A compilation of over 30 years of private home movie footage shot by Lithuanian-American avant-garde director Jonas Mekas, assembled by Mekas "purely by chance", without concern for chronological order.

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

Los Andželas. Šeštasis praėjusio amžiaus dešimtmetis. Miesto mafijos bosui Mikiui Koenui atsidūrus už grotų, mieste nusirito žmogžudysčių banga. Aukos - artimiausi Koeno bendražygiai. Akivaizdu, jog kažkas aktyviai veržiasi į laisvą mafijos tėvo vietą. Pagrindinis vaidmuo šioje istorijoje tenka Los Andželo policijai.

An alcoholic ex-football player drinks his days away, having failed to come to terms with his sexuality and his real feelings for his football buddy who died after an ambiguous accident. His wife is crucified by her desperation to make him desire her: but he resists the affections of his wife. His reunion with his father—who is dying of cancer—jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son.

The Alchemist assembles together a group of people from all walks of life to represent the planets in the solar system. The occult adept's intention is to put his recruits through strange mystical rites and divest them of their worldly baggage before embarking on a trip to Lotus Island. There they ascend the Holy Mountain to displace the immortal gods who secretly rule the universe.

Fictional documentary about the life of human chameleon Leonard Zelig, a man who becomes a celebrity in the 1920s due to his ability to look and act like whoever is around him. Clever editing places Zelig in real newsreel footage of Woodrow Wilson, Babe Ruth, and others.

First-time father Henry Spencer tries to survive his industrial environment, his angry girlfriend, and the unbearable screams of his newly born mutant child.

Šis filmas skirtas pirmajai režisieriaus mūzai Annai Karinai, o abu jos partneriai – tik pagalbiniai filmo personažai ir tikri nevėkšlos. Tai istorija apie egzotišką šokėją Anželą ir jos meilužį Emilį. Moteris nori kūdikio, tačiau vyras tam dar nepasiruošęs. Emilio geriausias draugas Alfredas taip pat prisipažįsta meilę Anželai ir nuolat ją sekioja. Anžela ir Emilis susipyksta dėl kūdikio, o kai nusprendžia vienas su kitu nebesikalbėti, iš lentynos ima traukti knygas ir, rodydami jų pavadinimus, tęsia barnį. Kadangi vyras užsispyrusiai nenori vaiko, moteris pasiduoda Alfredo maldavimams ir su juo permiega. Moteris padarys viską, kad turėtų kūdikį. Galiausiai Emilis nusileidžia.

Borisas Jelnikovas (akt. Larry David) - buvęs atominės fizikos specialistas. Kažkada Borisas buvo nominuotas Nobelio premijai, tačiau dabar jis - pensininkas. Vieną rytą pabudęs fizikas-pensininkas supranta, kad neišvengiamai ateis diena, kai jis mirs. Tad nusprendžia nešvaistyti laiko įgrisusiam gyvenimui: jis palieka beveik tobulą žmoną, patogų ir ramų aukštuomenės gyvenimą bei ištaigius namus prestižinėje Niujorko vietoje ir išsikrausto į daugiaaukštį daugiabutį, kad galėtų gyventi bohemiškai.

Two dramatic stories. In an undetermined past, a young cannibal (who killed his own father) is condemned to be torn to pieces by some wild beasts. In the second story, Julian, the young son of a post-war German industrialist, is on the way to lie down with his farm's pigs, because he doesn't like human relationships.

An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for her co-star in a remake of an unfinished Polish production that was supposedly cursed.

A man entranced by his dreams and imagination is lovestruck with a French woman and feels he can show her his world.

From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

Renovuojant seną namą, Šenon atranda kai ką šokiruojančio, dėl ko ji pradeda viską pakeisiantį tyrimą.

"Andželika ir sultonas" yra penktasis ir paskutinis filmas apie Andželiką. Šį kartą jos grožis sukelia jai didelių bėdų - Andželika susižavi Maroko sultonas ir priverčia ją tapti viena iš jo haremo moterų. Tačiau sutramdyti užsispyrėlę gražuolę nėra taip jau paprasta kaip manė sultonas......

Following the suicide of her only friend, outcast teen Rachel Lang's life begins a downward spiral that will not only affect her but take everyone around her down in horrifying fashion.

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

Faja (aktorė Rooney Mara) – muzikinės karjeros laiptais kylanti gitaristė. Filmo ašis – meilės trikampis, į kurį įsivelia mergina kartu su muzikos prodiuseriu Kuku (aktorius Michaelas Fassbenderas) bei šiek tiek už ją populiaresniu atlikėju BV (aktorius Ryanas Goslingas). Paslaptys, alkoholis, narkotikai, muzika ir populiarumas – viskas susipina. Ar šiame chaose pavyks surasti laimę?