A filmmaker recalls his childhood, when he fell in love with the movies at his village's theater and formed a deep friendship with the theater's projectionist.

Mračen triler z poudarjenimi elementi grozljivke Sedem slavnega režiserja Davida Fincherja je brez dvoma eden najbolj slovitih filmskih naslovov zadnjih 20 let...

Film režiserja Rona Howarda prinaša resnično zgodbo o matematičnem geniju Johnu Forbesu Nashu ml. Popelje nas v leto 1947, ko pride mladi Nash študirat na univerzo Princeton na podiplomski študij matematike. Kmalu razvije razpravo o teoriji tekmovanja, ki predrzno izpodbija uveljavljeno doktrino Adama Smitha, očeta sodobne ekonomije. V času hladne vojne s Sovjetsko zvezo mu skrivnostni William Parcher naloži strogo zaupno nalogo: dešifriranje sovražnikovih kod. Tako začne Nash delati za vlado, obenem pa spozna lepo in izjemno bistro študentko fizike Alicio Larde. Ko Nash zboli za paranoično shizofrenijo, ga Alicia spodbudi, naj se začne boriti z neozdravljivo boleznijo. Po letih boja je Nash v resnici premagal tragedijo in naposled prejel Nobelovo nagrado.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.

Vročekrvni mladenič Adonis poskuša postati profesionalni boksar, vendar ne želi svoje kariere zgraditi na slavi svojega očeta Apolla Creeda. Ker ne najde pravega trenerja, se obrne na očetovega starega nasprotnika in kasnejšega prijatelja, legendarnega Rockyja Balboa. Ta je zapustil svet boksa in želi mirno preživeti starost v svoji restavraciji, toda vztrajni Adonis mu znova vzbudi boksarske strasti. Rocky poskuša med neizprosnimi pripravami na spopad z angleškim prvakom Adonisa naučiti svoje filozofije boksanja, a se dvojec ob tem sooča z nepričakovanimi zdravstvenimi in ljubezenskimi težavami.

Lady Bird McPherson, a strong willed, deeply opinionated, artistic 17 year old comes of age in Sacramento. Her relationship with her mother and her upbringing are questioned and tested as she plans to head off to college.

A young man raised by scientists on Mars returns to Earth to find his father.

A victim of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 helps the police track down the killers while struggling to recover from devastating trauma.

Debbie Ocean, kriminalni veleum, zbere ekipo tatov, da izvedejo rop stoletja na letni prireditvi Met Gala v New Yorku.

Z oskarjem nagrajeni Ron Howard režira akcijsko pustolovščino po knjižni uspešnici Nathaniela Philbricka o napetem resničnem potovanju ladje za kitolov Essex. Pozimi leta 1820 kitolovca Essex iz Nove Anglije napade nekaj, kar ne more verjeti nihče: velikanski kit z neusahljivo voljo in domala človeškim občutkom za maščevanje. Resnična pomorska katastrofa je pozneje navdihnila roman Moby Dick Hermana Melvilla – toda njegova pripoved je zgolj polovica zgodbe, ki se je odvijala tisto zimo. Film razkriva grozljive posledice napada, ko se posadka ladje znajde na meji lastnih zmogljivosti in je prisiljena početi nezamisljive reči, da preživi. Viharijo skozi viharje, sestradanost, preplah in obup, pri tem podvomijo v svoja najgloblja prepričanja – tudi v vrednost lastnih življenj in v moralnost lastnega poklica – medtem ko njihov kapitan sredi odprtega morja išče pot, njegova desna roka pa se še vedno trudi ukrotiti gromozanskega kita.

Framed for the murder of her husband, Libby Parsons survives the long years in prison with two burning desires sustaining her -- finding her son and solving the mystery that destroyed her once-happy life. Standing between her and her quest; however, is her parole officer, Travis Lehman. Libby poses a challenge to the cynical officer, one that forces him to face up to his own failings while pitting him against his superiors and law enforcement colleagues.

In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world.

Brad and Dusty must deal with their intrusive fathers during the holidays.

Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

A mild-mannered father is transformed into a killing machine after his family is torn apart by a violent act.

Fuelled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince assemble a team of metahumans consisting of Barry Allen, Arthur Curry and Victor Stone to face the catastrophic threat of Steppenwolf and the Parademons who are on the hunt for three Mother Boxes on Earth.

On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the infamous "Santa Claus Gang". While trying to prove their innocence, the trio explains why they found themselves in such a strange situation.

To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the others, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation.

While driving through the New Mexico Desert during a rainy night, college students Jim Halsey and his girlfriend Grace Andrews give a ride to a hitchhiker. While in their car, the stranger proves to be a psychopath threatening the young couple with a knife, but Jim successfully throws him out of the car. This sets off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever.