Quan el seu jove fill Minato comença a comportar-se de manera estranya, la seva mare sent que alguna cosa va malament. En descobrir que el responsable de tot això és un professor, irromp a l'escola exigint saber què està passant. Però a mesura que la història es desenvolupa a través dels ulls de la mare, el professor i el nen, la veritat va sortint a la llum, a poc a poc...

'Tu, però millor en tots els sentits'. Aquesta és la promesa, un producte revolucionari basat en la divisió cel·lular, que crea un àlter ego més jove, més bell, més perfecte.

Mentre que Milo, un narcotraficant serbi, organitza la festa d'aniversari de la seva filla, s'assabenta que una banda d'immigrants albanesos s'està apoderant del seu territori al món subterrani de Copenhaguen. En un sol dia, ha d'assistir a la festa de la seva filla, defensar els seus negocis i, a més, freqüentar reunions de toxicòmans anònims per desenganxar-se. Tercera i última entrega de la trilogia "Pusher".

Zofia, a professor of ethics, is visited by Elżbieta, an American researching the fate of Jews who survived World War II. A daytime classroom conversation turns into a night of confrontation, and Zofia is forced to answer for a decision she made decades ago that directly affected the course of Elżbieta’s life.

Soccer is an alien world for Walter Vismara, an unfamiliar terrain he's always avoided. But when his job hangs in the balance, he's thrust into the role of goalkeeper by his soccer-obsessed boss. Forced into a relentless routine of practice sessions and taunts, Walter finds himself trapped in a nightmare. His troubles escalate when he discovers his beloved in the arms of his archenemy, adding a personal dimension to his challenges. Determined to prove his worth, Walter devises a plan: to play the fool outwardly while secretly honing his skills. As he navigates this comedic yet challenging journey on the soccer field, will Walter emerge victorious and finally earn the respect he deserves?

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

Alice i Celine viuen un estil de vida tradicional amb esposos reeixits i fills de la mateixa edat. La perfecta harmonia de les seves vides es trenca de sobte després d'un tràgic accident. La culpa, la sospita i la paranoia es combinen per desfer el vincle fraternal.

Un antic missatge és trobat en una ampolla a Escòcia després d'un llarg viatge a través de l'oceà. La nota és difícil de desxifrar, però quan l'investigador danès del departament Q ho aconsegueix, tractarà juntament amb el seu particular equip de resoldre un altre diabòlic cas abandonat tot i que les petjades d'aquest pràcticament han desaparegut.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, black telemarketer Cassius Green discovers a magical key to professional success – which propels him into a macabre universe.

Two slackers competing for the affections of an heiress inadvertently become her protectors from an evil criminal.

El baró Frankenstein i el doctor Hertz intenten trasplantar les ànimes dels morts a altres cossos. Després que el seu ajudant Hans, acusat injustament de l'assassinat del pare de la seva xicota Christina, sigui condemnat a mort i ajusticiat, desenterren el seu cadàver i s'apoderessin de la seva ànima. Mentrestant, Christina, consumida pel dolor, se suïcida. Aleshores, els dos investigadors es proposen ressuscitar-la transferint-li l'ànima de Hans. L'experiment és un èxit, però Frankenstein descobreix que els actes de Christina estan guiats per la set de venjança del seu xicot.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

While vacationing at a remote cabin, a young girl and her two fathers are taken hostage by four armed strangers who demand that the family make an unthinkable choice to avert the apocalypse. With limited access to the outside world, the family must decide what they believe before all is lost.

Terry Gionoffrio, una ambiciosa ballarina que somia amb la fama a la ciutat de Nova York, pateix una terrible lesió que trunca la seva carrera. Poc temps després, rep l’ajut d’una parella d’ancians adinerats que l’acullen en un apartament del luxós edifici Bramford. En un inici tot sembla idíl·lic, però aviat descobrirà que els seus benefactors amaguen un secret molt pertorbador.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

An expat PI is hired to investigate a suspicious death in Crete, Greece, where jealousies run deep amongst the victim's powerful family.

The making of a horror movie takes on a terrifying reality for students at the most prestigious film school in the country. At Alpine University, someone is determined to win the best film award at any cost - even if it means eliminating the competition. No one is safe and everyone is a suspect.