A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.

Originally shot frame by frame and edited in a Super-8 camera, 45 is a psychedelic ode to the Montreal bus line 45, a bus ride from the South of the town all the way to the North. The film soundtrack is composed with the optical sound of 16mm film archives found in a Montreal garbage container.

A biopic on the personal and artistic life of Italian songwriter Fabrizio De André.

In the winter of 1944, the Allied Armies stand ready to invade Germany at the coming of a New Year. To prevent it, Hitler orders an all-out offensive to re-take French territory and capture the major port city of Antwerp.

Garis Hookas – armijos naujokas. Vaikinas užaugo vaikų namuose, kur iki šiol gyvena ir jaunesnysis jo brolis. Tvirto pagrindo po kojomis neturinčiam jaunuoliui į galvą šauna mintis, kad armija yra ta vieta, kur jis galėtų pradėti savarankišką gyvenimą. Tačiau jis nė pagalvoti negalėjo, kad viena pirmųjų jo užduočių bus vykti į pilietinio konflikto zona tapusį Belfastą. Ramaus miesto gatves katalikų ir protestantų riaušės pavertė karo zona. Žmonės suirzę ir įbauginti, o valdžią atstovaujantys kariai – didžiausi jų priešai. Eilinių riaušių metu Garis ir jo draugas atsilieka nuo būrio ir lieka vieni priešiškai nusiteikusio miesto gatvėse. Netrukus sukilėliai bendražygį nušauna, o Garis tik per plauką pabėga.

Išėjusi iš psichiatrinės ligoninės, jauna moteris Li supranta, kad turi pakeisti savo gyvenimą. Ji išmoksta mašininkės amato ir įsidarbina advokato Edvardo biure. Edvardo elgesys su Li keičia ne tik moters išorę, bet ir jos charakterį. Tarp jų užsimezga keisti santykiai.

Spain, 30's. Fabian Insausti (Juan Luis Galiardo), which has become a rich landowner in Venezuela, returns to his hometown due to the death of his mother. One day he decides to visit an old mansion converted into a luxury brothel, and there falls in love with Ana (Maribel Verdú), a young prostitute. He asks her to accompany him, but she is not willing to give up the luxury of home run by Charo, for her real mother. So the owner Fabian offers its pupils move to Venezuela, under the same conditions they have here.

A chilling vision of the House of Saddam Hussein comes to life through the eyes of the man who was forced to become the double of Hussein's sadistic son.

Mažas berniukas užpučia žvakutes ant savo gimtadienio torto ir sugalvoja norą - kad jo tėtis niekada nemeluotų. Aišku, kad advokato, laiminčio visas bylas tik melu, gyvenimas žlunga, mat sūnaus noras išsipildo...

There is just one week until Kate Mercer's 45th wedding anniversary and the planning for the party is going well. But then a letter arrives for her husband. The body of his first love has been discovered, frozen and preserved in the icy glaciers of the Swiss Alps. By the time the party is upon them, five days later, there may not be a marriage left to celebrate.

Remo Street is a young fighter who comes from a world where nothing is easy, so when he is faced with the opportunity to train with a world class coach, he has to choose between the long hard road to honor and glory, or succumbing to a brutal future as a cage fighter for the Russian Mafia.

Originaliame, pirmajame filme „28 dienos po...“ Didžiosios Britanijos sostinėje siautėja galingas virusas. Jo plitimui pakanka menkiausio kraujo lašelio, o virusas pasireiškia žiauria neapykanta visiems, kas dar neinfekuoti. Per keturias savaites Londonas iš klestinčio miesto pavirsta išprotėjusių žmonių nusiaubta dykyne. Likę sveikieji apsisprendžia palikti namus ir mažomis grupelėmis pabėga iš viruso karalyste tapusios sostinės. Naujoje juostoje „28 savaitės po...“ vaizduojami įvykiai prasideda praėjus maždaug septyniems mėnesiams po pirmojo filmo istorijos. Jungtinės Valstijos paskelbia, jog nugalėjo virusą, o didžiulė Amerikos karių ir medikų grupė imasi užduoties sugrąžinti gyvenimą į Didžiosios Britanijos sostinę. Tikėdamiesi vėl gyventi normalų gyvenimą, į Londoną ima grįžti pabėgėliai. Tačiau niekas nežino, kad vieno iš sugrįžtančiųjų organizme tūno mutavęs virusas. Dar galingesnis, dar klastingesnis ir pragaištingesnis. Londono gatvėse užverda tikras pragaras...

Steven Russell leads a seemingly average life – an organ player in the local church, happily married to Debbie, and a member of the local police force. That is until he has a severe car accident that leads him to the ultimate epiphany: he’s gay and he’s going to live life to the fullest – even if he has to break the law to do it. Taking on an extravagant lifestyle, Steven turns to cons and fraud to make ends meet and is eventually sent to the State Penitentiary where he meets the love of his life, a sensitive, soft-spoken man named Phillip Morris. His devotion to freeing Phillip from jail and building the perfect life together prompts him to attempt (and often succeed at) one impossible con after another.

In this fantasy with dragons and flying machines, 10-year-old Marta is determined to find her brother who was kidnapped at Christmastime by a fake Saint Nick because the little boy is blessed with the ability to locate gold. A kindly, wise philosopher-type by the name of Orlando joins Marta in her search, and together they survive a gigantic sleeping dragon and imprisonment in a tower with no clear means of escape. They overcome that hurdle, but later on, Orlando succumbs to the evils of The Plague (an all-consuming woman!) and Marta continues on her search alone. Eventually, she does find her brother -- but that only introduces problems she had never considered.

Athens, August 2012. 45 degrees. The fridge is empty. The situation is very tense. A father changes under the burden of the economic crisis. It's getting dark and its still boiling hot. A capital at the border of exploding.

Maikas grįžta Kalėdų atostogų į savo gimtąjį miestelį su nauja drauge Elizabet. Ši naujiena taip sukrečia buvusią Maiko merginą Šelbę, jog ji tetrokšta vieno – kad Elizabet dingtų iš jų gyvenimo.

Pauline, a devoted and generous home help nurse, raises her two children alone, while also looking after her father, a former steelworker. Taking advantage of her popularity, the directors of an extremist political party suggest she become their candidate at the mayoral elections.

Two friends quarrel in the bar. Larry is upset with Roland’s ignorance, failing to notice his depression. A strange man in his 50s witnesses this seemingly harmless fight and offers them a game. The winner must shoot the loser.

Filmo centre - jaunas medžiotojas D‘Leh, kuris su savo kariais nusprendžia perkirsti didžiulę ir pavojingą dykumą. Pasiryžęs įveikti visus dykumos paruoštus sunkumus, jaunuolis susiduria su aštriadančiais tigrais ir susigrumia su pavojingiausiais plėšrūnais. Įvykių sūkuryje jam teks atrasti dingusią civilizaciją ir išgelbėti mylimąją nuo piktojo genties vado, nusprendusio užkariauti merginos širdį.

Rebecca is a young girl who, haunted by her father’s suicide, enrolls in an elite boarding school for girls. Before long, her friendship with the popular Lucy is shattered by the arrival of a dark and mysterious new student named Ernessa, whom Rebecca suspects may be responsible for the rising body count at the school.