In the continuing saga of the Corleone crime family, a young Vito Corleone grows up in Sicily and in 1910s New York. In the 1950s, Michael Corleone attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

As the Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting the war's atrocities.

A lonely dog's friendship with his robot companion takes a sad turn when an unexpected malfunction forces him to abandon Robot at the beach. Will Dog ever meet Robot again?

British stockbroker Nicholas Winton visits Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and forms plans to assist in the rescue of Jewish children before the onset of World War II, in an operation that came to be known as the Kindertransport.

Džons Viks uzzina par iespēju sakaut Augsto Galdu. Bet, lai gūtu iespēju nopelnīt savu brīvību, Vikam jāstājas pretī jaunam ienaidniekam, kam ir spēcīgi sabiedrotie visā pasaulē un kas pārvērtis ienaidniekos viņa senos draugus.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

Triloģijas otrā filma ir nosaukta vienā no Francijas karoga krāsām un ir veltīta vienlīdzībai – otrajai vērtībai franču devīzē "Brīvība, vienlīdzība, brālība". Tā vēsta par Karolu – poļu imigrantu, kurš Parīzē strādā par frizieri. Viņa sieva francūziete Dominika pieprasa šķiršanos un nepatiesi apsūdz viņu ļaunprātīgā dedzināšanā. Karolam izdodas atgriezties Varšavā, kur viņš ātri atrod ienesīgu nodarbošanos un izplāno smalku atriebību Dominikai.

Kāds šarmants zaglis un bariņš piedzīvojumu meklētāju uzsāk episkus meklējumus, lai atgūtu sen pazaudētu relikviju. Kad viņi sastapsies aci pret aci ar nepareizajiem cilvēkiem, piedzīvojumi turpināsies jaunā līmenī!

Vēl neizstāstīta nodaļa no Zāģera personīgākās spēles. Notikumi risinās laikā starp „Zāģi I” un „Zāģi II”, kad slimais un izmisušais Džons dodas uz Meksiku, lai veiktu riskantu un eksperimentālu ārstniecības procedūru cerībā uzveikt vēzi, bet par nelaimi atklāj krāpniekus, kas izmāna naudu no visievainojamākajiem. Bruņojies ar jauno mērķi, sērijveida slepkava atgriežas pie darba, vēršoties pret blēžiem, sev raksturīgajā veidā izliekot viltīgas, atjautīgas un psiholoģiski izaicinošas lamatas.

Following their explosive showdown, Godzilla and Kong must reunite against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence – and our own.

Slepkavas "Ghostface" uzbrukumos izdzīvojušie atstāj Vudsboro pilsētu, lai sāktu jaunu dzīves posmu Ņujorkā.

Twenty years after their notorious tabloid romance gripped the nation, a married couple buckles under the pressure when an actress arrives to do research for a film about their past.

Atrodoties jaunā laikmetā un, tuvojoties pensijai, Indiana cenšas iekļauties jaunajā pasaulē, kas, šķiet, viņu ir pāraugusi. Taču, kad pazīstamā ļaunuma taustekļi atgriežas vecā sāncenša izskatā, viņam ir atkal jāuzvelk platmale un vēlreiz jāpaņem rokās pātaga, lai pārliecinātos, ka sens un spēcīgs artefakts nenonāk nepareizās rokās.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 55–56, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro undergoes rigorous training with the Stone Hashira, Himejima, in his quest to become a Hashira. Meanwhile, Muzan continues to search for Nezuko and Ubuyashiki.

An epic that details the checkered rise and fall of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his relentless journey to power through the prism of his addictive, volatile relationship with his wife, Josephine.

At the turn of the 19th century, Pugilism was the sport of kings and a gifted young boxer fought his way to becoming champion of England.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

As India faces a militant attack in Kashmir, the country’s best combat aviators join forces under a reckless yet brilliant squadron leader to form 'Air Dragons', faces mortal dangers and their inner demons.

A former special forces badass is recruited by the DEA to lead a covert black ops team to take down drug dealers that are protected by the CIA.