A live HBO concert honoring United States veterans in Washington DC.

In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him

Meryl Streep sai Oscarin suorituksestaan puolalaisnainen Sophiena, joka natsien keskitysleiriltä selvittyään on asettunut miehensä kanssa Yhdysvaltoihin. Sophie joutuu jatkuvasti taistelemaan menneisyyden mörköjen kanssa ja perustelemaan itselleen, miksi juuri hän selvisi hengissä. Leffan lopussa selviää karmea valinta, jonka natsit pakottivat Sophien aikoinaan tekemään.

Yksinhuoltajaäiti joutuu Ariel Castron ensimmäiseksi sieppausuhriksi. Castro pitää hänet vankina kodissaan 11 vuoden ajan kahden muun naisen kanssa. Siellä hänestä tulee läheinen kahden muun siepatun naisen kanssa.

Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.

American crime reporter John Jones is reassigned to Europe as a foreign correspondent to cover the imminent war. When he walks into the middle of an assassination and stumbles on a spy ring, he seeks help from a beautiful politician’s daughter and an urbane English journalist to uncover the truth.

In 1930s England, a group of pretentious rich and famous gather together for a weekend of relaxation at a hunting resort. But when a murder occurs, each one of these interesting characters becomes a suspect.

The vicissitudes of three couples of newlyweds from the celebration of weddings to their respective honeymoons.

Two sailors, Joe and Clarence have four days shore leave in spend their shore leave trying to get a girl for Clarence. Clarence has his eye on a girl with musical aspirations, and before Joe can stop him, promises to get her an audition with José Iturbi. But the trouble really starts when Joe realizes he's falling for his buddy's girl.

The murderer “Boss” Huller – after having spent ten years in prison – breaks his silence to tell the warden his story.

As punishment for drunken, rebellious behavior, a young white soldier is thrown into a stockade populated entirely by black inmates. But instead of falling victim to racial hatred, the soldier joins forces with his fellow prisoners and rises up against the insanely tyrannical and bigoted prison warden.

Wealthy Sunny von Bülow lies brain-dead, husband Claus guilty of attempted murder; but he says he's innocent and hires Alan Dershowitz for his appeal.

Hilarious and outgoing, Brittany Forgler, is everybody’s best friend ― except her own. Her partying, underemployment and toxic relationships are catching up with her. She receives a startling wake-up call when a visit to the doctor reveals how unhealthy she is. Motivated to lose weight, but too broke for a gym and too proud to ask for help, Brit is at a loss, until her neighbor pushes her to run one sweaty block. Soon, she sets an almost unthinkable goal: the New York City Marathon.

Young hobos are taken to a new camp to become good Soviet citizens. This camp works without any guards, and it works well. But crooks kill one of the young people when they try to damage the newly built railroad to the camp.

An affair between a literary agent and his best friend's wife, unfolding in reverse-chronological order.

In the last hours of the night, A Night Radio host gets a call of a possible end of the world.

Vuosi on 1973 ja Tukholman Norrmalmstorgissa on kaunis kesäkeli. Bianca on pankkityöntekijä, kahden pienen lapsen äiti ja kuuliainen vaimo. Pankkiin kävellee peruukkiin pukeutunut aseistettu rikollinen Lars, jolla on suunnitelma - ryöstä pankki, vapauta ystävä vankilasta ja kaasuta paikalta tyylikkäällä pakoautolla. Normiryöstö eskaloituu kuitenkin panttivankifarssiksi. Bianca ja Lars ovat eri maailmoista, mutta heidän välilleen päiviä kestävän tilanteen aikana syntyy ainutlaatuinen suhde. Nimitys Tukholma-syndrooma (Tila, jossa panttivanki suhtautuu myötämielisesti kaappaajaansa) sai alkunsa tästä historiallisesta vuoden 1973 pankkiryöstöä seuranneesta panttivankitilanteesta. Elokuva perustuu uskomattomiin tositapahtumiin, mustalla huumorilla kyllästetty Stockholm onnistuu tallentamaan sieppaajan ja panttivangin välille muodostuvan intiimin suhteen tavalla, joka saa katsojankin ymmärtämään käsittämättömän psykologisen syndrooman syntysyitä.

When one of his patients is found murdered, psychiatrist Dr. Sam Rice is visited by the investigating officer but refuses to give up any information. He's then visited by the patient's mistress, Brooke Reynolds, whom he quickly falls for despite her being a likely murder suspect. As the police pressure on him intensifies, Rice decides to attempt solving the case on his own and soon discovers that someone is trying to kill him as well.

Josefina depicts Middle Age Juan's love angle, Juan was a prison guard and the lady he loved's son Sergio was a prisoner in prison, and he loses his job because of his love.

A bank clerk is given an unusual retirement gift, a high class call girl. Unaware that he has been 'set up' by colleagues the man goes with the girl to Venice where he enjoys his new found virility.