3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!

The evil is set to damper another Christmas season for the children's home. Can the Scooby gang warm his heart?

On the way to Daphne's relatives' condominium, the Mystery Inc. gang detours through the town of Winter Hollow, where the vengeful Headless Snowman has destroyed the town's Christmas spirit.

All alone, Yellow Guy tries to stop a lamp from teaching him about dreams. While Red Guy finds out the truth about the puppets' existence.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.

Nakon godina ratovanja, Federacija i Klingonsko carstvo pripremaju se za mirovnu konferenciju, kada navodni napad Enterprise-a gotovo uništi jedan klingonski brod. Oba svijeta pripremaju se za mogući posljednji, pogubni susret.

Radnja filma ponovno se vrti oko multimilijardera Tonyja Starka (Downey Jr.) koji se suočava sa sve većim pritiskom vlade, javnosti i novinara koji ga pokušavaju natjerati da podijeli svoju tehnologiju s vojskom što on nikako ne želi učiniti, jer se boji da bi ista mogla pasti u krive ruke. Uz pomoć vjerne Pepper Potts (dobitnica nagrade Oscar Gwyneth Paltrow) i Jamesa "Rhodeyja" Rhodesa (nominiran za nagradu Oscar Don Cheadle), Tony će stvoriti nove saveze i oduprijeti se moćnim, zlim snagama.

Ruske i britanske podmornice s nuklearnim raketama obje netragom nestaju. Engleska i Rusija međusobno se krive dok James Bond pokušava riješiti zagonetku brodova koji nestaju. Ali KGB također ima agenta na slučaju.

In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road…

Britanski špijunski brod potonuo je i na njemu se nalazio hi-tech uređaj za šifriranje. James Bond je poslan da pronađe uređaj koji sadrži britanske upute za lansiranje prije nego što ga neprijateljski Sovjeti prvi nađu.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Gamera escapes from his rocket enclosure and makes his way back to Earth as a giant opal from New Guinea is brought back to Japan. The opal is discovered to have been an egg that births a new monster called Barugon. The creature attacks the city of Osaka by emitting a destructive rainbow ray from his back, along with a freezing spray capable of incapacitating Gamera.

Nasljednik Jigsaw ostavštine je detektiv Hoffman kojem se približava FBI te je on prisiljen ponovno pokrenuti zloslutnu igru.

A 1988 documentary film directed by Alexander Sokurov, about the later life and death of Soviet Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. The film was originally intended to mark the 50th birthday of Tarkovsky in 1982, which would have been before his death. Controversy with Soviet authorities about the film's style and content led to significant delays in the production.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.