WrestleMania XXX was the 30th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling PPV event produced by WWE to be held, on April 6, 2014, at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event was the first WrestleMania to be held in the state of Louisiana. This was also the first WWE pay-per-view to broadcast live on the WWE Network service.

We are in the year 2043 and our existence is immersed in a sea of apathy. A reflexion about our evolution as humans.

A meeting with a new inmate in the psychiatric hospital flips Dr. Yehia's life upside down. She prophecies that the death of his entire family is only three days away.

Un misterioso meteorito se estrella en Japón desatando la invasión de cientos de criaturas insectoides conocida como Legión. Las criaturas se dirigen peligrosamente hacia Tokio, obligando al ejército a despertar nuevamente a Gamera, la única criatura que les podrá hacer frente y defender Japón y al mundo entero

On Oct. 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. PT, soon after Al Michaels and Tim McCarver started the ABC telecast for Game 3 of the World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland Athletics, the ground began to shake beneath Candlestick Park. Even before that moment, this had promised to be a memorable matchup: the first in 33 years between teams from the same metropolitan area, a battle featuring larger-than-life characters and equally colorful fan bases. But after the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake rolled through, bringing death and destruction, the Bay Area pulled together, and baseball took a backseat.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

Piolín, Silvestre y Abuelita se van de vacaciones a las Islas Canarias. Sin embargo, cuando la reina de la isla paradisíaca desaparece, Piolín se convierte inesperadamente en el siguiente en la fila para la corona.

Lewis Black goes on tirade after tirade about stupidity in America. He covers everything from corporate greed and Martha Stewart to WMDs and homeland security.

A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.

Chandru's friends make fun of him as he does not have a girlfriend. He points out at a girl claiming that she is his girlfriend, due to which a number of unfortunate events take place in her life.

Moon Blaike (Jimmy Bennet, 'Poseidón') ha vivido toda su vida junto a su padre Oliver en una cueva escondida en los bosques de Alabama, donde ha aprendido a sobrevivir acechado por constantes peligros. Sin embargo, tras la muerte inesperada de su padre, Moon, desorientado y sin más compañía que la del silencio, se ve obligado a buscar un nuevo cobijo en las salvajes tierras de Alaska. En su camino se topa con un amable abogado (John Goodman, 'Argo') que intenta ayudarle, pero el muchacho, atemorizado por las advertencias de su padre sobre los desconocidos, decide huir. Los planes de fuga del muchacho se tuercen cuando un malhumorado policía del, (Clint Howard, El Grinch), le encuentra y le envía a un orfanato...

The boy Mitya fell in love with the girl Olya, but Mitina’s mother suddenly became angry, petty and arrogant. And then true friends, grandparents came to help lovers ...

Aquaman debe luchar contra los enemigos en el aire, en tierra y en las profundidades de los Siete Mares, junto con la ayuda de la Liga de la Justicia.

Una pequeña ciudad de España, octubre de 1955. Isabel, una soñadora de treinta y cinco años que se siente fracasada porque aún no se ha casado, se convierte en el nuevo objetivo de un grupo de bromistas sin alma.

Es 1993. El honorable David Dinkins es alcalde de Nueva York: el primer alcalde negro de la ciudad. Entre un paseo por Central Park, compras de última hora y una visita al árbol de Navidad en el Rockefeller Center, una familia normal y corriente se prepara para celebrar las Navidades. Ella (nunca sabremos su nombre ni los de los otros personajes principales) es de origen puertorriqueño. Él, su marido, procede de Santo Domingo. Inmigrantes o hijos de inmigrantes, vinieron a Estados Unidos para hacer realidad el sueño americano. Para cumplir su sueño hay sólo una actividad posible: la del tráfico de drogas y se dedican a ello como si fuera un negocio normal y corriente. “Cortan” la heroína con precisión farmacéutica y llevan su negocio con el mismo rigor que los directores de empresa. Trabajan duro porque el negocio de la droga funciona 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana. El negocio también tiene sus bandas y sus límites territoriales y raciales.

Anna’s and Thomas’ bandmate was not supposed to die, and Anna was not supposed to kiss Thomas in the aftermath. Nor was she supposed to leave everything and move to Berlin, and Thomas was most certainly not supposed to just show up in Berlin one day, when she’s gotten a new life and moved on from him. But music has its own way.

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

In 1998, three white men in the small town of Jasper, Texas, chained a black man to the back of their pickup truck and dragged him to his death. This film relates that story and how it affected all of the residents of the town, both black and white.

Cinco años después de que la costa este de Estados Unidos fuera devastada en Sharknado 3, Fin, su familia y el universo han estado felizmente libres de sharnados en los años intermedios, pero ahora los tiburones (¡y tornados!) se están multiplicando en los lugares (y formas) más insospechados. Como los sharknado vuelven con más fuerza que nunca, Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering) necesitará la ayuda de algunos nuevos amigos en su incansable lucha para proteger el mundo de la amenaza sharknádica.