The documentary Merikotkan paluu (Return of the white-tailed eagle), tells the tale of the past and the present of the white-tailed eagle. The second protagonist of the film is the human - the animal that can be blamed for the eagles’ distress but also credited for its rescue.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.


Documentary about the milk farmer Bertil Nilsson

Vasek, 8 years old boy is desperate to find a new "father" for his mother.

魔術師<マスター>と英霊<サーヴァント> が願望機「聖杯」をめぐり戦う「聖杯戦争」。 10年ぶりに冬木市で始まった戦争は「聖杯戦争」の御三家と言われた間桐家の当主・間桐臓硯の参戦により、歪み、捻じれ、拗れる。臓硯はサーヴァントとして真アサシンを召喚。正体不明の影が町を蠢き、次々とマスターとサーヴァントが倒れていった。マスターとして戦いに加わっていた衛宮士郎もまた傷つき、サーヴァントのセイバーを失ってしまう。だが、士郎は間桐 桜を守るため、戦いから降りようとしなかった。そんな士郎の身を案じる桜だが、彼女もまた、魔術師の宿命に捕らわれていく。

When a husband and wife attempt to break some sad and life-changing news to their ten-year-old daughter Sophie, their disclosures are far from what anyone could expect.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Short film built from photographs, sped up like a traditional stop motion and is meant to be an evocation of the English Eerie and Folk Horror.

「スピード・レーサー」「ニンジャ・アサシン」のチョン・ジフン(RAIN)主演で贈る戦闘機アクション。実力はあるが向こう見ずでトラブルメーカーの青年パイロットが、国家の危機を前に大活躍するさまを、恋と友情の青春模様を織り交ぜつつ、迫力の航空アクション満載に描く。共演にユ・ジュンサン、シン・セギョン。監督は「マイ・ボス マイ・ヒーロー2 リターンズ」のキム・ドンウォン。空軍特殊飛行チームブラック・イーグルのパイロット、テフンは、航空ショーで禁止されていたゼロノートを実践したことが問題視され、チームを追われてしまう。しかしその腕を見込まれ、テソが編隊長を務める第21戦闘飛行隊に配属されるテフンだったが...。

Linkin Park have taken their expansive rock show to seemingly every corner of the globe, but they've never played Moscow's Red Square (to be fair, very few acts ever have). But now, thanks to the power of Michael Bay and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," they can finally cross it off their list.

BIFA-nominated psychological thriller. “Everyone’s got a secret, something they hide…” When a small time criminal returns to London he unravels a catastrophic secret about the murder of his brother. Twisting and turning, this dizzying journey into the mind of a criminal at his darkest hour keeps the viewer guessing until the final frame. An intense and mind-bending crime noir shot on 35mm.

A cardiologist tries to pinpoint the cause of her mother's sudden death, while her sister, a witness, claims malevolent demons are at play.

A man helps the victim of an auto accident, not realizing that the man has actually been shot. The men who shot him are now after the man who helped him, in order to eliminate him as a potential witness. Soon they are killing everyone he even comes in contact with in order to get him.

Produced by ABC 7 Bay Area. A world renowned JFK assassination researcher comes to a shocking conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire the fatal shot that killed President Kennedy.

Two middle-aged male friends are travelling together by car and expressing their thoughts and emotions connected with women.

A murderous couple invade a woman's home and hold her captive in the basement.

See what happens when Percy is up to his funnel in water and how Edward finds a way to make Trevor feel useful again. So hop on board and join Thomas & Friends for fun and friendship all day long!