A començaments dels anys 70, Sixto Rodríguez era un cantautor de Detroit amb una breu carrera discogràfica de dos àlbums, ben rebuts per la crítica però ignorats pel públic. Mentre sobrevivia fent feines diverses, Rodríguez no era conscient que a Sud-àfrica s'havia convertit en una icona musical i en un símbol de la resistència antiapartheid. Als anys 90, malgrat el rumor que el cantant s'havia suïcidat, un petit grup d'admiradors sud-africans va començar a investigar la seva vida. Aquest documental, guanyador d'un Oscar, és la història d'una recerca impossible que va canviar la vida d'unes persones a banda i banda de l'Atlàntic, i també és la història d'un somni fet realitat.

Jeff Bailey, un antic detectiu, regenta una benzinera en un petit poble, on porta una vida tranquil·la i senzilla. Els seus amors són la pesca i una joveneta amb què es vol casar. Inesperadament rep la visita d'un vell conegut que li anuncia que el cap el vol veure. Bailey es veu llavors obligat a explicar a la seva núvia el seu passat tèrbol.

Els camarades Iranoff, Bulkhanoff i Kopalski han estat enviats a París per obtenir diners per al Govern rus mitjançant la venda de les joies confiscades a la gran duquessa Swana, que viu a la capital francesa. Els tres camarades s'instal·len a un hotel de luxe mentre els tribunals francesos decideixen qui és el veritable propietari de les joies. El Govern rus envia Nina 'Ninotchka' Ivanovna Yakushova a arreglar les coses.

Remy Germain is a doctor in a French town who becomes the focus of a vicious smear campaign, as letters accusing him of having an affair and performing unlawful abortions are mailed to village leaders. The mysterious writer, who signs each letter as "Le Corbeau" (The Raven) soon targets the whole town, exposing everyone's dark secrets.

Down a foggy, desolate road to the port city of Le Havre travels Jean, an army deserter looking for another chance to make good on life. Fate, however, has a different plan for him, as acts of both revenge and kindness render him front-page news.

Una tragèdia sobre la gelosia, un drama en què el destí tràgic marca els tres protagonistes.

The widow Barny lives in Nazi-occupied France, looking after her half-Jewish daughter in a small village. When the Germans arrive, she decides to baptize her and chooses priest Léon Morin to do so. After spending some time with him, the relationship with her confessor turns into a confrontation with both God and her own repressed desire. 

Vandana's husband, Arun, gets killed in an air crash after they secretly get married but no one accepts their marriage. Thereafter, she is forced to put her child up for adoption and later work as his nanny to stay by his side.

Tartarin is the local hero in the small provincial town of Tarascon. He shows off about imaginary adventures in Africa, where he has never been, as a Lion Hunter, which he is only in his imagination. Even though the locals know he has never been to Africa, they keep hoping he will leave one day. After a misunderstanding, and much gossip, everyone thinks that Tartarin plans to actually take the trip.

During World War II, South Sea beachcomber Walter Eckland is persuaded to spy on planes passing over his island. He gets more than he bargained for as schoolteacher Catherine Frenau arrives on the run from the Japanese with her pupils in tow!

When Baldvin and Inga's next door neighbours complain that a tree in their backyard casts a shadow over their sundeck, what starts off as a typical spat between neighbours in the suburbs unexpectedly and violently spirals out of control.

L'agent Rawlins de la policia de Los Angeles torna cap a casa, quan observa un individu sospitós davant d'una botiga d'aparells electrònics. Rawlins li demana que s'identifiqui, i l'home respon disparant-li dues vegades amb una automàtica del 45.

Recently divorced career woman Alex Greville begins a romantic relationship with glamorous mod artist Bob Elkin, fully aware that he's also intimately involved with middle-aged doctor Daniel Hirsh. For both Alex and Daniel, the younger man represents a break with their repressive pasts, and though both know that Bob is seeing both of them, neither is willing to let go of the youth and vitality he brings to their otherwise stable lives.

The local building-contractor Martin Roumagnac is fascinated by the fashionable Blanche Ferrand. To impress Blache, Martin presents her with a villa. However, this ruins him financially. Despite Martin's many efforts for the now femme-fatal Blanche, she is not able to chose between him and the rich consul De Laubry.

One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.

When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.

In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her.

Sam, a freelance journalist, decides to investigate the growing phenomenon of disaffected youth joining extremist groups. He infiltrates a group of four young people who have been tasked with the creation of a jihadist cell and whose mission is to destabilise the city centre of Paris.

A ruthless gang led by private detective Joseph Plender is extorting rich people and famous fashion photographer Vincent Mandel seems the next victim. He is married to Hélène, daughter of one of the richest people in Europe, but not quite happily. In fact the marriage is on the brink of a divorce and a judge is deciding who will take the two children. Can Hélène take them to Germany or will they stay with Vincent? Vincent has a lot on his mind and he improvises when model Sofia Kippiani comes to his studio, but his makeup crew doesn't show up. Before he knows it, he is accused of a rape. Things go worse and worse for Vincent, he sees his entire life slipping away and, most importantly, he might lose his children. But why does his former schoolmate Joseph Plender seek contact with Vincent and even solve a nasty problem for him? Does Plender want something more than money?

La pel·lícula, produïda el 1915, és una de les grans fites de la història del cinema mut i explica la relació de dues famílies nord-americanes. Els germans Stoneman, Phil i Ted, visiten els seus amics Cameron a Piedmont, a Carolina del Sud. Aquesta amistat queda afectada quan, en començar la Guerra Civil, els Stoneman s'allisten en un bàndol i els Cameron en l'altre. Les conseqüències de la guerra a les seves vides personals es mostren a la pel·lícula en connexió amb els fets històrics, des del desenvolupament de la Guerra Civil mateixa, passant per l'assassinat de Lincoln fins al naixement del Ku Klux Klan.