Mother Lissy, father Gerd, son Tom and daughter Ellen: the members of the Lunies family are estranged. But confronted with death, they finally meet each other again.
Marta, a single mother promised to an older farmer in the aftermath of WWII, forges an unlikely friendship with Lorenzo, the village's openly gay "wedding planner." In the conservative backdrop of rural Southern Italy, Lorenzo introduces her to a hidden community of gays, sparking Marta's journey to challenge societal prejudices. In the first year of women's suffrage in Italy, Marta navigates her evolving role as a woman, breaking barriers and finding her place in a changing world.
Després de 25 anys treballant en una cadena, el veterà presentador Howard Beale ha d'abandonar el càrrec pel baix nivell d'audiència. El seu cap i millor amic, Max Schumacher, li dóna dues setmanes per acomiadar-se dels espectadors. Beale, vidu i alcohòlic, queda trastocat i decideix anunciar durant una emissió que se suïcidarà al seu últim programa davant les càmeres. El fet sense precedents provoca una gran expectació i els mateixos companys intentaran convertir la destrucció d'aquest home en un negoci rendible.
Jubei is a masterless ninja who travels the land alone, lending his services to those with gold—or a worthy cause. His fearsome abilities have served him well, but a plot to overthrow the government threatens to end his wandering ways—and possibly his life.
Armand, a 6-year-old boy, is accused of crossing boundaries against his best friend at elementary school. While no one knows what actually happened between the two boys, the incident triggers a series of events, forcing parents and school staff into a captivating battle of redemption where madness, desire and obsession arise.
Eugene té un gran talent per a la guitarra clàssica, encara que el seu veritable somni és arribar a ser una estrella del Blues. Per aconseguir-ho, es posa en contacte amb el llegendari músic Willie Brown, que, després d'una vida marcada per l'èxit, viu en un asil de gent gran.
Samantha’s Montana ranch is her family’s legacy, so when a developer shows up to buy it, Sam isn’t interested. But as he tries to win her trust and her ranch, Sam finds he might also be winning her heart.
Follow the story of how the Old West was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Spanning 15 years before, during and following the Civil War from 1859 to 1874, embark on an emotional journey across a country at war with itself, experienced through the lens of families, friends and foes all attempting to discover what it truly means to be the United States of America.
1885. La cuinera inigualable Eugénie ha treballat per al famós gurmet Dodin durant els últims vint anys. Amb el pas del temps, la pràctica de la gastronomia i la mútua admiració s’ha convertit en una relació romàntica. La seva associació ha donat plats únics, capaços de satisfer els paladars més exigents, però Eugénie valora la seva llibertat i mai no s’ha volgut casar amb Dodin. Ell decideix fer alguna cosa que no ha fet mai abans: cuinar per a ella.
While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he could use to sway the jury verdict and potentially convict—or free—the accused killer.
Ludovic Chevalier és un assassí de menors. Ha matat a tres noies i ha pujat els vídeos a internet. Al seu judici assisteixen dues dones joves, una groupie que creu en la seva innocència i una morbosa i fascinada Kelly-Anne, d’intencions misterioses. A mesura que avanci el judici, totes dues dones aniran experimentant sentiments intensos respecte al cas i la segona, iniciarà una investigació que la portarà al límit de la seva salut mental.
Thelma Post, una àvia de 90 anys, és enganyada per un estafador telefònic que es fa passar pel seu nét i emprèn una cerca per recuperar el que li va ser arrabassat.
A revolutionary militant, a thug, an underground writer, a butler to a millionaire in Manhattan. But also a switchblade-waving poet, a lover of beautiful women, a warmonger, a political agitator, and a novelist who wrote of his greatness. Eduard Limonov’s life story is a journey through Russia, America, and Europe during the second half of the 20th century.
Having lost his job and the company he built, a 36-year-old man at rock bottom goes on a wistful solo trip to Japan in search of the love he left behind.
Després de patir la pèrdua del seu fill, el xèrif jubilat George Blackledge i la seva dona Margaret deixen el seu ranxo a Montana per intentar rescatar el seu nét a Dakota. El nen està sota la tutela de la poderosa família Weboy, ja que la nora s'ha tornat a casar amb un altre home. La matriarca Blanche Weboy, després de descobrir les intencions dels Blackledge, decideix fer tot el possible per impedir que el nen torni amb els avis.
Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.
L’atrafegada vida d'en Peter amb la seva nova parella la Beth i el seu nadó, es capgira quan la seva exmuller, Kate, apareix amb el seu problemàtic i distant fill adolescent, Nicholas, posant a la família en una situació perillosa, canviant el curs de les seves vides per sempre.
França, 1870. La Rosalie no és pas una jove com les altres. Ella amaga un gran secret. Des que va néixer, el cos i la cara estan coberts de pèl i es veu obligada a dissimular-lo per evitar ser rebutjada. És el que es diu una dona barbuda. Però mai no va voler convertir-se en una atracció de fira. Un dia, l'amo d'un cafè amb massa deutes decideix casar-s'hi pel seu dot, sense conèixer-ne el secret. Però la Rosalie està cansada d'amagar-se i vol començar a ser vista com una dona tot i ser diferent. Què en pensarà el marit quan descobreixi la veritat?
Louise, an aimless, 28 year-old Brooklynite, recently single, sort of a musician, depressed without admitting to it, drunkenly falls while doing something stupid and breaks her hip. This lands her in a physical therapy ward full of people twice her age. There, she meets Antonina - a cranky elderly Polish woman, who speaks no English. Louise gets a job caring for her. Neither woman loves the arrangement but it’s time to face the truth about aging. We all have to grow up sometime.
A supernatural thriller in which a hitman, facing an existential crisis, decides to exit the game and leave town with the woman he loves, but his plans are disrupted by a mysterious young man and his ruthless former boss.