Shaggy is selected to participate in the World Invitational Games in London, England.

When Scooby and the gang hear of a werewolf plaguing a traveling circus, they go undercover as circus performers to get to the bottom.

The lives of a young couple intertwine with a much older man as he reflects back on a lost love while he's trapped in an automobile crash.

20 years after his escape from Impel Down, the legendary pirate Shiki, the Golden Lion, reappears causing massive upheaval to the Marines. During his long seclusion, he was able to come up with a scheme to bring the World Government to his knees. On his way to execute the plan, Shiki crosses paths with the Straw Hat Pirates and becomes so impressed with Nami's knowledge of meteorology that he abducts her to forcedly enlist her into his crew. Luffy and the gang end up on a strange land populated with monstrous beasts as they desperately search for Shiki and Nami.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

In 9th century China, a corrupt government wages war against a rebel army called the Flying Daggers. A romantic warrior breaks a beautiful rebel out of prison to help her rejoin her fellows, but things are not what they seem.

Sada kada su Dom i Letty na medenom mjesecu, Brian i Mia u mirovini - a ostatak ekipe oslobođen - svi prividno donekle vode normalan život. Ali kada tajanstvena žena (dobitnica nagrade Oscar® Charlize Theron) uvede Doma u svijet kriminala, on ne pronalazi način izlaska i izdaje sve koji su mu bliski. Svi će se suočiti s kušnjama kao nikada do sad. Od obala Kube i ulica New Yorka do ledenih ravnica artičkog Barentskog mora, naša elitna snaga će pokušati zaustaviti anarhiste i dovesti kući čovjeka koji je stvorio njihovu obitelj.

Slavni dijamant zvan Pink Panther ponovno je ukraden, ovaj put iz nacionalnog muzeja u Lugašu. Lopov pobjegne čuvarima muzeja, no ostavlja podsjetnicu: bijelu rukavicu sa zlatno izvezenim monogramom 'P'. Istragu vodi pukovnik Sharki iz tajne policije, no šah od Lugaša zahtjeva da se pozove i inspektor Jacques Clouseau, koji je trenutno suspendiran sa svog posla u Francuskoj. On je uvjeren da se iza pljačke krije slavni Fantom.

In 1895, Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was the most famous writer in London, and Bosie Douglas, son of the notorious Marquess of Queensberry, was his lover. Accused and convicted of gross indecency, he was imprisoned for two years and subjected to hard labor. Once free, he abandons England to live in France, where he will spend his last years, haunted by memories of the past, poverty and immense sadness.

Lifelong platonic friends Zack and Miri look to solve their respective cash-flow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.

Four young women continue the journey toward adulthood that began with "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." Now three years later, these lifelong friends embark on separate paths for their first year of college and the summer beyond, but remain in touch by sharing their experiences with each other.

Pet godina nakon krvoprolića u kampu Kristalno jezero ostala je samo legenda o Jasonu i njegovoj majci. U obližnjem ljetnom kampu nove savjetnike ne zabrinjavaju upozorenja da se drže podalje.

Bivši CIA operativac (Brosnan) morati će se aktivirati, no ovoga puta zadatak će biti potpunoosobne prirode. Suparnik će mu biti bivši učenik, a u cijelu priču uplesti će se visoko rangirani dužnosnici njegove agencije te sudionici ruskih predsjedničkih izbora...

A man dedicated to religion and very faithful husband suddenly finds himself single. The new shop assistant in his shop will overwhelm his life.

A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district, who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise- Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists.

Daleka postaja Federacije Fort Casey je na udaru buba. Jedan tim na brzom napadačkom brodu 'Alesia' dodijeljen je da pomogne zvjezdanom brodu 'John A. Warden' stacioniranom u Fort Caseyju u evakuaciji preživjelih. Carl Jenkins, sada ministar paranormalnog ratovanja, vodi zvjezdani brod u tajnu misiju prije susreta s Alesijom i nestaje u maglici. Sada su vojnici zaduženi za misiju spašavanja koja može dovesti do mnogo zlokobnijih posljedica nego što su ikada mogli zamisliti...

Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.

Par nailazi na perverznog radnika na benzinskoj postaji koji im prijeti sačmaricom. Kreću napuštenim putem u Teksasu kako bi potražili pomoć, ali se susreću s kanibalističkim klanom koji se želi pogostiti njihovim svježim mesom.

A professor and his students perform a dangerous experiment that causes a young woman to lose her sanity.

Rusima je potrebna pomoć u suočavanju s mafijom i zato traže pomoć od veterana Policijske akademije. Kreću u Moskvu kako bi pronašli dokaze protiv Konstantina Konalija, koji je napravio najpopularniju računalnu igru na svijetu.