Segona part de les aventures de quatre amics toscans. Durant dues hores s'assisteix a ruleta de bromes i desventures privades del present, que s'alternen amb flashbacks que narren velles aventures de quan encara vivia Perozzi.
American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his family, financial decline, and spiritual crisis, American Movie is a portrayal of ambition, obsession, excess, and one man's quest for the American Dream.
When his father refuses to support his choice of a career, an aspiring chef tries to fulfil his dream by helping his grandfather run his small eatery.
Chronicles three years of a middle class family seemingly caught up in their daily routines, only troubled by minor incidents. Behind their apparent calm and repetitive existence however, they are actually planning something sinister.
John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.
Manny és un músic de jazz que viu plàcidament a Nova York amb la seva dona Rose i els seus dos fills petits. En una asseguradora, una empleada el confon amb un lladre que hi havia robat uns dies abans i ho denuncia a la policia. Comença llavors per a ell un angoixant malson: és detingut i acusat d'una sèrie de furts perpetrats al barri. El més terrible és que tots els testimonis i les proves cal·ligràfiques corroboren la seva culpabilitat. Després de sortir sota fiança, intentarà demostrar la seva innocència. Mentrestant, la seva dona pateix una aguda crisi nerviosa i és internada en un psiquiàtric.
The puppy love of two teenagers is set against a backdrop of adults struggling with their own lives. As a couple in love, they don't care about anything but themselves and seem totally unaware about everything that surrounds them.
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.
An ordinary rideshare becomes a high-stakes game of cat and mouse when Jaq and Shane receive an alert of a child abduction on their phones. Quickly realizing they are behind a car that matches the description of the kidnapper’s, Jaq and Shane desperately race against time to save the child’s life.
A mother and her teenage daughter must confront Death when it arrives in the form of an astonishing talking bird.
A young man walks into a meticulously clean and sterile bathroom and proceeds to shave away hair, then skin, in an increasingly bloody and graphic bathroom scene.
Re is a Kannada comedy drama starring Ramesh Aravind and Anant Nag. A rich man arrives at an old palatial house to find that his ancestors are cursed to an afterlife in the house. Now it becomes his responsibility to undo the curse.
In 1932, a cop is killed and Frank Wiecek sentenced to life. Eleven years later, a newspaper ad by Frank's mother leads Chicago reporter P.J. O'Neal to look into the case. For some time, O'Neal continues to believe Frank guilty. But when he starts to change his mind, he meets increased resistance from authorities unwilling to be proved wrong.
Ellias Barnès, de 30 anys, acaba de ser nomenat nou director artístic d'una famosa casa de moda parisenca. Però quan les expectatives són altes, comença a sentir dolors al pit. De sobte, li reclamen a Mont-real per a organitzar el funeral del seu pare, del qual està distanciat, i descobreix que pot haver heretat alguna cosa molt pitjor que el seu feble cor.
A Dominican friar finds himself wrapped in tangled skirts because he is mistaken for his twin brother, a womanizer.
En un futur pròxim, on la intel·ligència artificial reina, les emocions humanes s'han convertit en una amenaça. Per a alliberar-se d'elles, la jove Gabrielle (Léa Seydoux) ha de purificar el seu ADN submergint-se en les seves vides passades. En aquest viatge a través del temps, es retroba amb Louis (George Mackay), el seu gran amor. No obstant això, la por a una inquietant premonició s'apodera d'ella: té la sensació que s'aveïna una catàstrofe.
Una jove periodista francesa es reuneix en diverses ocasions amb l’icònic artista surrealista Salvador Dalí per a un projecte documental que mai arriba a rodar-se.
An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.
Gretchen, una jove estatunidenca, es muda a Alemanya per viure amb la nova família del seu pare, el superior del qual, un home sinistre que respon al nom de Mr. König, li fa mala espina des del primer moment. Les peces encaixaran aviat i Gretchen haurà de protegir-se com millor ho sap fer: a ganivetades.
Hellboy and a rookie BPRD agent get stranded in 1950s rural Appalachia. There, they discover a small community haunted by witches, led by a local devil with a troubling connection to Hellboy's past: the Crooked Man.