A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Drama descends upon two tennis-obsessed women as the tension moves from off the court and into the café.

A man named Jaswinder (Ritesh Deshmukh) goes to the United States of America promising his parents that he will return soon and his sister marriage will be set. In America in a night club he meets an American girl named Sally (Brande Roderick) and marries her for his visa. He obviously forgets to remember the promise he made that he would go back to India. Meanwhile in India his parents have found him a new bride, typical Punjabi kudi, Richa (Hrishitaa Bhatt). His sister calls him to America by telling him that his father had a heart-attack, but that is the way they could bring him back to India.

Singer, songwriter, business man, family man, civil rights activist: Sam Cooke transcends all barriers of race, faith and talent. This first-ever biography of the definitive soul singer looks at his extraordinary career and personal life - from his gospel-singing roots through his R&B and pop music career.

Documentary focusing on the environmental and economic injustice and corporate control in West Virginia and its rippling effect on all American workers. This film tells the story of a hard-working people who have historically had limited choices and have never benefited fairly from the rich natural resources of their land. The failure to diversify the economy has insured control by outside, unrestricted corporations with the support of politicians kept in their positions by these very same companies.

Niūriuose požemiuose, grėsmingame nakties pasaulyje, paslėptame nuo paprastų mirtingųjų akių, nenuslopsta negailestinga, tūkstantmečius besitęsianti kova tarp dviejų nesutaikomų priešų, dviejų tamsos valdovų klanų – vampyrų ir vilkolakių. Kaip prasidėjo ši kova, kuri pagrindiniams filmo herojams – gražuolei vampyrei Selinai (akt. K.Beckinsale) ir pusiau vilkolakiui, pusiau žmogui Maiklui (akt. S.Speedmanas), tapo ir prakeiksmu, ir gyvenimo tikslu? Kaudamiesi su galingais priešais iš abiejų klanų, negailestingais senaisiais mirties magistrais, jie perpras kruvinas intrigas ir patirs uždraustą meilę. Baugiuose amžinų sutemų šešėliuose herojai atskleis savo kilmės paslaptis. Tačiau jų laukia lemtinga kova. Didysis mūšis, kuriam pasibaigus nemirtingiesiems teks patirti bausmę už visas savo piktadarystes, tačiau pagaliau baigsis ir amžinoji neapykanta. Rizikuodami gyvybėmis, herojai ryžtasi aukai vardan visų požemių pasaulio karų pabaigos…

Trojus ir Gabrielė sužinojo, kad įstojo į skirtingus koledžus. Jų širdyse naujo gyvenimo lūkesčiai susimaišė su nežinia, liūdesiu ir nerimu. Taip jaučiasi ne tik Trojus su Gabriele, bet ir kiti jų mokyklos draugai. Kartu prisijungę prie grupės "Wildcats", savo patirtį, ateities viltis ir baimes jie išreiškia ant scenos sukurdami pritrenkiančius muzikinius pasirodymus.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

Visų mėgstamas ištižėlis Gregas Heflis grįžta trečioje „Ištižėlio istorija“ dalyje. Kai Grego tėvas pagrasina jį išsiųsiąs į karinę mokyklą, jei šis nuolat painiosis į bėdas, Gregas randa naujų būdų, kaip patekti į šunų prieglaudą! Siekdamas būti arčiau savo susižavėjimo objekto – Holės Hills, jis apsimeta dirbantis prašmatniame užmiesčio klube, kuriame ši dirba teniso instruktore, ir kurio nariai yra jo draugo Rolio šeima. Bet tai neapsaugo jo nuo rūpesčių, kai viskas pasisupa labai bloga linkme.

Ideas of progress turn the peaceful city into a congested metropolis. Could extinction follow? Not with the blessed event that occurs - the birth of a dinosaur, symbolizing Dinotopia's enduring civilization.

Peteris (akt. Pierce Brosnanas) – itin patyręs ir aukštos klasifikacijos, puikiai treniruotas buvęs CŽV agentas. Šnipų pasaulyje jis buvo žinomas „Lapkričio žmogaus“ slapyvardžiu, tačiau jau kuris laikas Peteris mėgaujasi užtarnautu poilsiu ir ramiu gyvenimu Šveicarijoje. Tiksliau – mėgavosi, kol jį ir vėl įvyliojo į pavojų kupiną slaptųjų agentų pasaulį. Tikėdamasis, kad tai bus jau tikrai paskutinė jo byla ir negalėjęs jos atsisakyti dėl asmeniškumų, jis įsitrauks į pavojingiausią žaidimą savo karjeroje. Peterio užduotis – saugoti itin svarbią ir vertingą liudininkę Alisą (akt. Olga Kurylenko). Rodos, nieko sudėtingo, tačiau ilgai netrukus paaiškės, kad didžiausias jo priešas šioje misijoje – buvęs draugas ir kolega Davidas... Augant įtarimams dėl visos CŽV agentūros patikimumo, Peteris supras, kad šį kartą jis visiškai vienas – niekuo negalima pasitikėti, neliko jokių taisyklių ir tabu...

It's tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical storms, and mass destruction as the effects of global warming brew into a super storm that threatens to rend the earth with an unprecedented power. Beautiful scientist Faith Clavell, storm chaser Tommy Tornado, and Judith Carr, the head of FEMA, can stop the inevitable from happening-if they have the courage to venture into the roiling blackness of the storm itself.

The author Thomas meets his childhood friend Hoffman on an autumn night in 1997. They decide to let a dream come true: to make a film of a play by Thomas, Veranda for a Tenor, with Hoffman in the lead role. The story takes us back to the summer of 1961, which changed their lives. The writing of the script awakens memories and forbidden questions are answered. Their friendship is put to the test a final time. Veranda for a tenor is a film about male friendship, but also about love. Their love for the same woman...

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

The troopers of two starships have joined forces to terminate a massive bug attack at a Federation outpost. Before the mission can be completed and the survivors evacuated, one ship abruptly departs and goes inexplicably dark. The remaining battle-hardened troopers race to the rescue only to discover that the threat from the bugs is about to hit home.

Based on the novel 'Evolution Man' by Roy Lewis, this tells the story about the first man - young Edward - to descend from apes. Edward is ejected by his tribe, but is very resourceful. He learns to walk, discovers fire, manages to hunt - and we follow him as he evolves. He has a generous nature, and search for true humanity - a world where we don't eat our fathers.

Jessica has little time to be a mother. It is on public transport - on the way between Nova Iguaçu and the South Zone of Rio - that she spends most of her time with her son Zeca. Young and black, Jéssica is always in a hurry: in addition to being a single mother, she is also a university student and intern at an advertising agency. Nothing comes easy for her. A former public school student, Zeca now has a scholarship to an elite school in Gávea, but he is no longer the happy, communicative child he once was.