Experience high speed chases and unbelievable motorcycle mastery. Ghost Rider returns for more incredible high speed antics on the streets and freeways of Stockholm Sweden. With real police chases, crazy stunts, and close calls that make even the most experienced riders flinch. He even rides a snowmobile with no tracks down a snow-less street at high speed. A radical motorcycle video that gets your adrenaline pumping and satisfies your need for speed.If you haven't seen Ghost Rider in action before then make sure you also pick up Ghost Rider - The Final Ride. You will be in awe of the speed and technique of this motorcycle master.
Nina Conti puts ventriloquism masks on audience members to explore love and relationships.
A young man receives a parcel wrongly addressed to his apartment. This triggers a series of life threatening events for him and his friends.
Land girls unmask black marketeers.
Issues that make gender identity a social construct are exposed through the relationship between a teenager, a mother and the place where they live. Watch here: https://vimeo.com/263725339
In turn-of-the-century New York, an Italian seeks vengeance on the mobsters who killed his father.
Příběh psa, kterého jeho pán odvrhne a pořídí si nového – exkluzivnějšího.
On the occasion of awarding the Cervantes Prize to the Catalan writer Juan Marsé on 23 April 2009, family members, friends and writers offer a sincere portrait of the best chronicler of life in Barcelona, Catalonia, during the post-war period and the worst days of the General Franco dictatorship, in the forties and fifties, and during the economic development and the hard conquest of freedom, in the sixties and seventies.
Agustín is all alone in his house during a storm. When he goes out to the backyard, something attacks him.
Michael Wong is walking in a circle, he is not only facing a complex human relationship as well as inharmonious relationship with some terrible persons. Those affairs push Michael to the death.
Na Ukrajině 26. dubna 1986 otřásla celou Evropou katastrofa a svět zažil osudný den, který se zapsal do jeho historie - velká jaderná havárie v Černobylu proměnila celé město v postapokalyptické město duchů. Desetitisíce lidí přišly o život. Dnes začala příroda rekultivovat oblast vyloučené zóny kolem staré elektrárny. Následky a utrpení jsou však citelné dodnes. Černobyl je poučením pro současnost. Varuje nás před riziky naší neustále se vyvíjející moderní společnosti. Černobyl nás však poučil především o ceně lží. Tím, že poukázal na nedostatky v systému Sovětského svazu, odhalil, jak mohou vést ke katastrofě a jak způsob, jakým sdělujeme informace o tom, co se skutečně stalo, může způsobit škody. Minulost nelze vrátit zpět, ale můžeme se z ní poučit.
Three soldiers make their way into a city occupied by the Nazis.
Four women find purpose carrying babies for strangers in Boise, Idaho -- the unofficial surrogacy capital of the United States -- and encounter complexities along the way.
Two unsuspecting travelers encounter a mysterious dwarf in the woods in this horror short.