1. Lovers' Eyes 2. Little Lion Man 3. Below My Feet 4. Roll Away Your Stone 5. Lover Of The Light 6. Thistle & Weeds 7. Ghosts That We Knew 8. Awake My Soul 9. Whispers In The Dark 10. Dust Bowl Dance 11. I Will Wait 12. The Cave English folk rock band captured live in performance at the Red Rocks Ampitheatre in Colorado in summer 2012. As well as footage of the concert itself the journey of the band to Red Rocks is explored, from their humble origins in the West London music scene to their ability to sell out the spectacular 10,000 capacity open-air amphitheatre.
Two different social classes collide when Cary Scott, a wealthy upper-class widow, falls in love with her much younger and down-to-earth gardener, prompting disapproval and criticism from her children and country club friends.
The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.
Serial murders involving all kinds have happened. All the victims are from a Music School led by a famous pianist. Conan and company have been invited to a opening concert of the Music Hall built by the pianist. The biggest attraction of this concert is the world famous violin called "Stradivarius" and a special appearance of a singer who has perfect pitch.
A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in a small fishing village, only some children who stare at them and smile mysteriously.
Година след изчезването си, гениалният Фантомас обявява по телевизията, че възнамерява да построи секретно оръжие, което ще го направи господар на света.След като разбира че Фантомас се опитва да отвлече професор Льофабър, Фондор заема мястото на професора на научна конференция, за да залови злия гений. Разбира се, нищо не се развива по план и благодарение на гафовете на комисар Жюв, Фантомас отвлича истинския професор, както и приятелката на Фондор - Елен.
За да се отърве от досадното ухажване на влюбения в нея 40-годишен Антоан, красивата Патриция предлага на млад шофьор да се представи за неин съпруг. Избраникът почти успява да изиграе ролята... си, но попада в едно семейство, обърнато с краката нагоре заради необмислена покупка на фалшиво петролно находище на брега на Ориноко.
When Chris Watts stoically yet smirkingly pleaded to television cameras for the safe return of his missing pregnant wife Shanann and their two young daughters, dark secrets loomed just beneath the surface.
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.
Declassified FBI and CIA documents help director Paul Davids unravel the puzzle of Marilyn Monroe's demise, which was officially ruled a "probable suicide," while providing detailed evidence supporting the conclusion that Marilyn was murdered.
Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.
Слeд като cама напада нeпpeвзeмаeмата кpeпоcт на коpпоpацията „Umbrеllа”, cвpъxчовeшкитe cили на Aлиc cа нeутpализиpани. Бягайки от пълчищата зомбита, заpазeни c Т-виpуc, тя ce cъюзява c Клep Рeдфилд и нeйния бpат Кpиc. Заeдно c дpуги оцeлeли, тe тъpcят убeжищe в изоcтавeн затвоp, къдeто cвиpeпа оpда зомбита cтои мeжду тяx и бeзопаcноcтта на „Arсаdiа”. За да избягат от кpъвожаднитe мутанти им e нeобxодим огpомeн аpceнал. Hо изпpавянeто им cpeщу Aлбъpт Уecкъp и коpпоpация „Umbrеllа” щe пpeнece битката им за оцeляванe на cъвceм дpуго ниво.
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
Дълбоко под Ламанша се води битка, в която военни престъпници заплашва да взривят тунела, ако не получат солидна сума. Maлкa apмия oт дoбpe oбyчeни вoeнни пpecтъпници вoдeни oт Гpeйc Лyиc (Pyби Poyз) и Лacлo, влизaт в тyнeлa пoд Лaмaншa. Ocвeн чe имaт 400 зaлoжници, тe иcкaт дa взpивят тyнeлa и дa oбявят икoнoмичecкa вoйнa нa пpaвитeлcтвoтo, кoeтo имa coбcтвeн дял дoбpe yкpит c дълбoкa тaйнa. Дoкaтo имaт твъpдe мнoгo зaлoжници, eдин чoвeк зacтaвa нa пътя им – oпepaтopът нa ЅАЅ Toм, кoйтo e cкpит някъдe във влaкa. Cъc Coфи жeнaтa, кoятo oбичa, Toм имa caмo eдин шaнc, c кoйтo мoжe дa cпpe бaндaтa. кpecтъпнaтa гpyпa иcкa 500 милиoнa или в пpoтивeн cлyчaй щe взpиви тyнeлa. Bъпpeки oбтeгнaтитe cи oтнoшeния c жeнa cи, Toм ce нaмecвa в пpeгoвopитe, кaтo cъc cъвкyпнocт oт интpиги и бopбa зa чecт, ocyeтявa тexнитe плaнoвe.
The tough Detective Vares, get hired by a friend accused of murdering a girl. His job is to find the real killer, but people aren't talking. Before he can get traction another homicide takes place- and things move toward a dire conclusion.
Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.
To live and to love at the age of 18, immersing yourself in the carefree summer days and nights, losing your best friend suddenly, and realizing that nothing lasts forever. It’s a time of decisive encounters in order to be reborn.
Два от най-големите и ужасяващи люспести хищници в природата ще впият зъби един в друг. Когато гигантски питон се измъква от частен терариум, ФБР трябва да освободи също толкова голяма боа, която да го открие и победи. Междувременно група ловци-богаташи се опитват да уловят питона като трофей за себе си.