Akce začíná! Joker a Tučňák se pokusí vydělat na nekalém padělatelském podvodu, který ovšem zmaří dynamické trio Batman, Robin a Scooby—Doo! Joker s Tučňákem se nedají odradit a pokusí se ukrást létající oblek, ovšem Scooby-Doo a jeho parta, s drobnou pomocí, dokáží přivést tyhle nebetyčné darebáky zpátky na zem.

The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.

Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

Filmed over 3 years in Homs, accompanying 2 outstanding young men from the time they were only dreaming of freedom to the time when they are forced to change course. Basset, the 19yo national football team goalkeeper, who became an outspoken demonstration leader in the city, then an icon revolution singer, till he becomes a fighter... a militia leader. Ossama, his 24yo friend, renowned citizen journalist, cynical pacifist... as his views are forced to change, until he is detained by army secret service. It is the story of a city, of which the world have heard a lot, but never really got closer than news, never really had the chance to experience how a war erupted. a modern times epic of youth in war time.

Seven former college friends, along with a few new friends, gather for a weekend reunion at a summer house in New Hampshire to reminisce about the good old days, when they got arrested on the way to a protest in Washington, D.C.

BIFA-nominated psychological thriller. “Everyone’s got a secret, something they hide…” When a small time criminal returns to London he unravels a catastrophic secret about the murder of his brother. Twisting and turning, this dizzying journey into the mind of a criminal at his darkest hour keeps the viewer guessing until the final frame. An intense and mind-bending crime noir shot on 35mm.

Film Návrat na zapomenutý ostrov je pokračováním kasovního trháku Zapomenutý ostrov. Čtrnáctiletá Nim touží víc než kdo jiný chránit svůj milovaný ostrov i zvířata, která ho obývají. Když jejich domov začnou ohrožovat bezcitní stavitelé hotelů a chamtiví pytláci, Nim pochopí, že k záchraně ostrova bude muset spojit síly s cizincem Edmundem, uprchlíkem z pevniny. Jen s jeho pomocí se může postavit na odpor zloduchům ničícím jejich svět.

Michel, the jovial owner of the only café in a small Normandy town, sees his life turned upside down when his teenage daughter is murdered. The community has his back but soon rumor spreads and Michel is singled out. From the ideal father, he becomes the ideal culprit.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Renowned producer, director and writer Judd Apatow makes his long-awaited return to stand-up comedy with this new special shot in Montreal.

Essentially one long chase scene, in an urban setting; at the end, a dog joins in, to Jerry's annoyance.

Le Ying zůstává doma už mnoho let a nic nedělá. Po absolvování vysoké školy a po určité době, kdy pracovala, se Le Ying rozhodla stáhnout ze společnosti a neudržovala kontakt se svým společenským prostředím. To byl podle ní nejlepší způsob, jak se "smířit" sama se sebou. Jednoho dne se díky několika "hříčkám" osudu rozhodla změnit svůj život.Potkala trenéra boxu Hao Kuna. Když už si myslela, že se její život dostane na správnou cestu, život ji znovu prověří.

Hned dvě naprosto nečekané dvojice se spolu musí vydat na dobrodružství a na cestu plnou karambolů a zábavy. Načančaná Monika si hýčká svou internetovou celebritu, kočku Divu. Zloděj Jack právě šlohnul exklusivní drahokam. Jeden psí podvraťák mu ho spolknul, a tak si ho osvojil. Všichni mají stejnou cestu letadlem, jenže zatímco páníčci bez problémů vzlétnou, kočka a pes vypadnou ze zavazadlového prostoru a zůstanou trčet na zemi. Kromě počtu nohou snad ani nemohli být rozdílnější. Přesto se shodou řady událostí spolu ocitnou nafoukaná kočka a zatoulaný pes. A stovky mil od nich se musí spojit vyfintěná Monika a hledaný zloděj. Lidská dvojice se vydává hledat své opravdu drahé a cenné miláčky...

Tom is chasing Jerry through the back yard. Jerry escapes to a bird house. A bit more chasing. Jerry crashes into the wall. Both decide they've had enough, and wave the truce flag; they go to the movies of themselves, which is an excuse for another bargain clip show. The truce doesn't hold, and eventually the characters on screen stop and take notice.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Two young children and an adult in a small town have an encounter with an alien spaceship. 25 years later the children are reunited as adults in the same town which is now beset by strange cattle mutilations. Matters become worse when the cattle mutilations are joined by human murders and mutilations.

F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.

Izzy prožívá totální dno své existence. Navíc se dozvídá, že má její bývalý přítel Roger zásnuby. Proto se narychlo a bez peněz pokusí dostat přes celé Los Angeles, aby zásnuby překazila a získala ho zpět.