Polito is the manager of a courier and parcel branch in Yucatán, who seeks to fulfill his dream of receiving a promotion and having a place in Cancun to move in with his wife Teo and son. Pressured by his wife, he will be willing to do anything to get it and he plans a strategy where he will achieve his transfer but a little further north: Tijuana.

After Carlos is tasked to care for Paola, both characters must work out their differences to make their time together more pleasant. As time goes on, they are faced with lessons about trust, mutual respect, and perhaps love.

Based on a famous Mexican legend, a group of kids must stop the ghost of a woman whose guilt over the drowning of her own children leads her to abduct youngsters who wander the woods at night.

Vivi is a young writer who is forced to find a roommate to pay the mortgage on her apartment. What she does not suspect is that Roy, the supposed perfect partner she found, has a peculiar lifestyle: he never pays rent.

Mob assassin Jeffrey is no ordinary hired gun; the best in his business, he views his chosen profession as a calling rather than simply a job. So, when beautiful nightclub chanteuse Jennie is blinded in the crossfire of his most recent hit, Jeffrey chooses to retire after one last job to pay for his unintended victim's sight-restoring operation. But when Jeffrey is double-crossed, he reluctantly joins forces with a rogue policeman to make things right.

Bridger is a young outsider who's always wanted more. He and his mother flee an abusive home, eventually finding a small town in the middle of nowhere. Once there, Bridger finds true acceptance with another misfit.

Trudna i sama, žena zarobljena u brodskom kontejneru pokušava preživjeti nakon bijega iz razorene totalitarne zemlje.

Ana Paula catches her fiancé cheating. After a night of drinking, she wakes up far from home, not so certain she wants to go back.

Threats from sinister foreign nationals aren't the only thing to fear. Bedraggled college professor Michael Faraday has been vexed (and increasingly paranoid) since his wife's accidental death in a botched FBI operation. But all that takes a backseat when a seemingly all-American couple set up house next door.

Jake Huard, from a shipbuilders family, promised his dying mother he'ld make it to Anapolis Naval Academy. Thanks to tenaciously bugging a Congressman, he's selected despite dubious grades. Once inside, Jake soon proves sub-standard academically. Constantly challenged to his limits, repeatedly made the 'over-cocky' reason for the entire class to suffer, Jake nearly quits, but after facing his utterly un-supportive father's gloating returns just in time. Stubborn Jake finds support withs mates as well as Senor Ali, his lover-to-be, and a discipline he may excel in: the 'brigade' boxing tournament, open to all ranks.

Jonathan Switcher, an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy, an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager, Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.

Troje umirovljenih ubojica vrate se u akciju kad im se putovi ukrste s poštenom policajkom odlučnom da pronađe neuhvatljivog ubojicu.

Redatelj i scenarist filma je Jim Strouse dok je glavna ideja filma preuzeta iz novele Text For You njemačke autorice Sofie Cramer. Glavni lik, Mira, teško podnosi gubitak svog preminulog zaručnika te počinje slati emotivne SMS poruke na njegov broj mobitela. U međuvremenu, njegov broj je službeno dodijeljen novinaru Robu koji je nedavno prekinuo sa zaručnicom te je potpuno izgubio nadu za pronalazak ljubavi svog života. Ipak, njezine poruke počinju ga opčinjavati te se upušta u avanturu i pronalazak neočekivane ljubavne prilike. A pri svemu tome, u tom naumu pomoći će mu jedna, jedina i neponovljiva - Celin Dion, koja glumi samu sebe.

Kada lukavo iskoristi priliku da se uključi u plan pranja novca, skroman radnik na parkingu nađe se u svijetu brze love i auta koji će ga neupitno dovesti do propasti.

One day in 1984, Todd Bowden, a brilliant high school boy fascinated by the history of Nazism, stumbles across an old man whose appearance resembles that of Kurt Dussander, a wanted Nazi war criminal. A month later, Todd decides to knock on his door.

A young woman with psychokinetic powers breaks out of a Louisiana asylum and makes her way to New Orleans, where she falls into the city’s netherworld of misfits and miscreants.

Bježeći od bijesnog zločinačkog šefa, Ashley i njezina mala kći prisiljene su potražiti pomoć od njezina oca kojeg nije vidjela jako dugo. Čini se kao obična starija skitnica s plaže, ali učinkovitost kojom se uvijek iznova s ​​lakoćom rješava do zuba naoružanih progonitelja govori o jednom - tata u prošlosti nije bio tako jednostavan.

Kada programer videoigara oslobodi moćan računalni virus, djeca dvoje tajnih agenata moraju zajednički spasiti svoje roditelje... i čitav svijet.

Nešto užasno je stiglo na Zemlju, nešto što napada dok spavamo i pretvara nas u bezosjećajne kopije ljudskih bića. Sat ubrzano otkucava dok psihijatrica Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) i njen kolega Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) kreću na jezivo putovanje u svijet iz najgore noćne more, u kojem, kako bi preživjeli, moraju ostati budni pod svaku cijenu!

Nesretna vlasnica umjetničke galerije Patrice, ubojica Reggie i njegov šef Gordon upletu se u opasnu avanturu pranja novca. Stvari poprimaju neočekivani preokret kada Reggie postane zvijezda u usponu avangardnog slikarstva. Ovako se nadahnuti zločin pretvara u pravu umjetnost.