Bons sentiments i inoblidables interpretacions per a la història d'un home que contempla com hagués estat la vida dels que l'envolten si ell no hagués existit, i d'un entranyable àngel que vol aconseguir les seves ales.

En un futur llunyà, mil anys després d'una guerra apocal·líptica, la Terra apareix coberta de boscos plegats de bolets verinosos i d'insectes gegantins. La humanitat ha estat gairebé eliminada i els pocs supervivents malviuen en poblats aïllats i en males condicions. Nausicaä és la princesa de la Vall del Vent, un indret minúscul, rodejat de regnes més poderosos i hostils.

Batman has stopped the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Now an old foe wants a reunion and the government wants The Man of Steel to put a stop to Batman.

Grace arriba a la remota localitat de Dogville fugint d'una banda de gàngsters. Persuadits per les paraules de Tom, que s'ha erigit en portaveu de la petita comunitat, els seus integrants s'avenen a amagar-la. Grace, en justa correspondència, accepta treballar per a ells. No obstant això, quan Dogville sigui sotmès a una intensa vigilància policial per trobar la fugitiva, els seus habitants exigiran un acord més favorable, que els compensi del perill que corren en acollir-lo. Grace aprendrà, d'una manera brutal, que en aquest lloc la bondat és molt relativa. Però ella guarda un secret que no vol desvetllar.

Giulia De Martino is a pilot. At seventeen she participates in the GT Championship, under the guidance of her father Mario. But one day everything changes and Giulia has to face alone both the track and her own life.

Ambientada a la dècada dels 70, els membres de la famosa Patrulla X hauran d'evitar un futur apocalíptic en què els mutants lluiten per sobreviure en camps de concentració controlats pels temibles Sentinelles. Per això, els herois de l'univers Marvel hauran d'unificar les seves forces deixant de banda la creixent enemistat dels bàndols liderats per Charles Xavier i Magneto. Trask Industries, l'empresa encarregada de crear aquests gegantins caçamutants, serà l'origen de tots els seus problemes. Només viatjant en el temps podran impedir la massacre que s'acosta. Seran capaços els nostres herois d'enderrocar la multinacional i evitar així l'extermini de la seva espècie?

An adaptation of Mark Waid's "Tower of Babel" story from the JLA comic. Vandal Savage steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses.

When the incompetent Lieutenant Frank Drebin seeks the ruthless killer of his partner, he stumbles upon an attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II.

Una banda de criminals dirigida per un constructor molt ambiciós (Mike Tyson) intenta desallotjar l’escola local però el mestre Ip Man (Donnie Yen) no està disposat a cedir. Paral·lelament, a la ciutat, acaba d’arribar un nou mestre de Wing Chun (Zhang Jin).

When the Hulk's presence on Earth becomes too great a risk, the Illuminati trick him to board a shuttle destined for a planet where he will be able to live in peace, and launch it into space. The Hulk's struggle to escape causes the shuttle to malfunction and crash land on the planet Sakaar, however, where he is sold into slavery and trained as a gladiator.

Curtis LaForche viu en un petit poble d'Ohio amb la seva esposa i la seva filla, una nena sorda de sis anys. Un dia, comença a patir al·lucinacions apocalíptiques en forma de somni.

Després de cruspir-se un periquito, el gat del rabí adquireix la capacitat de parlar i esdevé un estudiós de les creences del seu amo, però amb un gran esperit crític.

Test pilot Hal Jordan finds himself recruited as the newest member of the intergalactic police force, The Green Lantern Corps.

Captured by smugglers when he was just a hatchling, a macaw named Blu never learned to fly and lives a happily domesticated life in Minnesota with his human friend, Linda. Blu is thought to be the last of his kind, but when word comes that Jewel, a lone female, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Blu and Linda go to meet her. Animal smugglers kidnap Blu and Jewel, but the pair soon escape and begin a perilous adventure back to freedom -- and Linda.

On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident.

Something bizarre has come over the land. The kingdom is deteriorating. People are beginning to act strange... What's even more strange is that people are beginning to see dragons, which shouldn't enter the world of humans. Due to all these bizarre events, Ged, a wandering wizard, is investigating the cause. During his journey, he meets Prince Arren, a young distraught teenage boy. While Arren may look like a shy young teen, he has a severe dark side, which grants him strength, hatred, ruthlessness and has no mercy, especially when it comes to protecting Teru. For the witch Kumo this is a perfect opportunity. She can use the boy's "fears" against the very one who would help him, Ged.

En un món compost per dues realitats, el que és quotidià i l'ocult darrere d'ella, Thomas Anderson es torna a veure obligat a anar darrere del conill blanc. Aquesta elecció continua sent la via d'accés a Matrix, que aquesta vegada és més poderosa i intrincada que de vegades anteriors.

Deloris Van Cartier is again asked to don the nun's habit to help a run-down Catholic school, presided over by Mother Superior. And if trying to reach out to a class full of uninterested students wasn't bad enough, the sisters discover that the school is due to be closed by the unscrupulous chief of a local authority.

A disgruntled ex-CIA operative, his assistant and their assembled group of terrorists seize a battleship with nuclear blackmail in mind. They've planned for every contingency but ignore the ship's cook, former Navy SEAL Casey Ryback—an error that could be fatal.

Straitlaced Princeton University admissions officer Portia Nathan is caught off-guard when she makes a recruiting visit to an alternative high school overseen by her former classmate, the freewheeling John Pressman. Pressman has surmised that Jeremiah, his gifted yet very unconventional student, might well be the son that Portia secretly gave up for adoption many years ago.