"Jennifer Lopez: All I Have" was the first concert residency by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Performed at Zappos Theater (formerly The AXIS Theater) located in the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, the residency began on January 20, 2016 and concluded on September 29, 2018. The show has received critical acclaim for its production and Lopez's showmanship. The residency grossed $101.9 million after 120 shows, making it the sixth highest-grossing Las Vegas residency of all time, and the top residency by a Latin artist.

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

A 2006 Singaporean film and the sequel to the 2002 film, I Not Stupid. A satirical comedy, I Not Stupid Too portrays the lives, struggles and adventures of three Singaporean youths - 15-year-old Tom, his 8-year-old brother Jerry and their 15-year-old friend Chengcai - who have a strained relationship with their parents. The film explores the issue of poor parent-child communication.

From the birthplace of boxing legend Mike Tyson, young women brawl in secret fight clubs to win $1000 and invaluable street cred.

Jurassic Fight Club, a paleontology-based miniseries that ran for 12 episodes, depicts how prehistoric beasts hunted their prey, dissecting these battles and uncovering a predatory world far more calculated and complex than originally thought. It was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.

On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!

Lea is a tour guide in Japan who suffered from temporary blindness and if not cured in a few weeks could be permanent. Tonyo who lives right across from Lea is persistent and determined to be her friend. They then become closer and Lea has seen the true character of Tonyo.

In the fifth installment of the Cine Gibi series, Smudge and Jimmy Five find themselves engaged in a lively debate over the ultimate action film. Seeking a resolution, they turn to their friend Franklin, known for his inventive prowess, to organize yet another round of projected comic book film sessions using his colossal blender.

Sean sa vydá z ulíc rodného Miami do Hollywoodu, kam ho ťahá vidina slávy a bohatstva. S krásnou a tvrdohlavou Andie si založia novú tanečnú skupinu, ktorá to napriek všetkým prekážkam dotiahne až do finále televíznej talentovej súťaže. Veľké finále v tanečnej aréne v žiariacom Las Vegas znamená nielen miliónovú výhru, ale aj budúcu kariéru všetkých zúčastnených. Nie je to ale tak jednoduché. Vo finále sa proti Seanovi a jeho skupine postavia nielen jeho dávni nepriatelia, tanečná skupina Grim Knights, ale aj jeho vlastní bývalí parťáci. Aby mohli zvíťaziť, musí pustiť k vode všetky staré antipatie a žiarlivosti a sústrediť sa na to, čo vedia najlepšie, a to je tanec.

This time taking on the rival Tung Sing triad, who is attempting to usurp Hung Hing influence in Hong Kong by having Tung Sing member Crow frame Ho Nam for the murder of Hung Hing Chairman Chiang Tin Sang. On the plus side, Chicken finds a new love interest in Wasabi, the daughter of the comedic priest, Father Lethal Weapon Lam.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

In order to make his little sick brother's dream come true, Leo and his best mates organize a fake score...but on the d day, they make a mistake and the fake score becomes a real hold up.Here starts the extraordinary adventure of PUBLIC Amis.

Christel Wyttová odchádza z rodného mesta Alexander Valley do San Francisca a cestou rozpráva o tom, čo predchádzalo tomuto zásadnému životnému kroku. Na svadbe svojej staršej sestry Becky sa stredoškoláčka Christel zoznámi so Spencerom Hillom, bývalým veliteľom svojho švagra Toma vo Vietname, ktorý neskôr získal právnický titul. Na prvý pohľad medzi nimi preskočí iskra sympatií. Christel na Spencera deň čo deň romanticky myslí a Spencer na ňu tiež, ale nezdá sa mu reálne spájať svoju budúcnosť s takým mladým dievčaťom. O rok neskôr sa na pár okamihov stretnú na krstinách Beckinho syna a potom ich život opäť rozdelí. Spencer sa ponáhľa do New Yorku, aby pomohol s prípravami na primárky senátora Kennedyho, a Christel sa zdá byť predurčená zostať na rodinnom ranči, hoci sníva o kariére speváčky. Po smrti Teda Wythea, ktorý držal ochrannú ruku nad svojou mladšou dcérou, Tom znásilní Christel...

Pokračování příběhu Dědy Mizery nabízí zcela nový pohled na život Irvinga Zismana. Spousta bonusových scén a legrace za přispění Spika Jonze a Catherine Keenerové. Fanoušci Jackass se mohou těšit na zlobivé alter ego Johnnyho Knoxvilla.

Within the confines of an insane asylum languish many would-be seers and messiahs. Medical students meet them day in, day out. But when Eve meets Don Wake, she discovers he's not your run-of-the-mill paranoic. In fact, his visions of her life on the outside tread the line between fantasy and reality as a stalker becomes known to her. She could be in danger; it could all be in her head.

V piatom pokračovaní úspešnej filmovej série si šťastne ženatý pár Dan a Jody prinesie z nemocnice novonarodené bábätko. Krátko nato sa v dome začnú diať čudné veci. Keď zlá energia prenikne aj do ich práce -Jody je baletka a Dan pracuje na výskume ľudoopov - uvedomia si, že ich rodinu prenasleduje desivý démon. Spoločne, za pomoci tímu špecialistov a videokamier, musia nájsť riešenie ako sa démona zbaviť, kým nebude príliš neskoro.