Sabent que el seu amo Andy, que ja no és un nen, es prepara per anar a la universitat, el vaquer Woody, l'astronauta Buzz i la resta dels amics joguines comencen a preocupar-se davant del seu futur incert. Efectivament tots acaben en una guarderia, on per exemple la nina Barbie coneixerà el maco Ken. Aquesta reunió dels nostres amics amb noves joguines no serà sinó l'inici d'un munt de trepidants i divertides aventures.

When five ragtag freshman first meet in detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But, through music, they form an unbreakable bond and discover they have the makings of the greatest high school garage band in history! In the face of incredible odds, Olivia, Stella, Wen, Mohini and Charlie find they can make a real difference when they learn to lean on each other and let go of everything holding back their dreams.

Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

The gang find themselves in a tinsel-town twist! While on a VIP tour of the legendary Brickton Studios, Scooby and friends get a first-hand experience of the rumored hauntings when classic movie monsters drop in for a creepy casting call.

Dotze anys després de la seva estada en El Cairo, OSS 117 ha de complir una nova missió. Seguint la pista d'un microfilm comprometedor per a França, el cèlebre agent forma equip amb una seductora tinent coronel del Mosad per capturar un nazi xantatgista. Aquesta aventura el portarà de les assolellades platges de Rio als exuberants boscos de l'Amazones, de les grutes secretes més profundes al cim del Crist de Corcovado.

“2048: Nowhere to Run” takes place one year before the events of Blade Runner 2049. The short film focuses on Sapper, a man who is trying to make it through life day-by-day without turning back to his old ways. We’re introduced to both the gentle nature of Sapper and the violence he’s capable of when set off.

A determined detective continues his search for the truth behind Asia's largest drug organization and its elusive boss he has unfinished business with.

Quan R.J. (un entremaliat ós rentador estafador), Verne (una tímida tortuga), i els seus amics del bosc descobreixen que algú ha construït unes cases al seu territori, la primera reacció de la tortuga és ficar-se en la seva closca i retrocedir, però el ós rentador oportunista es dóna compte de les possibilitats que ofereixen els seus nous i ingenus veïns. Verne i R.J. formaran una inesperada associació mentre aprenen a coexistir amb aquest estrany món anomenat “urbanització”, i fins i tot a explotar-lo.

In the mountains of the Basque Country, a mother and her daughter take shelter in a ruined hut that seems uninhabited.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

Després de la mort del magnat del petroli Sir Robert King en un atemptat terrorista al quarter general de l'MI6, la seva filla Elektra hereta una enorme fortuna en jaciments petrolífers al mar Caspi. L'agent 007, que se sent culpable per la mort de King, rep la missió de protegir la noia i, al mateix temps, de netejar el nom de l'MI6. El seu principal enemic és Renard, l'assassí del magnat, un psicòpata, exmembre del KGB amb un passat sinistre: fa anys va segrestar l'Elektra, i ara viu obsessionat amb ella. En aquesta entrega de la saga, Bond es veurà immers en una intricada trama d'interessos geopolítics, assassinats i traïcions, on els secrets que guarda la seva protegida podrien ser fins i tot més perillosos que els enemics que els amenacen.

Greg Heffley is headed for big things, but first he has to survive the scariest, most humiliating experience of any kid’s life – middle school! That won’t be easy, considering he’s surrounded by hairy-freckled morons, wedgie-loving bullies and a moldy slice of cheese with nuclear cooties!

Littlefoot befriends with a mysterious, fun-loving dolphin-like creature named Mo, who is trapped in "new water" caused by heavy rain. The gang then goes on an adventure to the "big water" to bring Mo home.

A prince from Europe meets a charming waitress when he travels to America during the Christmas holiday to escape an arranged marriage.

Després d'enamorar-se de cap a peus de la Giselle, el camí de l'Elliot cap a l'altar pren un lleuger canvi de rumb quan Mr. Weenie és segrestat per un grup de mascotes que tenen la idea de tornar-lo cap als seus amos. Boog, l'Elliot, McSquizzy, Buddy i la resta de les criatures del bosc s'aventuren en una missió de rescat del gos salsitxa i aviat es trobaran en camp enemic: el món de les mascotes.

Samuel Faulkner i la seva xicota Rebecca Taylor són una feliç parella que gaudeix d'una vida estable i acomodada, encara que ella creu que els falta casar-se i tenir fills per ser una família completa. Tot i això, tots dos tindran reaccions molt diferents quan ella es queda embarassada.

A team of trained secret agent animals, guinea pigs Darwin, Hurley, Juarez, Blaster, mole Speckles, and fly Mooch takes on a mission for the US government to stop evil Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. But the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Can they escape to defeat the villain and save the world?

When Sara takes Beethoven to spend summer vacation with wacky Uncle Freddie in an old mining town, the mischievous canine "digs up" the missing clue to a legendary hidden fortune of Rita and Moe Selig. Now everybody wants to be the dog's best friend as his discovery unleashes a frenzy of treasure hunting among the community's cast of kooky creatures. With help from Uncle Freddie and Garrett (a friend or maybe more), Sara and Beethoven try to help uncover a secret that has been in the crazy little town for years.

A happy newlywed marriage counselor's views on wedded bliss get thrown for a loop when she finds out her parents are getting divorced.

Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.