A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

America has been fighting the war on terrorism for two decades, and there are more terrorists today, not fewer. The day after 9/11, experts estimated there were around 400 members of al-Qaida. Today, those same experts put that number at over 100,000, including affiliate groups. The question we must now ask ourselves is not only how to prevent more men from joining these groups, but can we deradicalize those who already have?

The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with superficial commitments. Karamfilov choose it as a metaphor for people with huge economic and political power. The funny comedy incorporates a tragic story in which Karamfilov plays two roles: the Big Guy and the Little Guy. Big is tied to the Mafia and the Secret services. Little is an unemployed teacher, squeezed and crushed by the system, which stops his heating and electricity, has his home emptied by a bailiff, and uses him as a tool in a game.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

A retired policeman, Devanathan, begins a new life with his family (which includes his brother and his wife) to keep his past. Devanathan's daughter Anita is a teenager, and his son, Ashwin, is a troubled young man. One morning, a young man named Daniel arrives with a recommendation letter from a priest. One day Devanathan gets into an argument with Ashwin, who goes to Daniel's office. Daniel behaves insanely and begins hurting himself. In the hospital Daniel begins dreaming about Abhirami, threatens Ashwin with a knife and cuts himself. Later, Daniel starts a fire in the house. Ashwin is taken to a mental hospital. Daniel disguises himself and spies on Devnathan's sister-in-law when she is bathing, thinking it was Devanathan. When riding her bicycle, Anita discovers Daniel's motorcycle and is shocked to see Daniel performing rituals for Abhirami.

On the streets, people wander loose, almost free from any attachment like astronauts in space. From that analogy comes 'Moon Street'. While to the spaceships the moon works as reference, in Porto Alegre some cosmonauts find their north on Garibaldi street. Taking over professor's Edward Nkoloso dream and his Zambian space program, this documentary tries to bring the moon and the street together, claiming for a democratic space (urban and cosmic), away from the domain of powerful countries and avenues. How do the urban cosmonauts perceive the stars? The dispute? The dream? Neither USA, or Soviet Union, we searched for space through the free eyes of the forgotten, and many times invisible , street astronauts.

The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers.

An assassin called Filthy Harry is hired by a shady figure and charged with killing the heroes. The men are framed twice for different robberies by King Kong's new girlfriend, nearly committed to a mental hospital by their devious boss, and forced to battle Filthy Harry's weaponry-laden robot while covered with time bombs.

From the onset of the AIDS epidemic, author Larry Kramer emerged as a fiery activist, an Old Testament-style prophet full of righteous fury who denounced both the willful inaction of the government and the refusal of the gay community to curb potentially risky behaviors. Co-founder of both organization Gay Men's Health Crisis and the direct action protest group ACT UP, Kramer was vilified by some who saw his criticism to be an expression of self-hatred, while lionized by others who credit him with waking up the gay community — and, eventually, the government and medical establishment — to the devastation of the disease.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.

Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.

To fremmedgjorte søskende tager til deres afdøde videnskabsmandsfars bondegård for at finde ud af hans ufuldstændige arbejde. De opdager hurtigt, at en ond enhed, begravet i tid og rum i millioner af år, er blevet frigivet og begyndt at skabe kaos.

The story revolves around a woman who has been forced to serve as a sex worker.

A mosaic film about a group of people in the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands strugging with loneliness, hope and love.

A womanizing lawyer spends his holidays in mother's hotel in Corfu. What they do not know is that he has set up an entire trap by his mother and Lanitis entrepreneur, to finally learn what true love. The bait is daughter's trader Diana who plays the role of Mirka.

The Boy and the Bard is simply a amazing short film creation. A short film that you most definitely can't stop watching even though it's 3 min you can watch it again and again. The short film tells a story of a boy and his imaginary friend. This one is a must watch even if you're a fan of Halloween Movies, Halloween Short Films etc. if you're in a mood for something good to watch for short period of time. Click play on The Boy and the Bard you will be amazed. A great performance by Trevor Standish he was incredible. Also a great performance and great work by Dave Campbell, Will Morris, and the entire crew.

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag turns into two profiles that illustrate the many relationships between people.

Lillian Travers, a New York heiress, pops down to Florida to surprise her fiancé, Fred Cassadene, the house doctor at a prominent Saint Augustine hotel. The surprise, however, is Lillian's when she finds Fred in a series of compromising situations with a certain wealthy widow staying there. When she can take no more, Lillian discovers a box forgotten at an old curiosity shop in which lies a hundred-year-old secret: a vial of four rare and exotic African seeds that promises to transform whoever swallows one from a woman to a man or vice versa.

Seeing, Hearing, Saying Nothing. Ben stands with ears, eyes, mouth bandaged.