Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Godzilla has become a distant memory for Japan when the destruction of a US submarine raises alarms for Admiral Tachibana. His estranged daughter Yuri investigates the legend of the guardian monsters, who must rise to protect Japan against the vengeful spirits within Godzilla that seek to destroy both the nation and its people for the suffering they inflicted in the Pacific conflict.

Skrivnostni primeri serijskih umorov se zgodijo s strani jaechaui (mrtva telesa, ki so vstala od mrtvih in lahko govorijo). S temi telesi pa nekdo manipulira.

Nov filmski spektakel, v katerem Marvel vesolje odklene novo - Multivesolje in z njim premakne svoje meje dlje kot kdaj koli prej. Skupaj z doktorjem Strangeom se bomo podali na potovanje v neznano, seveda s pomočjo mističnih zaveznikov, tako starih kot novih. Prečkali bomo razburljivo in nevarno alternativo realnosti - Multivesolje norosti in se soočili s skrivnostnimi novimi nasprotniki...

Nadaljevanje filma Black Panther iz leta 2018 nas vrne v Wakando, kjer se pojavi nova grožnja s strani skritega podmorskega naroda Talokan. V filmu se kraljica Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye in Dora Milaje borijo za zaščito svojega naroda pred posredovanjem svetovnih sil, ki so se mobilizirale po smrti kralja T'Challa. Medtem, ko se prebivalci Wakande trudijo sprejeti izgubo svojega ljubljenega voditelja, se morajo junaki združiti in s pomočjo Nakie in Everetta Rossa skovati nov načrt za kraljestvo Wakande.

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.

Scooby-Doo and his pals win an all-expense paid vacation and embark on a trip of a lifetime to a tropical paradise. Their destination however, turns out to be Zombie Island. As soon as they arrive, they realize the place looks strangely familiar and is reminiscent of a trip they took years ago, in which they became wrapped up in a mystery involving zombies. The gang soon learns that their trip to paradise comes with a price when the zombies re-emerge and attack their hotel. Will Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang finally solve the mystery behind Zombie Island?

2112; the summer before Akane Tsunemori was assigned to Division One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Department. Teppei Sugo, an accomplished pilot of the Defense Army's 15th Integrated Task Force, joins the military operation in Okinawa. Three months later, an unmanned combat drone opens fire on the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo. Enforcer Tomomi Masaoka of CID Division One is dispatched to Sugo's military base to investigate the truth behind this case.

Based on a true story, this riveting western follows a headstrong New York widow as she journeys west to meet Sioux chief Sitting Bull, facing off with an army officer intent on war with Native Americans.

Starodavne pošasti, za katere so mnogi mislili, da so samo miti, se ponovno dvigajo. In ne le to - intenzivno si prizadevajo za prevlado nad človeštvom. Vprašanje je, ali je obstoj pošasti in ljudi sploh možen in zdi se, da je človeška vrsta močno ogrožena. Kriptozoološka agencija Monarch se sooča z množico uničujočih pošasti, vključno z mogočno Godzilo, ki se spopade z Mothro, Rodanom in njegovim končnim nasprotnikom, triglavim kraljem Ghidorahom.

Set in the glamour of the New York and Paris art scenes, gallery owner Brooke Gatwick and her newscaster husband Owen Shore, face temptation, jealousy, twists and mystery when two seductive newcomers enter their lives.

Prodani levji mladič Kralj pobegne z letališča sredi transporta ter najde zavetje v domu 12-letne Inès in 15-letnega Alexa. Brat in sestra se domislita norega načrta: odpeljati Kralja nazaj v Afriko.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

She was once as famous as Jackie O—and then she tried to take down a President. Martha Mitchell was the unlikeliest of whistleblowers: a Republican wife who was discredited by Nixon to keep her quiet. Until now.

A U.S. Army Captain uses her years of tactical training to save humanity from sixteen nuclear missiles launched at the U.S. as a violent attack threatens her remote missile interceptor station.

Acclaimed actor and FDNY veteran Steve Buscemi looks at what it's like to work as a New York City firefighter. Utilizing exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and firsthand accounts from past and present firefighters, explore life in one of the world's most demanding fire departments while illuminating the lives of the often 'strong and silent' heroes.

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

Claire is a lonely hairstylist who secretly murders and scalps her clients. When Olivia makes the well-intentioned mistake of asking Claire to style her hair for her wedding, she becomes dangerously obsessed, and her sanity starts to slip away with bloody consequences.

Leto 50 pr. n. št., kitajska cesarica je zaprta po državnem udaru, ki ga je sprožil izdajalski princ. S pomočjo feničanskega trgovca in svojo zvesto telesno stražarko Tat Han, cesaričina hči, princesa Fu Yi pobegne v Galijo, da bi poiskala pomoč pri dveh pogumnih bojevnikih – Asterixu in Obelixu, ki sta zaradi svojega čarobnega napoja obdarjena z nadčloveško močjo. Naša dva nerazdružljiva junaka z veseljem sprejmeta prošnjo na pomoč in tako se na poti do Kitajske začne velika pustolovščina. A na isto pot se odpravi tudi Julij Cezar in njegova mogočna rimska vojska, željna novega osvajanja...