În urma unui tragic atac armat de la o școală, doi părinți îndoliați trec printr-un vid emoțional în timp ce își plâng copilul dispărut.

Acest film este făcut în memoria lui Gabriele Sandri, suporterul italian împușcat de un polițist la un meci de fotbal. Filmul ne arată cât de corupți sunt polițiștii italieni mai ales când vine vorba să se acopere unul pe celălalt și cât de violenți sunt la meciurile de fotbal sau chiar pe stradă față de tineri sau bătrâni. Atunci când băiatul unui jandarm intră într-o așa-zisă bandă care militează pentru expulzarea românilor și albanezilor din Italia, lucrurile iau o turnură nefastă.

A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences.

The usual gang of robbers are hired by a thief from Milan to steal a suitcase full of money, but troubles will hinder the success of the operation.

Biopic about Jorge Maria Bergoglio before he became Pope Francis I.

Andrea is having a bad luck with girls. Maybe because he's only man in his big family which include mother, three sisters, grandma, nurse and a dog which is of course female also.

In a large villa on Lake Como, everything is ready to celebrate Elio and Caterina's wedding. It will be the most beautiful day of their lives and also of their parents' lives, especially their respective fathers, Giacomo and Giovanni. Too bad that together with Margherita, Giovanni's ex-wife and mother of the bride, Aldo, her new partner, also arrives at the wedding. Friendly, outgoing and above all a total troublemaker. Giacomo and Giovanni try to contain him in every way, but under Aldo's blows, cracks open up from which a hidden malaise emerges, destined to call into question the friendship between Giovanni and Giacomo, their marriages and more. And that will force everyone to deal with their own doubts and with the courage it takes to allow themselves happiness.

Needing good PR, a snooty princess orchestrates a brief romance with an ordinary guy. But the schlub she picks proves more resourceful than expected.

A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.

Gay couple is jeopardized when one of them falls for a sexy woman.

When Casey, a dancer who is discovered on YouTube, gets thrust into the modern world of internet celebrity and culture, she must find a way to balance her true identity with her online persona, or risk losing everything she cares about.

După ce ratează examenul la Academia de poliție, Chris Potamitis își gășește o slujbă ca agent de securitate la compania de mașini blindate Empire State. Chris face greșeala să-i spună prietenului său cel mai bun, Eddie, despre punctele slabe ale sistemului de securitate de la Empire State și curând se trezește târât într-un scenariu elaborat de jefuire a sumelor uriașe de bani care se află acolo: cea mai mare lovitură din toată istoria Statelor Unite! Însă James Ransone, un veteran al poliției din New York le suflă în ceafă și nici șefii mafiei locale nu stau tocmai liniștiț!

A movie based on the italian sitcom "I Soliti Idioti".

În această reinterpretare a cunoscutei povești, o sirenă ținută închisă la circ transformă viețile unui ziarist sceptic și a candidei sale nepoate.

2015: Hell is in chaos. A host of new sinners arrive every day to crowd Minos' offices. But Hell is an old, antiquated structure: the new sinners, not finding a right place, are dispersed among the circles. Lucifer is received directly by God, who seeks a solution. The winning idea is a cataloging of the new sins on Earth. And who to entrust the task to if not Dante Alighieri, who already once, in his time, carried out this task with excellent results? Dante is thus catapulted into a large Italian city, and finally finds his guide, the one who will accompany him in search of the "new sins": Demetrio Virgilio, a precarious thirty-year-old who is preparing, like every morning, to face another "day of Hell".

I Soliti Idioti return to the cinema ten years after the second film and many things have changed in the world. We will see the most beloved characters compete with the contemporary, with the same cynical and amused eye that distinguished the previous episodes. This new adventure focuses on a current and universal theme: the family.

Five deadbeat, sex-crazed friends forge their resumes to enroll in the prestigious University of Oxford to help one of them end up with the girl he's in love with.

Antonio and Giuseppe meet at the hospital, while awaiting the birth of their respective first children. The two leave together for a quick lunch, ending up involved against their will in an odyssey of amusing setbacks and bizarre characters.

În urma unei tragedii, o mamă şi fiul său adolescent se mută în casa de vacanţă a unei rude, unde forţe stranii si inexplicabile conspiră împotriva lor.