A balls to the wall action film about Fast, the fastest person alive, who is also named Fast.

An arrogant reporter exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to revitalize his career.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

When 9-year-old orphan Oliver Twist dares to ask his cruel taskmaster, Mr. Bumble, for a second serving of gruel, he's hired out as an apprentice. Escaping that dismal fate, young Oliver falls in with the street urchin known as the Artful Dodger and his criminal mentor, Fagin. When kindly Mr. Brownlow takes Oliver in, Fagin's evil henchman Bill Sikes plots to kidnap the boy.

Return is a methodical construction of the approach of an individual towards an unseen goal, which assumes metaphorical significance. Viola moves toward the camera/viewer, pausing every few steps to ring a bell, at which point he is momentarily thrust back to his starting place, and then advanced again. Finally reaching his destination, he is taken through all of the previous stages in a single instant and returned to the source of his journey.

Fantômas is a man of many disguises. He uses maquillage as a weapon. He can impersonate anyone using an array of masks and can create endless confusion by constantly changing his appearance.

Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Wong Jing's sequel to All for the Winner and spin-off to God of Gamblers finds Chow Sing Cho looking up to Michael "Dagger" Chan in order to become Ko Chun's next disciple, but the two must put aside their differences when they discover that a gang boss is bent on ruining the God of Gamblers' name.

Coming out from jail, Lucas has decided to change his life and behave like a good citizen. But when he is taken hostage in a bank by a hare-brained robber, no cops can believe he is not part of the action.

In 1940, the world is besieged by World War II. Wendy, all grown up, has two children; including Jane, who does not believe Wendy's stories about Peter Pan.

While the dam project will be expropriated, Yellow poplar and Long poplar villages are included in the expropriation. Although this is supposed to protect the confidentiality, a member of the commission sells this information to a holding company and someone in that holding company sells what they heard to another holding company.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

Након што је у Саинт-Тропезу постао прави јунак, коњички начелник у локалној полицији Лудовиц Крушо добија ново признање: са својим колегама представљаће Француску на Међународном конгресу полиције који се ускоро одржава у Њујорку. Поносни Крушо и његов помоћник Џером Гербер крећу са својим колегама Берликотом, Трикартом, Мерлотом и Фугасом на пут у САД верујући да ће тамо достојно представити своју земљу. Но, невоље почињу већ на прекоокеанском броду!

Зла краљица Тарамис проналази Конана и његовог пријатеља, лопова Малака и обећава Конану да ће оживети његову љубав Валерију уколико јој донесе чаробни кључ из зачараног дворца чаробњака Тот Амона. На путовању им се придружују краљичина нећака принцеза Џена која једина може додирнути дијамантски рог бога Дагота и њен телохранитељ Бомбата. Конан спашава чаробњака Акира и ратницу Зулу који им се придружују на задатку. Док се одмарају на језеру насупрот дворца Тот Амон отима принцезу Џену чија би смрт краљици Тарамис осигурала доживотни престо.

Dooley and his K-9 partner Jerry Lee are ready to retire from the police force. But before he can retire with his pension he must work as a P.I. to find a set of high tech computer chips.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!