It contains a copy of Cem Yılmaz's show CMYLMZ, staged between 2001-2007, recorded in Istanbul in March 2007.

JAKTEN er en foruroligende skildring av hvordan løgn blir til sannhet - en moderne fortelling om heksejakt, urettferdighet, skyld og tilgivelse. En beretning om hvor skrøpelig fellesskapet er, når sladder, tvil og ondskap får lov til å spre om seg.

When Altan swipes prescription drugs from his brother Nuri's pharmacy, they soon find themselves on a dangerous but funny road trip to get rid of the stuff and escape the mafiosi Altan tried to double-cross. Along the way, the brother who are compete opposites finally bond.

A small task force of the Turkish army have to defend a relay station in the middle of nowhere against a possible terrorist raid.

Etter en vond barndom overvinner den tyrkiske arabesksangeren Müslüm Gürses den mørke fortiden og blir et elsket ikon. Inspirert av virkelige hendelser.

In early 1970s, Adem is a boy living in an Aegean village with his family. He just finished the primary school and he wants to work while he's on summer holiday. He gets permission from his family to work for a soda pop seller named Ciber Kemal. But the Ramadan has just came and Adem wants to do his fast while he's working. But he starts seeing hallucinations because of the hot summer day. It seems it's going to be the longest day of Adem.

A childless couple bury a box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green is not all that he appears.

When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong.

Aziz and Lemi must recover a diamond gifted by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to the U.S. President which has been stolen by bandits in the American wild west.

Set in 1890, this is the story of a Pony Express courier who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a massive contest prize, in an adventure that sends the pair around the world...

Fire år etter slaget ved Gallipoli, australske bonden Joshua Connor reiser til Tyrkia for å finne han sine tre sønner, som aldri kom hjem fra krigen. Når han kommer til Istanbul, møter han andre som også har lidet fra krigen: hotelier Ayshe og hennes sønn, Orhan, som blir venner med Connor; han senere møter Major Hasan, en tyrkisk offiser som kjempet mot Connor sine sønner og kan være han sin eneste håp for å finne sønnene sine igjen.

Pirated DVD seller Zafer who is formerly an extra in movies, swore to give up illegal works when his wife wanted to get divorce. To win his family back, he and his old-fashioned crew decided to make a movie called "Summit - The End Of Evil" which is a fantastic science fiction movie and couldn't be shot since 1977. A funny, entertaining and emotional journey awaits him who waded into this adventure with his unqualified crew.

A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.

Lei av økte levekostnader og storbyens mas og kjas, tar Recep Nurullah med seg til landsbyhuset han arvet etter bestemoren. Busra, en advokat fra Istanbul, parkerer campingvogna si ved siden av Receps naboeiendom. De to får en dårlig start, men snart befinner de seg på et spennende eventyr for å redde landsbyen fra en stor fare.

En enorm, ukjent skapning etterlater spor som skaper panikk og katastrofer. Denne mystiske og altoppslukende ødeleggelsen holder stø kurs mot USAs østkyst og en liten by ved navn New York City.

Nehir comes across to someone singing songs all night long. She likes what she listens so much that she goes after this mysterious musician.

Recep İvedik is at home watching television, when postman brings him a surprise invitation for the annual dried beans festival of Konya province. Very excited with the news, Recep convinces his best friend Nurullah to join him but due to a miscommunication with the travel agency, they get plane tickets for Kenya, Africa, instead of Konya, Turkey. After arriving at Kenya and getting on a safari tour, our hapless companions find themselves lost in endless savannah and at the middle of two rival local tribes. Many adventures await Recep in this unfamiliar and exotic land, who will try anything and everything to return home, mostly to hilarious results.