Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.

Kyung-min lives alone in a one-room apartment. One day, she finds traces of a stranger breaking into her room and soon a mysterious murder case begins to unravel.

A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.

Horrified by the new girlfriends of their respective sons, three sisters-in-law – Clara, a socialite, Matis, a widowed professional, and Nena, a naive housewife – make an alliance to get rid of their undesirable daughters-in-law.

Feeling unhappy with his gun, Jigen is looking for the world’s best gunsmith. He finally finds out that Chiharu, who runs a watch shop, is the person he’s been seeking. Then, Jigen meets Oto, who comes to Chiharu’s shop looking for a gun. Jigen finds out about Oto's secrets and the mysterious organization that’s after her. After Oto is kidnapped, Jigen gets into a desperate battle to save her.

These are the years of the First World War and Dr. Stefano Zorzi spends his days in the Exemption Clinic in a large city of Northern Italy, where he not only takes care of soldiers who arrive from the massacre of the front, but also he fights simulation and self-harm of those who hope to be dispensed, by sending them before the Military Court. If Stefano, in fact, does his utmost to heal soldiers and send them back to fight, Dr. Giulio Farradio makes them ill, or helps them to self-injure seriously enough to be exonerated. The two doctors, who went to university together and were great friends, they not only (secretly) challenge each other on a professional level, but also on the sentimental one: they are both linked to Anna, a courageous nurse with a strong character. But when the great ‘Spanish’ fever epidemic arrived in 1918, the time for love, politics and science ends up getting confused dangerously...

Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.

Obelix kohtaa suuren rakkautensa - suloisen Mimosan. Mutta valitettavasti Mimosa on jo kihloissa komean Tragikomixin kanssa. Roomalaiset vangitsevat vahingossa Mimosan ja Tragikomixin. Heidät lähetetään muukalaislegioonaan, josta Asterix ja Obelix yrittävät pelastaa heidät. Obelix ei kuitenkaan pysty ottamaan vastaan käskyjä keneltäkään ja Asterix hävittää pienen taikajuomapullonsa - ja niin täydellinen sekasotku on valmis. Loppujen lopuksi sankarimme päätyvät gladiaattorikouluun, jossa he näyttävät suurelle Caesarille oppimansa taidot.

A cranky, retired author reluctantly embarks on a final book tour to help out a young publisher.

Three British teenage girls go on a rites-of-passage holiday—drinking, clubbing and hooking up, in what should be the best summer of their lives.

Punahilkka lähtee Tuhkimon kanssa kuninkaallisiin tanssiaisiin ja löytää itsensä keskeltä mysteeriä. Onnistuuko hän selvittämään tapauksen ennen keskiyötä?

When his husband unexpectedly dies, Marc's world shatters, sending him and his two best friends on a soul-searching trip to Paris that reveals some hard truths they each needed to face.

An attorney with a military past hunts down the gang who killed his wife and took his daughter.

Fletch eli Irwin Maurice Fletcher on koomisia mysteerejä ratkova reportteri, joka seikkaili alunperin Gregory Mcdonaldin romaaneissa. Nyt Fletch joutuu rikosvyyhdin keskiöön, jossa häntä itseään epäillään useista murhista. Fletch yrittää todistaa syyttömyytensä ja löytää varastetun taidekokoelman Euroopasta.

Vatnajökull on Euroopan suurimpia jäätiköitä ja peittää reilun kymmenesosan Islannista. Mutta planeetan lämpeneminen vaikuttaa myös tähän mahtavaan jäämassaan. Lumen ja jään sulaessa alta tulee päivänvaloon pitkään haudattuina olleita asioita. Nuori asianajaja Kristin saa käsiinsä kuvia toisen maailmansodan päivistä kadonneena olleesta sotilaslentokoneesta. Ennen kuin hän huomaakaan, tämä löytö sotkee hänet mukaan salaliittoon, jolla on seuraamuksia Islannista Amerikkaan ja jonka juuret ulottuvat natsi-Saksan aikaan. Kristin saa vastaansa niin häikäilemättömiä rikollisia, CIA:n kuin natsejakin, ja he kaikki haluavat salaisuuden, joka kätkeytyy koodinimen "Operaatio Napoleon" taakse.

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

Kansainvälinen toimintaelokuvien supertähti Jean-Claude Van Damme näyttelee Powers Boothen kanssa toiminnantäyteisessä ja hermoja kutkuttavassa trillerissä, jonka tapahtumat sijoittuvat Stanley Cupin loppuotteluun. Darren McCordin tytär kidnapataan ottelun aikana ja kidnappaajat vaativat lunnaaksi miljardi dollaria - heti pelin loputtua. McCordin rupeaa punomaan suunnitelmaa, jonka avulla pystyisi pelastamaan tyttärensä ja samalla estämään uhkaavan räjähdyksen. Aikaa on vain pelin loppuvihellykseen saakka.

Criminal mastermind Mason is about to execute the score of a lifetime when his lover and key member of his crew, Decker, takes the team down and reveals she’s an undercover Interpol agent. Heartbroken, Mason escapes and retires from the life of crime until his younger brother Shawn is out of his league taking on a big bank heist all on his own. Mason has no choice left but to come to the rescue, while Interpol brings Decker in hoping to unnerve him. Before the SWAT teams storm the bank, Mason must use every tool in his arsenal to not only escape with the prize, but also the love of his life.