After Lisa's brother mysteriously dies, she and her college friends go to her family home for answers. They are shocked to discover that his killer was non-other than the Christmas demon, Krampus.



Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.

Two Hobbits struggle to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom while their friends desperately fight evil Lord Sauron's forces in a final battle.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

A horror short with no dialogue (Advised to watch with headphones)

重返 Nuke 'Em High 班级跟随一对年轻夫妇对抗学校合唱团。 不幸的是,欢乐合唱团已经变异成一个叫做 The Cretins 的帮派。 当其他学生开始发生突变时,我们夫妇必须解开谜团并拯救 Tromaville 高中。

The "Jackpot Island - Kumanthong Returns" continues to spread obsession and doubts about one of Southeast Asia's most terrifying divinities. Who is really hiding behind the evil, monstrous face and holding terrifying secrets? What does a deadly island and the terrifyingly mysterious appearance of monstrous mermaids have to do with this brutal and terrifying spell?

菲利普·德朗布尔(布雷特·海尔赛 Brett Halsey饰)决定完成父亲的遗志,实现他生前留下的实验。但是菲利普的叔叔弗朗索瓦·德朗布尔(文森特·普莱斯 Vincent Price饰)拒绝提供任何帮助。无奈的菲利普只能雇佣艾伦·海因斯(大卫·弗兰克汉姆 David F rankham饰)来帮助自己,并动用父亲留下的资金。可是实验装备还没齐全资金就耗尽了。当菲利普威胁叔叔弗朗索瓦要卖掉属于父亲的那一半财产时,弗朗索瓦突然一百八十度大转弯,不仅态度有所缓和,还答应借给他资金。几经周折,时空交错机器终于启动,它能够将物体分解传输到另一个地方再重组。然而艾伦却是名为罗纳德的一名工业间谍,他的邪恶阴谋正在一步步向菲利普逼近。 这部也是由二十世纪福克斯公司于1959年推出的《变蝇人回归》是1958年拍摄的恐怖电影《变蝇人》的续集,相较于彩色的《变蝇人》本片被拍摄成了黑白影片。1965年二十世纪福克斯公司再次推出它的姊妹篇《变蝇人的诅咒》。

Two young children and an adult in a small town have an encounter with an alien spaceship. 25 years later the children are reunited as adults in the same town which is now beset by strange cattle mutilations. Matters become worse when the cattle mutilations are joined by human murders and mutilations.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.



几年前,一个神秘的串行杀手造成了克里平高中恐慌。凶手一直没有抓到。电影公司,宇宙照片,决定做一个故事片有关这些事件 - 上位置,在现在废弃的学校。由于剧组成员消失无...