Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

След яростните бомбардировки на Рим през лятото на 1943 красивата, вдовица Чезира решава да напусне столицата и заедно с дъщеря си Розета да се върне в родната Чочария. Пътуването е трудно и опасно. След много усложнения, майка и дъщеря стигат до селото само за да открият, че войната ги следва и селото им не е пощадено от разрухата. Двете отново бягат, но междувременно са подложени на страшни жестокости и унижения. Накрая, въпреки всичко, все пак успяват да стигнат до Рим...

След като напуска Фуошан, Ип Ман се установява да живее в Хонг Конг, където го чакат нови предизвикателства и битки. В школата за вин чун, която отваря, постепенно се записват множество ученици, между които бъдещата филмова звезда Брус Лий.

Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio reunite to face a dangerous opponent who was once a member of the Phantom Troupe.

Действието се развива в противоречивото време на войната във Виетнам, а историята е съсредоточена върху американския войник Хейнс, попаднал във водовъртеж от научно-фантастични безумия, когато времево-пространствената материя буквално започва да го променя.

When characters from the movie musical “Wet Side Story” get stuck in the real world, teens Brady and Mack must find a way to return them home.

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

A view of the religious tensions between Muslims and Buddhist through the portrait of the Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu, leader of anti-Muslim movement in Myanmar.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

Asdrúbal is the zoo sweeper, the handyman. One day, when he was feeding the turkeys, he noticed that one of them was talking.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

Амелия която иска да отвори целогодишен магазин за коледни украси, се състезава с Вик за атрактивно помещение. Когато биват принудени да работят заедно, съперничеството им бързо се превръща в любов.

Through five stories, the movie addresses sex and love: Paco and Ana are a marriage looking for reactivate the passion of their sexual relations, long time unsatisfied; Jose Luis tries to recover the affections of his wife Paloma, sit down on a wheelchair after an accident which has limited her mobility; Mª Candelaria and Antonio are a marriage trying by all way to be parents, but she has the trouble that no get an orgasm when make love with him; Álex try to satisfy Natalia's fantasies, while she starts to doubt if he finally will ask her in marriage; and finally, Sandra is a single woman in a permanent searching for a man to fall in love. All them love, fear, live and explore their diverse sexual paraphilias and the different sides of sexuality, trying to find the road to happiness.

For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.

Relive the magic of Thongchai "Bird" McIntyre's captivating performance at Bangkok Youth Center in 1988

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?

An underwater earthquake generates a tsunami that strikes Malibu, bringing a hunting pack of prehistoric-looking goblin sharks to the surface. Although the beach is evacuated before the big wave strikes, a group of lifeguards and a crew of construction workers are stranded in the high water and have to fight the sharks to get to dry land.