Filmas parodo, kaip mūsų izoliuotas gyvenimas atvėrė duris gamtai klestėti. Jūrose, danguje ir žemėje gamta pakilo, kai mes sustojome. Dokumentinis filmas, skirtas teigiamiems laukinės gamtos pokyčiams. Pasakoja Davidas Attenboroughas. Šiais mums sunkiais metais daugelis iš naujo įvertino laukinės gamtos vertę ir grožį. Ji mums buvo paguodos šaltinis “, - sakė Davidas Attenboroughas. „Tačiau be to, bendras užrakinimas buvo unikali patirtis: tai leido pamatyti, kokia didelė žmogaus įtaka aplinkai.

Sergei Polunin is a breathtaking ballet talent who questions his existence and his commitment to dance just as he is about to become a legend.

1940-ieji, istorijos centre – jauna moteris, gyvenanti vokiečių okupuotoje Prancūzijoje, nedideliame provincijos miestelyje. Vyras, kurio ji nemyli, išvyksta į karą, o moterį prižiūri despotiška anyta. Netrukus jas pasiekia žinia, kad vyras pateko į nelaisvę. Moterų namuose apsigyvena vokiečių karininkas, buvęs kompozitorius. Jaunus žmones suartina muzika, nes ši – puiki pianistė. Du priešai pamilsta vienas kitą, bet moteris turi pasirinkti: meilė ar tėvynė...

After being used and betrayed by the detective she had fallen in love with, young Matsu is sent to a female prison full of sadistic guards and disobedient prisoners.

Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years.

A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures of spin doctors James Carville and George Stephanopoulos.

A breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

A woman hires actors and strangers to pretend to be her friends and family at her wedding.

A middle-aged man recalls his childhood growing up in and around London during World War II.

Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collections. The audience is taken backwards in time to the woman's upbringing in an orphanage, and traces her path to ubiquity as it winds through poverty, wars, doomed romances, and rather glamorous betrayals.

An extraordinary, spell-binding journey through the realms of nature to discover that the natural world is stranger, more magical, more mystical than anything you could possibly imagine. You'll be propelled from enchanted forests to the edge of the underworld, from a paranormal planet into fantastical seas, from celestial mountains through mercurial waters, finally to experience the ultimate celebration of nature's magic, the greatest gathering of wildlife on Earth. You won't believe your eyes or ears as you meet amazing creatures and experience nature as it's never been seen before, eye-to-eye with the creatures, on an adventure where you will truly believe the real world is more extraordinary and awe-inspiring than any fiction.

Antoine Rey looks for a special gift for his sister Melanie on her 40th birthday. He decides to surprise her with a trip to the French Island of Noirmoutier, where they spent many summers as children until their mother's death. On the drive back to Paris, Melanie is seriously injured in a car accident...

As a mother, in principle, you do not rob banks. But these days, it can be a solution for the future of your home, and not to give up on your dreams. Playing the thieves can quickly become dangerous and bad encounters can turn into a love story ...

When Hardy Buchanan, a senior at an elite private school, needs to make some quick cash, he enlists the help of Bo, a beautiful runaway. Together, they devise an unconventional plan to profit off the wayward teens at Hardy's school. When the students learn that Bo has more to offer than meets the eye, the unlikely duo's new business takes a unique turn, tossing them headfirst into the lifestyles of the rich and dysfunctional.

After her brother's death, Alice leave France for Japan and takes refuge in a small village just above the cliffs. Her brother Nathan said to her before he died that he finally founded peace there thanks to a certain Daïsuké. Following his footsteps, Alice will in fact find herself, in a strange and hostile but warm place.

A modern day train hopper fighting to be a successful musician and a single mom battling to maintain custody of her daughter defy their circumstances by coming together in a relationship that may change each others lives forever.

Private detective John Rosow is hired to tail a man on a train from Chicago to Los Angeles. Rosow gradually uncovers the man's identity as a missing person; one of the thousands presumed dead after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Persuaded by a large reward, Rosow is charged with bringing the missing person back to his wife in New York City.

Moters vidurio amžiaus krizę paaštrino ir keli nemalonūs išgyvenimai – teko mokytis gyventi vienai, nes vyras paliko, o įmotė mirė. Tačiau staiga į liūdną ir ramų gyvenimą įsiveržia tikroji motina – ypatingai ekscentriška asmenybė – ir viską apverčia aukštyn kojom.