A mansion, a lawn, some trees: an unmoved frontal view, 9 minutes long. We hear an off-screen voice. It si the co-director, who commands what goes on in the image. He calls up participants while the other co-director climbs a ladder and holds up a cornet that emits smoke and sparks.

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

is the continuation of the Mexican film El Chanfle (1979) Chespirito, which aired in theaters in 1982. At that time the cast of the neighborhood (with some absences: the Carlos Villagran, who decided not to continue working with Roberto Gomez Bolaños by a personal decision, he left in 1979. Ramon Valdez next year decides to accompany him, also leaving to work with Chespirito. returned with him in 1981, but a health problem that was detected in the early 80's, was prevented from participating in this film), it left room for the story of a lowly stagehand football team that achieves his dream beside his wife Tere, of having a child. In this film, the situation is a little different.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Pianist David Helfgott, driven by his father and teachers, has a breakdown. Years later he returns to the piano, to popular if not critical acclaim.

Po krádeži sto miliónov dolárov a úteku z brazílskeho Ria sa tím okolo Dominika roztrúsil po celom svete bez možnosti sa navrátiť domov. Medzitým agent Hobbs sleduje extrémne nebezpečnú organizáciu vodičov za účelom ich dolapenie a odovzdanie spravodlivosti. Ukáže sa, že jediný, kto mu k tomu môže naozaj pomôcť, je Dominikov team, a to výmenou za odpustenie všetkých ich zločinov. Lenže to ešte Dominik netuší, že medzi ľuďmi, po ktorých pôjde, je aj jeho mŕtva partnerka Letty.

Oronzo Canà is called to coach Longobarda, the football team of a small town of Northern Italy, newly promoted to the First Division. His only task is not to be relegated, but Longobarda's owner plots against him, finding the team's current ranking far too expensive, and his top Brazilian striker is affected by a deep saudade.

Antonio and Emma have been separated for years, but he does not accept when Emma dates other men. Indeed Antonio proves obsessive, aggressive and intrusive, and again threatens Emma to hurt the children: little Kevin, shy and introverted, and the adolescent Valentina.

Fantozzi opäť potvrdzuje svoju povesť najväčšieho smoliara na svete - jeho dcéra je tehotná! Našiel sa totiž dobrodruh, ktorý jej v tom pomohol. Fantozzi sa rozhodne pre rázne riešenie, ale nanešťastie je pri návšteve nemocnice radikálny zákrok vykonaný jemu. Po intervencii u prezidenta mu ale lekári prišijú odrezaný úd späť. Navyše Fantozziho, športovca telom i dušou, čaká podniková olympiáda.

The life of Fabio and Miá falls into the rut when differences, which are not few, need to be faced. After Fábio forget the third wedding anniversary, Miá decides to ask for a time in the relationship. When Fábio's grandfather, who lives in Portugal, tells him that he was a widower, he sees on this trip to the funeral an opportunity to save his marriage.

A journalist and his girlfriend get pulled in while they investigate a cult whose leader claims to be from the future.

Režiséra, scenáristu a producenta Viktora Taranskeho (Al Pacino) prenasleduje smola. Jeho posledný film bol prepadák, utiekla mu hviezda jeho nového filmu a štúdio mu zrušilo zmluvu. Napadne ho použiť ako náhradu digitálne vytvorenú herečku Simone a tá sa stane senzáciou!

Zlej kráľovnej sa podarilo získať vládu nad kráľovstvom. Princezná, ktorá utiekla sa však svojho práva len tak ľahko nevzdá a rozhodne sa konať. Za pomoci siedmich vynaliezavých trpaslíkov začína plánovať odvetu. Snehulienka ožíva v novom dobrodružnom príbehu plnom lásky, ale aj žiarlivosti a zrady.

Fantozzi a jeho byvaly spolupracovnik Filini sa zucastnia pohrebu byvaleho kolegu, ale vten den zomrie aj ich dalsi kolega - sportovec. Cestou z dalsieho pohrebu sa tak rozhodu vykradnut banku, pretoze so svojou malou penziou velmi biedne pretlkaju zivotom... Medzi tym Fantozziho zena Pina pripravuje oslavu 40. vyrocia svatby. Na nej sa Fantozzi dozveda, ze sa k nim nastahuje jeho hrozna dcera Mariangela aj s manzelom a dietatom. Pre Fantozziho a manzelku sa zivot stava peklom a su vystahovani do garaze. K tomu vsetkemu sa Fantozzi dozvie, ze je smrtelne chory a tak jeho zena tajne presvedci slecnu Silvani aby s jej muzom stravila vikend na horach.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

Ludstvo stoji na prahu 3-ho tisicrocia, ale niektorym sa cnie skor po svete, aky bol predtym. Napriklad vojvoda Balabam je nestastny z toho, ze zamestnanci uz nemaju taky respekt ako kedysi a on sam sa k nim musi spravat slusne. Cnie sa mu po casoch, kedy mohol svojich ludi ponizovat a vykoristovat. Tiez po Fantozzim, ktory bol priamo vzorom usluzneho a snaziveho uradnika. Balabamova firma sa zaobera genetickym klonovanim. Jej vedenie sa rozhodne poziadat Fantozziho vdovu Pinu o pramienok vlasov po zosnulom manzelovi a pokusi sa ho naklonovat. Experiment sa podari. Uctovnik Fantozzi je opat tu a s nim prichadzaju aj nove malery, ktore ho stretavaju na kazdom kroku, ci uz je vrhnuty do role vychovavatela sefovho syna, alebo prepadne stavkovaniu a musi predstierat, ze vyhral hromadu penazi, alebo su pri oslave Silvestra aj s manzelkou omylom povazovani za albanskych utecencov a su deportovani spat do Albanska. Ako by to nestacilo, zamiluje sa jeho skareda vnucka do podleho striptera.