In 1971, four college students got together to form a rock band. Since then, that certain band called Queen have released 26 albums and sold over 300 million records worldwide. The popularity of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon is stronger than ever 40 years on. But it was no bed of roses. No pleasure cruise. Queen had their share of kicks in the face, but they came through and this is how they did it, set against the backdrop of brilliant music and stunning live performances from every corner of the globe. In this film, for the first time, it is the band that tells their story. Featuring brand new interviews with the band and unseen archive footage (including their recently unearthed, first ever TV performance), it is a compelling story told with intelligence, wit, plenty of humor and painful honesty.

Hiroko attends the memorial service of her fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, who died in a mountain-climbing incident. Although Itsuki's mother says that their old house is gone, Hiroko records the address listed under his name in his yearbook and sends him a letter. Surprisingly, she receives a reply, and discovers it came from his old classmate, a girl who also happens to also be called Itsuki Fujii.

Director Agnès Varda and photographer/muralist JR journey through rural France and form an unlikely friendship.

XVIII a. pradžia. Anglai išdidžiai kovoja su prancūzais. Nepaisant to, ančių lenktynės ir ananasų valgymas klesti. Gležna karalienė Ana (akt. Olivia Colman) užima sostą, o jos artima draugė, ledi Sara (akt. Rachel Weisz), kol karalienė jaučiasi prastai, pastarosios pavedimu valdo šalį. Kai rūmuose pasirodo nauja tarnaitė Abigailė (akt. Emma Stone), jos žavesys akimirksniu pavergia Sarą. Sara priima Abigailę po savo sparnu, o Abigailė pamato galimybę grįžti į aristokratišką gyvenimą. Kadangi karas atima iš Saros daugybę jos laiko, Abigailė nusprendžia tapti karalienės kompanione. Jų auganti draugystė suteikia Abigailei šansą įvykdyti savo ambicijas ir ji neleis moterims, vyrams, politikai ar triušiams maišytis jos kelyje.

Iki širdies gelmių sukrečiančioje dramoje pasakojama iš pažiūros paprasta istorija: tėvų kova dėl nepilnamečio sūnaus globos. Miriam yra pasiruošusi padaryti bet ką, kad nei jai, nei sūnui Žiuljenui nebereikėtų susidurti su vaiko tėvu Antuanu. Vyras teisme įrodo esąs rūpestingas, be pagrindo apšmeižtas smurtavimu, todėl teismo nuosprendžiu vaiko globa atitenka abiem tėvams. Draskomas augančio tėvų konflikto Žiuljenas rizikuos savo saugumu, kad apsaugotų tai, kas likę iš šeimos. Nepastebimos kasdienės detalės ilgainiui prabyla apie užgniaužtą baimę ir giliai tūnančią grėsmę. Venecijos kino festivalyje už geriausią režisūrą apdovanotas „Sūnaus globa“ yra „Oskarui“ nominuoto režisieriaus trumpametražio „Prieš viską prarandant“ tęsinys.

Šešiolikmetė Niša gyvena dvigubą gyvenimą. Namuose su šeima ji yra tobula pakistaniečių dukra, tačiau leisdama laiką su draugais ji – paprasta norvegų paauglė. Kai jos tėvas pagauna ją glamonėjantis su savo norvegu vaikinu, du Nišos pasauliai negailestingai susiduria. Norėdamas ją pamokyti taip, kad nekiltų pagunda pakartoti tokio elgesio, Nišos tėvas nusprendžia per prievartą išvežti merginą pagyventi su konservatyviais giminaičiais Pakistane. Iš pradžių Niša jaučiasi vieniša ir išsigandusi šalyje, kurioje dar niekada nebuvo, bet palengva iš naujo atranda savo tėvų kultūrą.

Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between their families, the girls resist and remain close friends, supporting each other to pursue their dreams in a conservative society. When love blossoms between them, the two girls will be forced to choose between happiness and safety.

Nors Tišai tik devyniolika, jai teks suaugti anksčiau. Ji laukiasi nuo karštai mylimo Fonio. Tačiau nuo vaikystės judviejų puoselėtoms svajoms apie šeimą nelemta išsipildyti, nes jis areštuojamas už nusikaltimą, kurio neįvykdė. Tiša praneša abi naujienas savo ir Fonio šeimoms. Jos mama turės nuspręsti, kaip toli jį ryšis eiti, kovojant už savo dukters ateitį.

Hotel Hibiscus is the story of one very young energetic girl named Mieko and her internatioanl family who live in Okinawa. They live in a run down old hotel called Hotel Hibiscus with only one room for rent.

A web-comic artist finds that a series of murders are occurring that have a disturbing resemblance to the images in her work.

Gelbėdamasi nuo vienatvės, neseniai išsiskyrusi patraukli vidutinio amžiaus literatūros profesorė (Juliette Binoche) feisbuke susikuria netikrą paskyrą. Pasinaudojusi svetimomis nuotraukomis, ji apsimeta 24-erių Klara. Netrukus ima flirtuoti su 29-erių Aleksu. Intensyvėjant pokalbiams ir aistrai, vaikinas nori susitikti. Klarai darosi vis sunkiau rasti pasiteisinimų. Patekus į virtualiojo pasaulio pinkles, tikroji moters tapatybė, vaikai ir darbas atsiduria paraštėse. Ima nykti melo ir tikrovės ribos.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

Two years have passed. After missing their separation, the Leroy seem perfectly successful in their divorce. But the appearance of two new lovers in the life of Vincent and Florence will set fire to the powders. The match between the former spouses resumes.

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.

In a small town on Christmas Eve, a snowstorm brings together a group of young people. They soon find their friendships and love lives colliding, and come Christmas morning, nothing will be the same.

Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.

After their mother ends up in jail, two sisters turn to train robbery in order to support their family.

A screenwriter dreams of success and has a boyfriend who is a member of an unsuccessful rock band. Her sister, an interior designer, meets an actor she falls for. Her niece is trying to figure out how to get her first kiss from her boyfriend. Three stories about life and dating.

Alain, a successful Parisian publisher struggling to adapt to the digital revolution, has major doubts about the new manuscript of Léonard, one of his long-time authors — another work of auto-fiction recycling his love affair with a minor celebrity. Selena, Alain’s wife, a famous stage actress, is of the opposite opinion.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.