Ristiisa“ on vägivalda täis jutustus Sitsiilia juurtega maffiaperekonna võitlusest võimu ning raha pärast möödunud sajandi korrumpeerunud Ameerikas. Kui kurikuulsa krimidünastia vananev juht "Don" Vito Corleone otsustab lõpuks impeeriumi oma pojale pärandada ja narkoärisse sukelduda, tabab tema perekonda pingeline vastasseis teiste mõjuvõimsate maffiaperekondadega.

Ühe rituaalmõrvari jaht on kahe detektiivi jaoks nende senise karjääri raskeim katsumus. Vähe sellest, et brutaalne, kuid kaval mõrvar, kes oma ohvreid seitsme surmapatu järgi välja valib, neist alati paar sammu ees jõuab olla; lisaks sellele hakkab juhtum hävitavalt ka nende endi eraelu mõjutama.

Pärast printsess Leia rünnakut hakkab Darth Vader kiiresti uut purustamatut Surmatähte valmistama. Samal ajal suudavad Vaderi käsilased Han Solo vangistada. Aega kaotamata tõttavad Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca ja droonid R2-D2 ning C-3PO Han Solot vabastama. Kui Luke Yoda juurde naaseb, hakkavad Mässajad eesotsas Han Sologa Impeeriumile lõplikku rünnakut planeerima.

Remy ei ole sugugi mitte tavaline rotipoiss - nimelt on teda õnnistatud ülitundliku maitsmismeelega ja seetõttu keeldub ta kategooriliselt suhu toppimast kõiksugu prügi, mis muidu rottide söögitabelis auväärsel kohal figureerivad. Remy iseäralikud maitseeelistused tekitavad omajagu kummastust ka tema pereliikmete seast, sest rotid on harjunud endale suhu pistma enam-vähem kõike, mida nad leiavad... Seetõttu ei saa nad üldse aru ka Remy suurest unistuseks - saada ühel ilusal päeval kokaks. Teda innustavad teel oma eesmärgi poole ka meisterkokk Gusteau sõnad: kõik oskavad süüa teha.

Teenager Riley's mind headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who’ve long been running a successful operation by all accounts, aren’t sure how to feel when Anxiety shows up. And it looks like she’s not alone.

A celebration of love and creative inspiration takes place in the infamous, gaudy and glamorous Parisian nightclub, at the cusp of the 20th century. A young poet, who is plunged into the heady world of Moulin Rouge, begins a passionate affair with the club's most notorious and beautiful star.

Kassahiti kolmandas osas on Will Turner , Elizabeth Swann ning kapten Barbossa kolmekesi teel maailma äärealale: eksootilisse Singapuri, et päästa kapten Jack Sparrow . Astudes vastu ohtudele nagu Lord Cutler Beckett, Davy Jones ja Admiral James Norrington pole kaalul mitte aint meie kangelaste elud, vaid kõigi vabadust armastavate piraatide tulevik.

After a wonderful time in Hungary Sissi falls extremely ill and must retreat to a Mediterranean climate to rest. The young empress’ mother takes her from Austria to recover in Madeira.

David Dunn (Bruce Willis) on ainuke inimene, kes pääseb eluga ligi 200 inimese elu nõudnud rongiõnnetusest ja tal ei ole ühtegi kriimu. Kas see oli lihtsalt juhus või on ta purunematu? See küsimus vaevad Davidit ja ka ta lähedasi, kuid vastus tuleb sealt, kus seda kõige vähem oodata on. Salapärane võõras Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) pakub sündmuste kummalisele käigule uskumatu lahenduse, mis ähvardab Davidi elu igaveseks muuta.

A little wooden puppet yearns to become a real boy.

Mike Wazowski on alati unistanud hirmutajaks saamisest ning teab, et parimad hirmutajad tulevad just Kollide ülikoolist. Aga esimesel semestril kipuvad Mike'i plaanid kokku varisema, kui ta tee ristub sündinud hirmutaja James P. Sullivaniga. Omavaheline vägikaikavedu viib selleni, et mõlemad visatakse programmist välja. Veelgi hullem, nüüd peavad nad tegema koostööd nii teineteisega kui ka kõigi poolt põlatud veidrikest kollidega.

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.

Young teenager Sam Witwicky becomes involved in the ancient struggle between two extraterrestrial factions of transforming robots – the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. Sam holds the clue to unimaginable power and the Decepticons will stop at nothing to retrieve it.

Eepiliste mõõtmetega rännak dinosauruste maailma, kus nooruke apatosaurus nimega Arlo ühel päeval endale ootamatult inimlapsest sõbra leiab. Olles sattunud kodunt kaugele ja püüdes leida teed tagasi oma perekonna juurde, saab Arlo selle ootamatu tutvuse kaudu teada, kuidas oma hirmudega silmitsi seista, milleks ta tegelikult võimeline on ja mis kõige tähtsam - mida tähendab sõprus.

Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog are best pals and the unsung heroes of the African savanna. This prequel to the smash Disney animated adventure takes you back -- way back -- before Simba's adventure began. You'll find out all about Timon and Pumbaa and tag along as they search for the perfect home and attempt to raise a rambunctious lion cub.

As seniors in high school, Troy and Gabriella struggle with the idea of being separated from one another as college approaches. Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

16-year-old Cassie Sullivan tries to survive in a world devastated by the waves of an alien invasion that has already decimated the population and knocked mankind back to the Stone Age.

Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have - a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves.