A live HBO concert honoring United States veterans in Washington DC.

In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him

Stingo, a young writer, moves to Brooklyn in 1947 to begin work on his first novel. As he becomes friendly with Sophie and her lover Nathan, he learns that she is a Holocaust survivor. Flashbacks reveal her harrowing story, from pre-war prosperity to Auschwitz. In the present, Sophie and Nathan's relationship increasingly unravels as Stingo grows closer to Sophie and Nathan's fragile mental state becomes ever more apparent.

A single mother becomes Ariel Castro's first kidnapping victim, and finds herself trapped in his home with two other women for 11 years.

Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.

Johnny Jones, jurnalist american pentru New York Globe, este trimis în Europa în 1939 pentru a evalua posibilitatea izbucnirii unui al doilea război mondial. La Londra, îl întâlnește pe Van Meer, un bătrân politician olandez, singurul care cunoaște clauza secretă a unui posibil tratat de alianță. După un atac simulat, Van Meer este răpit de spioni naziști, iar Jones pornește să-l găsească în Olanda, ajutat în asta de Carol, o tânără fată al cărei tată conduce o societate pacifistă...

In 1930s England, a group of pretentious rich and famous gather together for a weekend of relaxation at a hunting resort. But when a murder occurs, each one of these interesting characters becomes a suspect.

Un tort de nuntă exploziv simbolizează dificultățile dintre cuplurile căsătorite. Verdone joacă o varietate de roluri: un medic obsesiv care își conduce soția să se sinucidă, un bărbat compulsiv care face sex cu noua lui soție în situații extreme până când plictiseala ia stăpânire și un soț care este forțat să renunțe la luna de miere pentru a avea grijă de membrii familiei lui.

Joe și Clarence sunt doi marinari care petrec câteva zile în Hollywood. Tot ce își dorește Joe este să se simtă bine și să petreacă timpul cu femeia visurilor lui, Lola. Spre deosebire de Clarence, care își dorește să întâlnească orice fată. Cei doi întâlnesc un băiețel care a fugit de acasă și vrea să plece cu ei pe mare. Joe și Clarence îl iau pe copil acasă, iar curând o întâlnesc pe mătușa copilului, tânăra și frumoasa Susan. Clarence se îndrăgostește de ea și îi cere lui Joe să îl ajute să o facă pe femeie să-l placă. Dar la scurt timp Joe se îndrăgostește și el de Susan...

The murderer “Boss” Huller – after having spent ten years in prison – breaks his silence to tell the warden his story.

As punishment for drunken, rebellious behavior, a young white soldier is thrown into a stockade populated entirely by black inmates. But instead of falling victim to racial hatred, the soldier joins forces with his fellow prisoners and rises up against the insanely tyrannical and bigoted prison warden.

Wealthy Sunny von Bülow lies brain-dead, husband Claus guilty of attempted murder; but he says he's innocent and hires Alan Dershowitz for his appeal.

Plină de viață, Brittany Forgler e prietena cea mai bună a tuturor - mai puțin a ei. Petrecerile, jobul prost, relațiile toxice încep să aibă un efect nociv asupra ei. Prea falită pentru un abonament la sală, prea mândră să ceară ajutor, Brit e în încurcătură; până când vecina ei o determină să alerge. Ajunge la un obiectiv inimaginabil: Maratonul din New York.

Young hobos are taken to a new camp to become good Soviet citizens. This camp works without any guards, and it works well. But crooks kill one of the young people when they try to damage the newly built railroad to the camp.

An affair between a literary agent and his best friend's wife, unfolding in reverse-chronological order.

In the last hours of the night, A Night Radio host gets a call of a possible end of the world.

Based on the extraordinary true story of the European city’s 1973 bank heist and hostage crisis that was documented in the 1974 New Yorker article “The Bank Drama” by Daniel Lang. The events grasped the world’s attention when the hostages bonded with their captors and turned against the authorities, giving rise to the psychological phenomenon known as “Stockholm Syndrome.”

When one of his patients is found murdered, psychiatrist Dr. Sam Rice is visited by the investigating officer but refuses to give up any information. He's then visited by the patient's mistress, Brooke Reynolds, whom he quickly falls for despite her being a likely murder suspect. As the police pressure on him intensifies, Rice decides to attempt solving the case on his own and soon discovers that someone is trying to kill him as well.

Josefina depicts Middle Age Juan's love angle, Juan was a prison guard and the lady he loved's son Sergio was a prisoner in prison, and he loses his job because of his love.

A bank clerk is given an unusual retirement gift, a high class call girl. Unaware that he has been 'set up' by colleagues the man goes with the girl to Venice where he enjoys his new found virility.