Tells the story of the samurai Gengobe, who seeks revenge after falling prey to the schemes of a geisha and her husband.

Da forfatteren Sam Dalmas rammes af skrivekrampe, er det nærliggende, at han vender hjem fra sit ophold i Italien. Men da han en sommeraften går forbi et kunstgalleri, bliver han vidne til et brutalt mord, som foregår inde bag indgangspartiets glasrude. Som eneste vidne til den forfærdelige handling risikerer han at blive morderens næste offer.

A harsh dose of cinematic realism about a harsh time – the Bosnian War of the 1990s – Juanita Wilson's drama is taken from true stories revealed during the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague. Samira is a modern schoolteacher in Sarajevo who takes a job in a small country village just as the war is beginning to ramp up. When Serbian soldiers overrun the village, shoot the men and keep the women as laborers (the older ones) and sex objects (the younger ones), Samira is subjected to the basest form of treatment imaginable.

A woman falls for a younger man with severe mental problems.

Efter at Stan og Ollie i vanlig stil har forpurret endnu et job, overvejer de at få sig en rigtig uddannelse. I samme øjeblik stormer en bankrøver ud foran dem og glider i Stans bananskræl. Af bar taknemlighed giver bankdirektøren Stan og Ollie et legat til universitetet i Oxford. Men de snobbede studerende spiller parret et puds, som bevirker, at Stan får et gok i nødden og tror, han er engelsk lord.

A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.

Rose Elliot, finder ved en tilfældighed en antik dagbog skrevet af arkitekten og alkymisten Varelli. Bogen afslører hemmeligheden om heksene ”De Tre Mødre”, der tilsyneladende skjuler sig i tre forskellige hvilesteder skabt af Varelli, for derfra at kaste deres skygge af ondskab over verden. Ved at læse arkitektens bekendelser bliver Rose overbevist om, at den bygning, hvori hun bor, er hjemsted for den yngste og mest grusomme af de tre mødre, Mater Tenebrarum. Skrækslagen over sin opdagelse kontakter Rose sin bror Mark, og anmoder ham om at komme til New York. Sammen må de standse Mater Tenebrarum og forhindre hende i at sprede mere død og ødelæggelse i det ondes tjeneste...

A prosecutor, policemen and teacher take the students Vuica and Nicu to a restaurant to re-enact their drunken brawl there, and have it filmed to show the effects of alcoholism.

Carlo is a responsible sibling who deals with his black-sheep sister Silvia in this situation comedy. When Silvia returns after many years to attend her mother's funeral, Carlo deals with the fallout caused by her many love affairs. Carlo is convinced to kidnap Silvia's child whom she left in a Hungarian children's home, but she soon abandons Carlo and the baby when she takes up with a British rock star.

A high-rise apartment populated by models, nightclub dancers and call girls becomes the focus of a mysterious serial killer. When a young model named Jennifer and her friend Marilyn move into one of the victims' former apartments, Jennifer becomes the next target and the pair try to identify the killer.

England, 14th century. King Edward II falls in love with Piers Gaveston, a young man of humble origins, whom he honors with favors and titles of nobility. The cold and jealous Queen Isabella conspires with the evil Mortimer to get rid of Gaveston, overthrow her husband and take power…

Natalie allows her classmate Jeff, who ran away from home after a fight with his stepfather, to stay at her place while her father is away on a business trip. Natalie soon starts dating Jeff's friend James Casey, who isn't as faithful as she thinks, while her best friend Polly falls in love with baseball player Zoo Knudsen.

15 years ago the sea at the coast of Windholm just vanished. Now two young physicists try to find out, why it happened...

After his parents are murdered, Bin is taken into the care of relatives. He begins to act strangely, the new occupants of his house experience horrific nightmares, and a mystery unfolds as a terrible secret is revealed.

After freezing up under pressure in the emergency room, Dr. Cahill decides to spend a few months unwinding on a little Maine island where he immediately gets off on the wrong foot with the locals. Meanwhile, a body has washed up on shore infested with a strange type of carnivorous cockroach. But when Dr. Cahill tries to warn the townsfolk of the danger, they are naturally skeptical. Will they realize the truth before it's too late?

Set during the Alaskan gold rush of the late 1800s. In his efforts to gain control of a small mining town, Sean McLennon is buying up every claim that becomes available, usually after the deaths of the previous owners at the hands of McLennon's 'assistants'. One of the miners targeted by McLennon, a half-Indian hunter named Hudson Saanteek, manages to escape his hired thugs and comes back into town looking to re-establish his claim and get revenge. McLennon and his men have the advantage of numbers and weapons, but Saanteek has his survival skills and knowledge of the Alaskan wilderness.

The U.S. government, eager to protect the nation's avacado supplies, recruits feminist professor Margo Hunt to make contact with the Piranha Women, an all-female tribe who believe men are only good as a source of food. Accompanying Dr. Hunt on her trip are Jim, a guide of questionable competence, and Bunny, a student of unquestionable incompetence.

Når den smukke og synske Sarah åbner er underlig kiste på det museum, som hun arbejder på lader hun den smukke, men dødbringende troldkvinde vende tilbage til verden, som truer at tilintetgøre Rom. Kommer Sarah til at kunne buge sine overnaturlige krafter til at stoppe The Mother of Tears

Three bored millionaires gather nine people in an old mansion, and give them a proposition--if they can meet and conquer their biggest fears, they'll get one million dollars in cash.

Thousands of years ago, aliens visited Earth and fathered the Pumaman, a man-god with supernatural powers entrusted by a gold mask with the ability to control people's minds, which in present-day London, falls into the wrong hands.