An exploration of why Let’s Plays are so popular, as well as how the convergence of gaming and community are redefining the stages once reserved for only the biggest of rock stars.

Due to a zombie apocalypse, Pong is the loneliest man on the planet. This all changes when Yasmin turns up, a beautiful woman in the process of zombifying.

The truth is way stranger than fiction,” muses one interviewee in this unbelievable true account of an incredible war time saga. As the Second World War was coming to a close, the US Office of Strategic Services trained and parachuted two Jewish refugees and a German deserter deep into Nazi occupied Austria. Through vivid first-person accounts, re-enactments, archival footage and learned commentary, the film reveals how their efforts disrupted a vital supply route between Germany and the Italian front to bring about the surrender of Innsbruck to Allied Forces. Their unbelievable adventure has a finale that beats any Hollywood movie hands down — but a story so powerful that it became the basis for Quentin Tarantino’s mega hit.

Three chords, three countries, one revolution...PUNK IN AFRICA is the story of the multiracial punk movement within the recent political and social upheavals experienced in three Southern African countries: South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

После нервного срыва, приведшего к биполярному расстройству и году в психиатрическом учреждении, Тун возвращается из Китая в Гонконг к отцу. Тот живёт в коммунальной квартире в крохотной комнатке и пытается морально поддержать сына. А сам Тун старается начать новую жизнь, но избавиться от воспоминаний ему не удается.

Recording of the play 1789, a collective creation by Théâtre du Soleil at La Cartoucherie de Vincennes in 1970, edited from several shows.

This quickly-filmed avant-garde farce by prolific director Raul Ruiz features an insomniac (Michel Lonsdale) whose main preoccupation is surreptitiously watching private matters -- he is a voyeur. He and an equally disreputable acquaintance rape a woman alongside the Seine, a crime made all the worse because she is pregnant. The rest of this slow-paced film deals with the consequences of that action.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

Две сестры давно живут на попечении дяди, который взял их из детского дома и искренне мечтает о счастливой жизни для каждой. Девушки часто следуют его советам, но это не приносит им счастья. Старшая сестра жертвует всем, чтобы младшая стала актрисой, — и лишь спустя годы понимает, что напрасно отказывалась от своей мечты и судьбы…

Адам и Пучо — это раздражительные эгоцентричные ворчуны. Путешествуя на машине они разговаривают про женщин. Про то, какими они видят их в повседневной жизни — дома, в постели, на работе, в политике, на улице. Обсуждают своих жён, бывших девушек и безответнуют любовь. У них нет никаких иллюзий что с бабами можно ужиться и они уверены что именно бабы являются источником всех проблем.

Aranmanai is about a family that wants to sell their ancestral home. The supernatural elements they discover there in the aranmanai (palace) lead to some bone-chilling moments.

The film begins with the 12th grade graduation ceremony of a school in the city. The group, who had been laughing and having fun all day, stopped at a resort far away from the city in the late afternoon. They didn't notice that there was a ruin not far from that resort. As the sun was setting outside, no one could have imagined that a terrible ghost was waiting for them in the ruins.

A college class tackles a bizarre project - splitting up a mannequin, they each decorate a piece. The net result is an exquisite corpse they name 'Jigsaw'. After a night of drunken confessions, the group burns the lifeless body but their darkest secrets come back to haunt them when their brainchild rises from the ashes, targeting each of the creators for a brutal death that is in keeping with their own fears!

In the year 2035, survivors of a now almost completely evacuated post-apocalyptic Britain compete for a government bounty to retrieve a mysterious bio weapon known only as Unit Eleven.

Two 16mm films simultaneously project images of Le Corbusier’s iconic white Villa Savoye outside Paris, and its doppelgänger, a black copy located in Canberra, Australia. Each film has been printed on 16mm stock as a negative image, or polarity print, thus reversing light and dark. The Antipodean black Villa Savoye is, in fact, an ethnographic institute, dedicated now to the digital duplication of its extensive collections of anthropological films, photographs, slides and sound recordings, as Siegel reveals in a high definition colour video. The work enacts the infinite loop of recorded artefacts—the urgency to document and record “vanishing” rituals and cultural practices becomes instead the contemporary archival impulse to copy vanishing media formats to digital. These concatenated elements extend the artist’s engagement with architecture as a foil, enacting and revealing across constellation-like works, layered sociological and aesthetic concerns.