The special is hosted by Tony Danza and Annie Potts celebrating 50 years of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's partnership in animation. This is the first animated project to be broadcast in Dolby Surround sound system.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 15–21, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro, now a registered Demon Slayer, teams up with fellow slayers Zenitsu and Inosuke to investigate missing person cases on the mountain Natagumo. After the group is split up during a fight with possessed swordfighters, they slowly begin to realize the entire mountain is being controlled by a family of Demon spider creatures.

En el brogit de la ciutat, la pluja comença a caure i tot es conjura perquè els paraigües es retrobin.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

The gang find themselves in a tinsel-town twist! While on a VIP tour of the legendary Brickton Studios, Scooby and friends get a first-hand experience of the rumored hauntings when classic movie monsters drop in for a creepy casting call.

Un virus capaç d'esborrar totes les dades dels ordinadors només de passar-hi pel costat, i de controlar i manipular tota mena d'aparells elèctrics, ha enviat l'Scooby-Doo, en Shaggy i companyia a dins d'un videojoc on ells mateixos en són els personatges. Al ciberespai, a més d'enfrontar-se a un munt de rivals virtuals, també s'hi trobaran els seus enemics de sempre! La nostra civilització depèn tant de la tecnologia, que el Virus Fantasma és una amenaça per al món sencer! Per aturar-lo hauran de superar 10 nivells cada cop més esgarrifosos! I és que això de resoldre misteris al ciberespai és més terrorífic que mai!

L'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla se'n van a Hawaii amb motiu del concurs de surf del Gran Kahuna. Però el concurs es veurà afectat per la desaparició d'un dels surfistes i l'amenaça del Wiki Tiki, l'antic esperit maligne que viu al volcà de Pulanana, que creu que la gent del continent ha anat a l'illa a fer-la malbé i se'n vol venjar! Els que havien de ser uns dies d'oci, fent snorkel, surf i parapent a l'illa, es convertirà per a l'Scooby-Doo i companyia en una nova aventura on hauran d'investigar la misteriosa aparició del Wiki Tiki i resoldre el misteri abans que el volcà entri en erupció. Hi seran a temps?

An Indian arouses envy for his expertise in hunting animals without ruining their skins, for his wisdom and his kindness.

A young and cynical female journalist learns love may transcend trials and time as she discovers a story that will change her life forever. When war separates lovers on their wedding anniversary Feb. 14, 1944 at LA Union Train Station, Navy pilot Neil Thomas makes a promise he isn't sure he can keep - to return to the train station safe by their next anniversary. For sixty years Caroline Thomas keeps her promise by waiting at the train station until her missing in action husband can finally keep his with the "lost valentine." The message and meaning shows romance and love can be real; worth fighting, and maybe even dying for.

Jenna Hudson and Kevin Jenner are polar opposites working for the same online publication in New York City. With both having nowhere they want to be for Christmas, they volunteer for a special writing assignment. After a snowstorm forces their plane to land in none other than Santa Claus, Indiana, the two are placed in a Christmas Wonderland and the focus of their story shifts to saving the historic town inn run by Carol and Christopher Winters. As the two overcome their differences, they also rediscover the magic of Christmas. But with the inn's fate in jeopardy and the return of someone from Jenna's past, Carol and Christopher lend a helping hand to bring Jenna and Kevin together.

Rosetta and new arrival Chloe band together to try to break the garden fairies' legendary losing streak in the Pixie Hollow Games, a sports spectacle filled with pixie pageantry, fantastic fairy events and hilarious surprises.

The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?

Una aventura completament nova dels creadors de Kung Fu Panda! Pot haver derrotat el ferotge Tai Lung, però el nostre Guerrer Drac ara ha d'enfrontar-se al major desafiament de Shifu amb l'ajuda de Vibora, Tigressa, Mico, Grua i Mantis. Els secrets dels Cinc Furiosos per fi van a revelar i descobrirem que per convertir-se en un mestre de kung fu es necessita molt més que peus ràpids i punys precisos.

Two women plot revenge against the woman marrying their friend's ex-boyfriend.

Shopkeeper Victor Garnier has naively invested his family's life savings in an African mine, on his banker's recommendation. When the mine is nationalized, rendering the stock worthless, he considers himself shamelessly robbed by the bank; it seems only fair to him to return the 'favor' and rob the bank, teaming up with the whole family as they were all duped. Even for professionals such an enterprise -he decides to dig a tunnel- is quite demanding, but for simple commoners it's daunting, as they also have their personal downsides; thus Victor's wife has a most unwelcome tendency to blurt out the truth, even to the grumpy local copper: a crazy risk when you need to keep a criminal plan secret.

A disenfranchised 16-year-old girl connects to an older man on the internet and after a brief one-sided affair descends into obsession and anorexia.

Franck and his girlfriend Sonya, plus some of their friends go on holiday in Brazil. Franck, his friends, two girls and Sonya's grandmother leave to visit a cave, but everything goes wrong and their crazy adventures begin.

Charlie is a troublesome 18-year-old who breaks out of a youth drug treatment clinic, but when he returns home to Los Angeles, he's given an intervention by his parents and forced to go to an adult rehab. There, he meets a beautiful but troubled girl, Eva, and is forced to battle with drugs, elusive love and divided parents.

Thirty years after a murder on the night of Avalon Bay's graduation dance, the sleepy town's teens meet grisly ends at the hands of a prowler once thought to be a jilted soldier home from war.

En el regne dels simis s'espera el naixement del futur rei. El sobirà decideix desfer-se del primogènit en considerar-lo massa petit i fràgil. El seu segon fill serà rei. El nadó aconsegueix sobreviure i es refugia amb el Yann, un petit mico ximple.