Rozprávačom je David Attenborough. Doposiaľ nezverejnené zábery ukazujú, ako život v lockdowne otvoril prírode cestu k zotaveniu a rozkvetu. Keď sme sa zastavili, Zem našla rytmus v moriach, na oblohe a na súši.

Obdarený veľkou vytrvalosťou a zanietením, Sergej Polunin vzal tanečný svet útokom a stal sa historicky najmladším sólistom Kráľovského baletu v Londýne. V dvadsiatich piatich rokoch bol na vrchole kariéry. Rozhodol sa však odísť a tanec úplne opustiť. Dokumentárny film režiséra Stevena Cantora sleduje život tohto osobitého umelca, od jeho márnotratných začiatkov na Ukrajine cez strhujúce výkony vo Veľkej Británii, Rusku a nakoniec i v Spojených štátoch, kde ho David LaChapelle nakrútil pri tanci na Hozierovu skladbu Take Me to Church a video sa okamžite stalo hitom internetu. Film okrem oslavy Poluninovho rýdzeho talentu a nespútaných ambícií uvažuje tiež o tom, či bohatstvo a úspech stačia k nájdeniu osobnej a profesijnej identity...?

France, 1940. In the first days of occupation, beautiful Lucile Angellier is trapped in a stifled existence with her controlling mother-in-law as they both await news of her husband: a prisoner of war. Parisian refugees start to pour into their small town, soon followed by a regiment of German soldiers who take up residence in the villagers' own homes. Lucile initially tries to ignore Bruno von Falk, the handsome and refined German officer staying with them. But soon, a powerful love draws them together and leads them into the tragedy of war.

After being used and betrayed by the detective she had fallen in love with, young Matsu is sent to a female prison full of sadistic guards and disobedient prisoners.

Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years.

A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures of spin doctors James Carville and George Stephanopoulos.

A breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

A woman hires actors and strangers to pretend to be her friends and family at her wedding.

A middle-aged man recalls his childhood growing up in and around London during World War II.

Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collections. The audience is taken backwards in time to the woman's upbringing in an orphanage, and traces her path to ubiquity as it winds through poverty, wars, doomed romances, and rather glamorous betrayals.

Dokumentárny film je magickým putovaním čarovnou a rôznorodou africkou prírodou od púští a vyprahnutých obastí až po koralové útesy plné farebného života.

Antoine Rey looks for a special gift for his sister Melanie on her 40th birthday. He decides to surprise her with a trip to the French Island of Noirmoutier, where they spent many summers as children until their mother's death. On the drive back to Paris, Melanie is seriously injured in a car accident...

As a mother, in principle, you do not rob banks. But these days, it can be a solution for the future of your home, and not to give up on your dreams. Playing the thieves can quickly become dangerous and bad encounters can turn into a love story ...

When Hardy Buchanan, a senior at an elite private school, needs to make some quick cash, he enlists the help of Bo, a beautiful runaway. Together, they devise an unconventional plan to profit off the wayward teens at Hardy's school. When the students learn that Bo has more to offer than meets the eye, the unlikely duo's new business takes a unique turn, tossing them headfirst into the lifestyles of the rich and dysfunctional.

After her brother's death, Alice leave France for Japan and takes refuge in a small village just above the cliffs. Her brother Nathan said to her before he died that he finally founded peace there thanks to a certain Daïsuké. Following his footsteps, Alice will in fact find herself, in a strange and hostile but warm place.

Mladý hudobník a večný tulák, hľadajúci svoju budúcnosť, stretne ženu, ktorá uteká pred svojou minulosťou. Tuláci niekedy zostanú, niekedy odídu. Lenže čo keď si ich nájde láska? V diaľave sa črtajú zasnežené kopce Ogdenu, mesta, ktoré má svoje nevypovedané tajomstvá. A práve sem sa rúti nákladný vlak plný prázdnych vagónov. V rohu jedného z nich sa vezie čierny pasažier ukrytý pred ostrým vetrom. Pri putovaní si, ako obvykle, zarába na živobytie pouličnou hrou na gitaru. Práve na ulici spoznáva mladú a krásnu Jackie, ktorá prežíva ťažké životné obdobie. Ich stretnutie vyústi do situácie, ktorá môžu obom zmeniť ich doterajšie životy. Obaja sa do seba zamilujú. Jackie sa chce rozviesť, aj keď riskuje, že príde o dcéru Liu, ktorú získa jej manžel. Ale bude tulák Ryan schopný si vziať Jackie za ženu, postarať sa o ňu a usadiť sa v malom mestečku?

Private detective John Rosow is hired to tail a man on a train from Chicago to Los Angeles. Rosow gradually uncovers the man's identity as a missing person; one of the thousands presumed dead after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Persuaded by a large reward, Rosow is charged with bringing the missing person back to his wife in New York City.

A New York schoolteacher hits a midlife crisis when, in quick succession, her husband leaves, her adoptive mother dies and her biological mother, an eccentric talk show host, materializes and turns her life upside down as she begins a courtship with the father of one of her students.