last match. Can he give the girls the motivation required to win, while dealing with the shadows of his own past?

Based on a Japanese manga, Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu, this story revolves around Kang Han-na, an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous Korean pop singer who actually lip syncs as she cannot sing. After getting humilitated publicly by an ungrateful Ammy, Han-na undergoes an extreme makeover to become a pop sensation herself.

Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.

Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes invisible dragon named Elliott! When they are taken in by a kind lighthouse keeper, Nora, and her father, Elliott's prank playing lands them in big trouble. Then, when crooked salesmen try to capture Elliott for their own gain, Pete must attempt a daring rescue.

Chanticleer is a foolhardy farm rooster who believes his crows can actually make the sun come up and shine. When the sun rises one morning without Chanticleer's crow, he leaves the farm in disgrace and runs off to become a rock 'n' roll singer. But in his absence, a sinister, sunshine-hating owl prepares to take over.

Grupelė žurnalistų siunčiama į Pietų Afriką, kad nufilmuotų ir galbūt sugrąžintų didžiulį 25 pėdų ilgio krokodilą. Deja, krokodilas yra nusiteikęs nužudyti jį "medžiojančius".

Per kelias sekundes, taip sutapus aplinkybėms ar tiesiog taip lėmus likimui, Gordonas Breweris neteko visko, kas jam buvo brangiausia... Vieną dieną vienoje iš Los Andželo gatvių Gordonas skubėjo susitikti su žmona ir sūnumi. Šeimai atsidavęs vyras suspėjo laiku, tik... Jis tapo didelio sprogimo liudininku. Visa gatvė paskendo dūmų, ugnies, stiklo ir nuolaužų rūke... Sprogimą organizavo viena Kolumbijos teroristinė grupuotė, vadinama El Lobo ir vadovaujama lyderio, pravarde "Vilkas". Teroristų taikiniais turėjo tapti Kolumbijos ambasados darbuotojai ir JAV slaptųjų tarnybų agentai. Atsitiktinai žuvo du nekalti žmonės: jauna moteris ir mažas berniukas - Gordono šeima. Gordonui Breweriui neliko nieko, tik tikėtis teisingumo, bet, atrodo, oficialūs pareigūnai neskubėjo imtis painios ir pavojingos bylos...Šeimą praradęs vyras pats ėmėsi keršto plano...

While investigating the horrifying death of her boyfriend, Mai Takano learns about a videotape haunted by the spirit of a disturbing girl named Sadako, which kills anyone who watches it exactly one week later. When her boyfriend’s son, Yoichi, starts to develop the same psychic abilities as Sadako, Takano must find a way to keep the boy and herself from becoming the next victims.

Seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi's life is turned upside down when his parents vanish and his younger brother is kidnapped. Following a trail of clues to the darkly majestic Prince Regent Hotel, Mariah discovers a hidden realm of child-stealing monsters, deadly secrets and a long-lost artefact that grants limitless wealth—but also devastating supernatural power. With the fate of his world, and his family at stake, Mariah will risk everything to unravel the Curse of the Midas Box.

When Doug's father, an Air Force Pilot, is shot down by MiGs belonging to a radical Middle Eastern state, no one seems able to get him out. Doug finds Chappy, an Air Force Colonel who is intrigued by the idea of sending in two fighters piloted by himself and Doug to rescue Doug's father after bombing the MiG base.

The pasts of three brothers and their deceased father collide when a deep, dark family secret is unearthed, leading to a case of revenge from beyond the grave.

Rytų kovų dvikovos dar niekuomet nebuvo tokios seksualios ir viliojančios. Kai "Čarlio angeliukės" pradeda kautis Bruce'o Lee, samurajų ir nidzių stiliumi, o kartais vietoj kardo ar kitokio ginklo panaudoja apatinį trikotažą, tai jos tikrai sugebės "Nužudyti Bilą" ir žymiai baisesnius blogiukus. Keturios jaunos ir žavios merginos gauna kvietimus atvykti į egzotiškąją salą, kurioje vyksta paplūdymio tinklinio turnyras pagal specialias taisykles "Miręs arba gyvas". Tinai, Helenai, Kristinai ir Asumi teks ne tik žaisti su kamuoliu, bet drąsiai stoti į kruviną mūšį, kurio kiekviename lygyje lauks vis stipresnis varžovas.

On the same day that Tom Dunn finds out that he is to become a father again, the people of Earth become plagued with terrifying visions of the end of the world. When a gigantic, all-consuming alien mothership launches a ruthless attack, chaos and destruction follow. The ultimate war for Planet Earth is about to begin...

Džekas Kvinas – teroristas. Jo taikinys - Stavrosas, tačiau šis sugeba pasislėpti, ir negana to, pritvinkęs keršto Kvinui, medžioja jo žmoną. Kvapą gniaužianti kova be jokių taisyklių.

Painter Ha-rim became blind due to an unfortunate accident. His wife Sun-yeong searches far and low for a cornea donor until she meets terminal cancer patient Dae-geun. These two make a startling and dangerous deal for Ha-rim's cornea.

Megamind's former villain team, The Doom Syndicate, has returned. Our newly crowned blue hero must now keep up evil appearances until he can assemble his friends (Roxanne, Ol' Chum and Keiko) to stop his former evil teammates from launching Metro City to the Moon.

When a nun broke her covenant with God to save the life of her unborn son, Aman, he was cursed for life. As an adult, Aman has killed those who have crossed him. But his curse brings his victims back to life and they pursue him for revenge, so Aman enlists a young gunman to fight by his side against his undead victims.