A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.


1725年1月25日,彼得大帝即将驾崩,伴随着彼得大帝无力的手在遗嘱上写下了“把一切都交出去了”这几个不明白的字,阴谋家们开始策划宫廷政变。皇后叶卡捷琳娜的情夫-特级公爵孟什科夫·亚利山大·达尼雷奇凭着过人的胆识,在一小撮近卫军叛军的帮助下将代表着皇权的蓝色绶带从彼得大帝孙子-九岁的彼得二世身上夺走,挂到了曾在普鲁士人军队中当过洗衣妇的皇后叶婕琳娜丰满的胸前…… 伴随着近卫军的“前进!为了爱情和祖国!!”的减声中,叶卡婕宣誓作俄罗斯人民的忠实母亲和保卫者,成了叶卡婕琳娜一世。正是从这天起,俄罗斯开始了女人的统治,这统治整整持续了一百年……


A chemist carries out a bizarre experiment with his own head.



Winterbolt is trying to make the North Pole his evil wonderland, and it is up to Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and others to stop him.

  本片根据法国女作家葛朋畅销小说“安琪丽Angelica”改编(共有5集)曾获德国金像奖,此为第三集。 安热莉克已经退休,但国王路易十四委托她执行一项任务,波斯大使巴克蒂娅·贝伊也参与其中。这位外交官很快就爱上了这位年轻女子,并为了征服她的抵抗而限制了她。当她回到法庭时,Angélique成了谣言的对象;据说她是国王的新情妇,这激怒了德蒙特斯潘夫人。

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

As the Great Day of the Flyers nears, the Great Valley's flying youngsters are eager to participate in the annual exhibition to show off their skills. Everyone, that is, except free-spirited pterodactyl Petrie, whose individualism causes problems when it comes to staying in formation. Enter his dinosaur pals Littlefoot, Cera, Spike and Ducky, who encourage Petrie to embrace his uniqueness.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

  在搞笑逗乐方面,还没有哪个吸血鬼能比得过尼古拉斯·凯奇在“吸血鬼之吻”中的表演的。 凯奇扮演的一家出版社的总经理在被吸血鬼光顾并被吸了血后,行为开始变得古里古怪。他的怪癖包括:嗜食信鸽,整晚不睡,戴着墨镜并且冲着秘书大嚷……对纽约这个光怪陆离的大都市来说,他的这些行为在他开始随便和陌生人搭讪后就更没有什么值得奇怪的了。那个吸血鬼还是不断的来吸他的血而他的诸如此类症状也不断地加重直到当他觉得自己的沙发在他眼里变成了一个棺材时,他才意识到不是自己疯了就是他变成了吸血鬼……

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?


Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.