巴西里约热内卢的贫民窟,这里是“上帝之城”,更是魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方。  阿炮(Alexandre Rodrigues 饰)带着我们到了这里,他见证了这里二十多年来被残暴、贪婪、复仇、野心、背叛、掠夺所裹挟的混乱生活以及最终导致的一场灾难性的黑帮争斗。虽然从小就要辗转于匪徒间求生存,但胆小怕事的性格与自我保护的本能却使他一直能平安度日。  60年代初,阿毛、阿夹和阿呆是这里的“少年三侠”,在抢劫完旅馆之后,他们三人分道扬镳,阿夹重回上帝的怀抱,而阿呆和阿毛纷纷付出了生命的代价。  70年,当年“少年三侠”手下的小弟小豆子(Douglas Silva 饰)靠着自己的心狠手辣,不停地吞并别人的地盘,成为了贫民区的“小霸王”,生意也从抢劫升级到了更为暴利的毒品买卖,和他一起飞黄腾达的还有班尼(Phellipe Haagensen 饰)。  班尼认识了美丽的安迪丽卡(Alice Braga 饰),准备归隐,在送别的晚会上,他意外被对头杀害,悲痛之下,“小霸王”集合人手给班尼报仇,帮派之间的厮杀就此开始。  此时的阿炮,机缘巧合下成为了杂志社的见习摄影师,他的相机,照下的却是孩子们持枪核弹的狰狞,和帮派间无休无止的仇杀。


  心理学家克里斯•凯尔文(Donatas Banionis 饰)在飞往索拉瑞斯星之前来到儿时的父母家与当年的索拉瑞斯飞行员亨利•伯顿(Vladislav Dvorzhetsky 饰)见面。伯顿警告凯尔文索拉瑞斯星上会有不可思议的奇事发生,但后者并不以为意。凯尔文离开前,当着父亲(尼古莱•格陵柯Nikolai Grinko 饰)的面焚毁了自己的个人物品。凯尔文到达索拉瑞斯星附近的太空站后,对科学家奇巴瑞安博士(Sos Sargsyan 饰)之死进行调查,却发现自己多年前已经去世的妻子哈莉(Natalya Bondarchuk 饰)竟突然出现。惊慌失措的凯尔文与太空站上另三位科学家讨论该如何面对怪事,却发现原来每人都深受其扰,不明就里……   本片被提名1972年嘎纳电影节金棕榈奖,并获同年嘎纳电影节评委会大奖和国际影评人协会大奖。



故事讲述了一个名为尼尔马尔的男人,绑架了内政部部长儿子的故事。   这桩看似简单、平淡的案件,随着尼尔马尔非同寻常的要求,渐渐变的复杂起来。我们不禁好奇,绑架案背后,究竟隐藏着什么?

A cheerful parking attendant considers it his job to do more than validate parking. He wants to validate the customers themselves, delivering compliments about their appearances and the inner qualities behind them. Everyone who comes up to him with a ticket walks away validated as a worthwhile human being. Soon, the parking attendant becomes so popular that people line up for validation...

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.


  故事发生在纽约长岛,大企业家亚瑟(E.G.马绍尔 E.G. Marshall 饰)和同样事业有成的妻子伊芙(杰拉丹·佩姬 Geraldine Page 饰)就居住在这里,两人膝下有子女三名——蕾娜达(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)、乔伊(玛丽·贝丝·赫特 Mary Beth Hurt 饰)和芙琳(Kristin Griffith 饰)。   身为家中的长女,蕾娜达是一位小有名气的诗人,然而,天性浪漫的她却没能拥有一段幸福的婚姻。次女乔伊嫁给了一名电影导演,虽然心中怀揣着文学梦想,但现实中,她不得不做一个跟在丈夫身后的全职太太。小女儿芙琳渴望成为一名演员,但是现实和理想的差距却让她的心中充满了焦虑。亚瑟和伊芙将三个女儿召回了家中,因为他们要宣布一件非常重要的事情——分居。

Misadventures of Colombo, an engineer in Milano. He is the only winner of an admission test for a job, and just for this reason he isn't hired. So he becomes a barman, and he discovers a special formula that turns simple water into the "Immortality drink". He is robbed of the magic water copyright. So he tries to set up a theatrical company, but the first show is a fiasco. Since finding a normal job seems a mission impossible, he tries to set the sentimental side of his life. He targets the most beautiful girl of his building, and for her he builds a robot able to dance like Tony Manero (John Travolta's character in Saturday Night Fever (1977)). The robot gets drunk (!). It is another fiasco. So he targets an ugly girl and finally with her succeeds to live his surreal world for ever.

Tintin is visited in India by a Chinese gentleman who brings him a message. Then, an unseen marksman throws a poisonous dart right into his neck. The only clue Tintin receives from the now mad messenger is that there are problems in Shanghai related to a man named Mitsuhirato.

西德尼·拉夫·戴蒙德爵士(Sidney Ruff Diamond)负责管理开巴山口附近的英国前哨站。在第三步兵团的保护下,你会认为他们是安全的,但卡拉巴尔的卡齐有其他想法,他希望所有英国人都死。但他的部队害怕“穿裙子的魔鬼”,据说他们不穿内衣。

  一年前,劣迹斑斑的jcCallahan(Dorff)警探在一次出了岔子的毒品搜捕行动中被枪击中,然而幸运的是Callahan (Dorff)被一个陌生人所救,从而callahan 有了第二次机会去弥补自己以前所犯的错,但是上天弄人,这个陌生人竟然出来寻求复仇,他引发了一系列对一个tynl的在当地的一个tyw俱乐部攻击,callahan努力的去寻找袭击者去弥补自己过去犯的错。他不顾一切的,最后找到了这个攻击者,将其绳之以法,走上了惩治暴力的正道。历经种种,他还能当好jc和追踪攻击者,同时仍然保持他的声誉干净吗?

The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.

"Ballad of Smokey the Bear" tells the story of how Smokey got his name. Smokey and his forest friends encounter a creature they've never seen before that is starting fires. Smokey finds his calling in dealing with this strange new animal.

The film follows the story of two couples in crisis who are about to break up but who, due to the Lockdown, imposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, will instead be forced into a forced coexistence. The protagonists, through smartkworking, household chores and sports activities, will find themselves living under the same roof, giving life to a comedy full of laughter but also of reflections.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.