The 5th volume of episodes from the hit TV series What's New Scooby-Doo, with four action-packed sports adventures. The Unnatural serves up a full plate of ballpark pranks and ferocious fastballs from Ghost Cab Gray, who wants to stop the current homerun king from breaking his record. The gang tries to stop a giant sand worm from wreaking havoc on the Enduro Slam 5000 offroad race in The Fast and the Wormious. A weird ghost monster called the Titantic Twist turns Daphne and Velma into Wrestle Maniacs. For a grand-slam finale the hockey mystery Diamonds Are A Ghoul's Best Friend introduces the chilling Frozen Fiend. When the gang dons sticks and pads, will they perform a hat trick...or get frozen stiff?

这份汇编收录了迈克尔·杰克逊最伟大的10部视频,包括《比利·琼》、《你让我感觉到的方式》、《黑人还是白人》、《摇滚与你》等-包括从未见过的18分钟版本“Bad”。由马丁·斯科塞斯执导。包括卫斯理狙击-9:30长版《你让我感觉的方式》-《黑或白》——短片《黑豹》版——“惊悚片”——“恐怖杰作”——导演约翰·兰迪斯的终极“音乐电影”,14分钟的恐怖乐趣-《记住时间》由约翰·辛格尔顿(John Singleton,《高等教育》、《Boyz N The Hood》、《Shaft》)执导,由艾迪·墨菲和魔术师约翰逊主演。

The joint high mess of 80s German underground: An exercise in exquisite corps (and in some cases probably also automatic writing) for which artists from both nations shot episodes from the Good Book - not necessarily following the text too closely.

From the birthplace of boxing legend Mike Tyson, young women brawl in secret fight clubs to win $1000 and invaluable street cred.


An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

20年前,J·K·罗琳所著的《哈利·波特与魔法石》第一次在全球读者中引起轰动。为了纪念此书出版20周年,BBC制作了这部全新的纪录片,追寻了哈利波特心中真实的魔法世界。    这部好玩又惊险的纪录片中满是现实世界的神话、信仰和传说,也正是这些引燃了J·K·罗琳的想象力和创造力。J·K·罗琳在片中还来到大英图书馆《哈利波特:魔法的历史》展览,为我们展现魔法世界背后的真实故事,把现实生活和她脑海中的魔法世界做了对比。从怪异有趣的曼德拉草到伊丽莎白隐形术,从商代甲骨文上的神秘字符再到寻找现实中的魔法石,本片将带你开启神秘的魔法世界之旅。    《哈利波特》的演员们,大卫·休里斯、伊文娜·林奇、米瑞安·玛格莱斯和马克·威廉姆斯等将在片中献声朗读,而本书的插画师吉姆·凯伊也将在片中现身。    本片旁白由艾美达·斯丹顿担当。

接續前作“哥斯拉X機械哥斯拉”的故事,一年前與哥斯拉的決戰,機龍(機械哥斯拉Mechagodzilla)受損程度37%,失去了右腕及終極武器-絕對零度炮。 維修組員中條義人(金子升)在八王子基地負責修復機龍的工作。某日中條在他叔叔信一的別墅家渡假時,嬰兒島的小美人精靈竟然出現在他們眼前。小美人給他們一個忠告:人類用哥斯拉骸骨製造出機龍是個嚴重的錯誤,如果出動機龍,摩斯拉就會變成人類的敵人。於是信一設法說服老友也是身為總理大臣的五十嵐,希望能中止機龍的計劃。但就在此時,太平洋又出現哥斯拉的影蹤… 2004年是哥吉拉登上大銀幕的50週年,上一部作品“哥斯拉X機械哥斯拉”中,以1954年第一代哥斯拉的骨骸做成的機龍首次登場,與哥吉拉展開熾熱的戰鬥。在這次,哥斯拉同類的戰爭終於接近尾聲。關鍵就在曾經襲擊過東京的摩斯拉與嬰兒島的小美人。一直守護著摩斯...

The Fixies are little creatures that, unseen by humans, help them maintain their appliances – and generally make sure things don’t fall apart… Until an unexpected occurrence of gargantuan proportions threatens to reveal the Fixies’ existence!



When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.

Legendary "bad boy of tennis" John McEnroe finally tells his side of his storied career and famously hot-tempered performances on the court in this engrossing documentary revisiting the record-setting career of one of the all-time greats.


Samantha's band, the Zettabytes, is meeting with little success, so her friend Roscoe uses his knowledge of technology designed by his father to create a holographic lead singer, Loretta Modern. The band instantly becomes successful, but Samantha begins to feel alienated, Roscoe discovers feelings for Samantha, and Loretta struggles with individuality.

阿尔派大学是一所旨在培养电影方面人才的高等学府,该校所特别设立的希区柯克奖更被学子们视为至高无上的荣誉。美丽女孩艾美·梅菲德(珍妮弗·莫瑞森 Jennifer Morrison 饰)此前多担任其他同学剧组里的工作人员,她无时无刻不想制作一部属于自己的作品。在与保安里斯(Loretta Devine 饰)聊天时,对方向她讲述了发生在另一所大学里的连环杀手的故事。艾美认为这是个不错的题材,并打算将其作为自己的处女作。在此之后,同学查韦斯(Matthew Davis 饰)、斯坦(Anthony Anderson 饰)、德克(Michael Bacall 饰)、珊德拉(Jessica Cauffiel 饰)等人先后加入剧组,连环杀手的故事正式开拍。然而在影片拍摄过程中,剧组成员接二连三死于非命。艾美渐渐意识到,一个隐藏在深处的连环杀手正一步步向他们逼近……