De Straw Hats vinden een kist waarin een oude vrouw met gouden tanden zich verstopt. zij vertelt hen over een mechanisch eiland en een legendarische schat, die het team en vooral Nami niet kunnen weerstaan, dus besluiten ze het avontuur aan te gaan. Eenmaal op het eiland ontmoeten ze Ratchet, de zoon van de oude vrouw die, in de overtuiging dat de piraten zijn moeder hadden ontvoerd, de Straw Hats aanvalt. Zodra de zaak is opgehelderd, besluiten ze hun krachten te bundelen om de schat te vinden.

Terwijl de hele bemanning van Luffy op het strand ligt te rusten, wordt de Going Merry gestolen! Ze achtervolgen de boot op zee en worden gevangen genomen door de gebroeders Burodo, maar worden onmiddellijk aangevallen door de gebroeders Card die Nami ontvoeren. Ze zijn van plan het aan te bieden aan hun leider, Bear King, wiens basis zich op Clock Island bevindt, waar de Going Merry ook zou zijn.

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.

Polish animator Anna Błaszczyk’s humorous short—a collage of drawing, cut-out, and computer animation—was inspired by Stanisław Lem’s 1961 novel Return from the Stars, a time-paradox tale of an astronaut who returns to Earth after many years away.

Het derde deel uit de Pink Panther serie. De 'pink panther' diamant is gestolen van de staat Lugash. De dief laat echter een witte handschoen liggen. Dit doet iedereen geloven dat de Phantom weer aan het werk is.

While settling into married life with Akiko, Ryu is brought into a case involving a woman named Katsuragi Aoi, a member of a pickpocketing ring with most of her teammates murdered from unknown masked vigilantes that Ryu fought as Accel. As the details of the case begin to unravel, Ryu is framed and Akiko believes that he may not be faithful to her. As the clock ticks down, Ryu must solve the case, clear his name, and save his marriage before everything comes to an explosive end!

Return to Horror Hotel bestaat uit 4 verhalen. De eerste gaat over gigantische bedwantsen. De tweede gaat over een magische spreuk die meisjes mooi maakt. De derde gaat over een WO II-zeeman die niet ouder geworden is en de laatste gaat over een afgehakte hand die de boel terroriseert.

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Welkom terug op de Tromaville High School waar het schoolkoor is getransformeerd tot de Cretins, een gemuteerde bende vetzakken. Chrissy en Lauren, het lieftallige lesbische koppeltje, moeten het niet alleen opnemen tegen de Cretins, mutanten en monsters, maar ook tegen de meest boosaardige onderneming op de planeet: het Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomeraat.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

Een gestolen computerschijf bevat de locatie van een verborgen schat. Het is aan de sexy dames van LETHAL (Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law) om de schat te vinden voordat de slechteriken dat doen.

World traveler and adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to Lilliput, the town he previously saved from the enemy fleet of the neighboring Blefuscu.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

Jaren zijn voorbij gegaan sinds de gruwelijke gebeurtenissen in Gatlin. Hannah Martin is op weg naar Gatlin om haar echte moeder op te zoeken. Onderweg pikt ze een vreemdeling op die haar de toekomst voorspelt aan de hand van Bijbelteksten.