The following content is a cartoon based on Buster Keaton's character. There is no connection with Keaton's personal life or his films.

The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with superficial commitments. Karamfilov choose it as a metaphor for people with huge economic and political power. The funny comedy incorporates a tragic story in which Karamfilov plays two roles: the Big Guy and the Little Guy. Big is tied to the Mafia and the Secret services. Little is an unemployed teacher, squeezed and crushed by the system, which stops his heating and electricity, has his home emptied by a bailiff, and uses him as a tool in a game.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

기나긴 길, 두 대의 차, 두 명의 남자, 세대간 분열과 담배 한 갑.

If you have 10 days, you can lose eight pounds with this fast-acting intensive workout designed to firm up the butt, flatten abs and slim down thighs. Two 30-minute workouts switch up brief blasts of heart-pumping cardio with intense muscle conditioning. The first focuses on upper body, abs and cardio; the second on lower body, abs and cardio. In addition to the workout, the program offers a 10-day meal program developed by a top nutritionist.

10년 만에 후유키시에서 시작된 [성배전쟁]은 이 전쟁의 3대 가문인 마토 가문의 당주 마토 조켄의 참전으로 인하여 일그러지고, 뒤틀리고, 어긋나 버렸다. 마스터로서 싸움에 가담한 에미야 시로도 부상을 입고 서번트인 세이버마저 잃어버렸지만, 그는 마토 사쿠라를 지키기 위해 싸움에서 물러나지 않는다. 하지만 그녀 또한 마술사의 숙명에 사로잡히는데...

Tintin and Captain Haddock travel to Peru in search of an abducted friend.

A drama about a daily life of a doctors in a military hospital.

포켓몬 사상 최초 [불꽃], [물] 쌍방 타입을 가진 환상의 포켓몬 볼케니온의 등장! 인간을 싫어하는 포켓몬 볼케니온은 우연히 여행하는 지우와 친구들과 만나게 되고 갑자기 나타난 이상한 고리로 지우와 묶여 떨어질 수 없는 사이가 되어버린다! 결국 볼케니온 그리고 지우와 친구들은 함께 모든 것이 기계로 이루어진 기계장치의 왕국인 아조트왕국으로 향하게 된다. 한편, 아조트왕국의 대신 자비스는 500년 전 왕국에서 태어난 환상의 포켓몬 마기아나를 납치하고 마기아나가 가진 ‘소울하트’라는 미지의 힘으로 왕국을 지배하려고 하는데... 지우와 친구들은 볼케니온과 힘을 합쳐 소울하트를 지켜낼 수 있을까? 지금, 포켓몬 역사상 가장 뜨거운 배틀이 시작된다!

When a shipwreck is found on the shores of Dinotopia, Karl uses his newly discovered radio to make contact with the drifting survivors. But what will happen if that bridge between two worlds is crossed?

Two estranged siblings go to their late scientist father's farmhouse to make sense of his incomplete work. They soon discover an evil entity, buried in time and space for millions of years, has been released and begun wreaking havoc.

A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.

An ambitious youngster, who is all set to get engaged to his ladylove in a few hours, gets trapped in a secluded bungalow and faces death threat in different ways.