To save her father from certain death in the army, a young woman secretly enlists in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Author P.L. Travers looks back on her childhood while reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big screen.

A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.

The kingdom is in a festive mood as everyone gathers for the royal wedding of Rapunzel and Flynn. However, when Pascal and Maximus, as flower chameleon and ring bearer, respectively, lose the gold bands, a frenzied search and recovery mission gets underway. As the desperate duo tries to find the rings before anyone discovers that they’re missing, they leave behind a trail of comical chaos that includes flying lanterns, a flock of doves, a wine barrel barricade and a very sticky finale. Will Maximus and Pascal save the day and make it to the church in time? And will they ever get Flynn’s nose right?

Long, long ago, in a time of magic and dragons, there lived a girl named Rapunzel who had the most beautiful radiant hair the world had ever seen. But Rapunzel's life was far from wonderful. She lived as a servant to Gothel, a jealous, scheming witch who kept her hidden deep in a forbidding forest, guarded by the enormous dragon Hugo and surrounded by an enchanted glass wall. However, in a twist of fate, Rapunzel's discovery of a magic paintbrush leads her on a journey that will unravel a web of deception, bring peace to two feuding kingdoms, and ultimately lead her to love with the help of Penelope, the least intimidating of dragons!

Elsa tahab Annale sünnipäeva puhul Kristoffi ja Olafi abiga täiusliku üllatuspeo korraldada. Suure planeerimise käigus saab aga Elsa külma ning iga tema aevastusega hakkavad tekkima uued ja armsad Olafi-sarnased tillukesed lumeinimesed. Tõbine ja kurnatud Elsa jõuab lõpuks koos Annaga üllatuspeole, mis kujuneb väga populaarseks ning Annal õnnestub viimaks haige Elsa voodisse pikali viia ja teda tohterdama hakata. Samal ajal on aga Olaf pisikesed lumeinimesed enda hoole alla võtnud, et nad koos Kristoffiga Elsa jäälossi viia.

Thomas and his fellow Gladers face their greatest challenge yet: searching for clues about the mysterious and powerful organization known as WCKD. Their journey takes them to the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles. Teaming up with resistance fighters, the Gladers take on WCKD’s vastly superior forces and uncover its shocking plans for them all.

Widower Cedric Brown hires Nanny McPhee to care for his seven rambunctious children, who have chased away all previous nannies. Taunted by Simon and his siblings, Nanny McPhee uses mystical powers to instill discipline. And when the children's great-aunt and benefactor, Lady Adelaide Stitch, threatens to separate the kids, the family pulls together under the guidance of Nanny McPhee.

Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Uptight and straight-laced, FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn is a methodical investigator with a reputation for excellence--and hyper-arrogance. Shannon Mullins, one of Boston P.D.'s "finest," is foul-mouthed and has a very short fuse, and uses her gut instinct and street smarts to catch the most elusive criminals. Neither has ever had a partner, or a friend for that matter. When these two wildly incompatible law officers join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, they become the last thing anyone expected: buddies.

Blu ja Pärl on loonud pere ning neil on nüüdseks kolm paigalpüsimatut linnupoega, kel tuleb lakkamatult silm peal hoida. Nüüd jätavad nad suurlinna selja taha ning suunduvad Amazonase ürgmetsa, kus ootab suguvõsa kokkutulek. Linnaelu mugavusega harjunud Blu leiab end ootamatult paigast, mis on tema jaoks täiesti tundmatu. Ning on sunnitud kohtuma kõige hirmuäratavama olevusega maamunal - enda äiaga. Üritades samal ajal kõigest väest, et ta ise ega tema pere ei langeks nende kurikavala vihavaenlase Nigeli põhjaliku kättemaksuplaani ohvriks.

"Viiskümmend tumedamat varjundit" jätkab sealt, kus esimene pooleli jäi - Anastasia on oma hurmava, kuid sadistliku Christianiga suhted lõpetanud. Saanud tööd Seattle’i ühes edukaimas kirjastuses plaanib Anastasia oma eluga üksi edasi minna ja karjäärile keskenduda. Pärast Anaga läbielatut on aga Christianis midagi igaveseks muutunud. Ta ei suuda ilma naiseta elada ning olles tema tagasivõitmise nimel kõigeks valmis, teeb mees Anastasiale ettepanku jätkata suhet neiu enda tingimustel. Roosiliselt algav uus suhtefaas pöördub aga peagi süngetele radadele, kui Christiani minevikust kerkivad üles järjekordsed tumedad varjud.

Dedicated environmental lawyer Lucy Kelson goes to work for billionaire George Wade as part of a deal to preserve a community center. Indecisive and weak-willed George grows dependent on Lucy's guidance on everything from legal matters to clothing. Exasperated, Lucy gives notice and picks Harvard graduate June Carter as her replacement. As Lucy's time at the firm nears an end, she grows jealous of June and has second thoughts about leaving George.

Fionaga abielludes polnud Shrekil aimugi, et seetõttu peab ta ühel päeval võibolla kuningaks hakkama. Kui Shreki äiapapa, kuningas Harold korraga lahkub, ootab teda just see au. Välja arvatud juhul, kui Shrek (koos oma ustavate kaaslaste Eesli ja Saabastega Kassiga) leiaks enda asemele sobiva kuninga. Kõige lubavam kandidaat oleks Fiona nõbu Artie, keskkoolis õppiv ebakuninglik hädavares, kellest väärilise troonipärija kasvatamine näib olevat üks raskemaid ülesandeid, millega Shrek ja sõbrad eales silmitsi seisnud on.

The story about Abby Jensen, a girl who's been eager to reach her 16th birthday and has kept a secret wish list since she was a little girl. When the Big Day actually arrives, utter disaster strikes, leaving Abby to think her birthday is ruined. But when a mysterious box of magical birthday candles arrives to turn things around, Abby's 16 Wishes start to come true. Her day gets better and better...until she makes one wish that threatens to change everything.

Astonished to find the Beast has a deep-seeded hatred for the Christmas season, Belle endeavors to change his mind on the matter.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

Stuart, an adorable white mouse, still lives happily with his adoptive family, the Littles, on the east side of Manhattan's Central Park. More crazy mouse adventures are in store as Stuart, his human brother, George, and their mischievous cat, Snowbell, set out to rescue a friend.

Cabbie-turned-chauffeur Jimmy Tong learns there is really only one rule when you work for playboy millionaire Clark Devlin : Never touch Devlin's prized tuxedo. But when Devlin is temporarily put out of commission in an explosive accident, Jimmy puts on the tux and soon discovers that this extraordinary suit may be more black belt than black tie. Paired with a partner as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting secret agent.