Young Petter moves together with his family from a happy life in a rural fisher's village to a rough community and school life in the city of Oslo.

由士力架和《WWE 2K24》联合为您呈现的第四十届WrestleMania将于东部时间4月6-7日晚7点(北京时间4月7-8日早7点,垫场秀于5点开始)在宾夕法尼亚州费城市的林肯金融球场(Lincoln Financial Field)举行! 赛事主题曲: “Gasoline” by The Weeknd WWE环球冠军赛(主战赛): Roman Reigns (c) vs. Cody Rhodes 注:本场比赛规则由前一日主赛结果决定: 若The Bloodline获胜,那么本场比赛将是“血亲规则”; 若Cody Rhodes & Seth "Freakin" Rollins获胜,那么本场比赛所有血亲家族成员将禁止出现在擂台边 WWE女子冠军赛: Iyo Sky (c) vs. Bayley 美国冠军三重威胁赛: Kevin Owens vs. Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton 世界重量级冠军赛: Seth "Freakin" Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre 单打赛: LA Knight vs. AJ Styles 费城街头赛: The Pride (Bobby Lashley, Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)vs. The Final Testament (Karrion Kross, Akam & Rezar)

The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with superficial commitments. Karamfilov choose it as a metaphor for people with huge economic and political power. The funny comedy incorporates a tragic story in which Karamfilov plays two roles: the Big Guy and the Little Guy. Big is tied to the Mafia and the Secret services. Little is an unemployed teacher, squeezed and crushed by the system, which stops his heating and electricity, has his home emptied by a bailiff, and uses him as a tool in a game.

A lesbian couple calls upon a donor by internet to have a child. The relationship that develops between the future biological mother and the donor will not be without consequences for the couple.

Laundry Juice Productions' debut film. A surrealist short film about a teen who doesn't eat his breakfast.

阿king(刘德华 饰)当年因出千被捕,事实上他是被人陷害的。出狱时他为他接风的是崇拜他已久的化骨龙(张家辉 饰),化骨龙是个终日无所事事的人,希望能跟着king有所作为。出狱后的king到处寻找已怀孕的妻子(张慧仪 饰),与当日的得力助手(张锦程 饰),后来King与化骨龙妹妹晴(朱茵 饰)产生了好感。King得到Rocky(吴志雄 饰)的帮助上了赌船,碰见了多年前便想交手的马交文(高捷 饰),king想与之一决高低,却遭到马交文的手下省镜(李子雄 饰)陷害,揭开了king的底细更想进一步迫害king,king又能否躲过劫数呢?

Short film combining music from Jerzy Petersburski and text from Claude Cahun, Susan Coolidge and Maya Deren.

Two estranged siblings go to their late scientist father's farmhouse to make sense of his incomplete work. They soon discover an evil entity, buried in time and space for millions of years, has been released and begun wreaking havoc.

Law officer goes undercover as member of gang of murderous highwaymen.

Told entirely without dialogue, Hush Hush follows a conservative newlywed couple whose failed attempts at intimacy lead them down separate paths of sexual self-discovery.

三名非法毒品贩子乘坐一艘自制潜艇踏上了航程。潜艇最初运作良好,但后来开始出现故障。为了减轻重量,他们在调查货舱时发现了一个年轻女性蕾娜,她看起来很糟糕。情况变得更糟,三个男人之间的紧张局势加剧,而在这个过程中,蕾娜试图逃跑,但在无尽的大海中无处可去。 在这个非同寻常的潜艇环境中,除了地平线,什么都看不到,潜艇捕捉到了人物之间的冲突紧张氛围以及他们为生存而奋斗的斗争,同时,潜艇环境本身引起了极度的幽闭恐惧和焦虑。

In the autumn of '43, Mina, a little girl of Jewish origin, is entrusted to farmers in the Cévennes. Shocked by Jeroboam's frustrated manners and Deborah's cruel reflections - who is still suffering two centuries later from the struggle between Protestants and Catholics - Mina thinks she'll find refuge with Jeannot. But the young boy doesn't like girls and mistreats Mina. Fortunately, she has a friend: the village pastor. Thanks to him, she can go to school. Despite their constant bickering, Mina takes a liking to Jeannot. She convinces him to come to school with her. Together, they go for walks or take advantage of the passage of maquisards to force open the cellar door where hams hang! The arrival of an "informer" at the little school and encounters with the Germans disturb Jeannot.

A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to prison in place ofthe "sheriff" of his gang. He naively hopes that the sheriff will appreciate his gesture and leaves the stolen goods in a safe hideaway to later divide them fairly among the gang members. This conviction gives Jakub the strength to endure the unbearable conditions in the center. But reality is often much harsher than naive ideals and hollow relations in the gang.


Exposes the down and dirty schemes and calculated market manipulation behind the glitter of Wall Street. It is a must see for anyone who has ever lost money in stocks...or fears they're about to.

Mammootty and Arjun are tough police officers. They analyse farmers struggle and related social violence to put forward an amicable solution to have lasting harmony. They are highly disturbed by the terrorists' infiltrations. Sneha, an Aviator, is Mammootty's wife and they are sad that they don't have a child. The rest of the story deals with how they counter act against the terrorists and save the land.

Sotiris Moustakas is Periklis, a barber with financial problems.