This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the story of one man's love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share.

The world of bugs normally passes beneath our notice, yet shrink yourself to their size, see them in 3D and you’ll enter a world you’d never believe existed. Big Bugs in 3D uses specially developed 3D technology to take the viewer on a global journey, from Mexico and the rainforests of Asia to our own backyards.




And suddenly, overnight, the world came to a halt. Two men, two survivors, one kid, and hatred that separates them. A place forgotten by everyone, including the creatures that inhabit the Earth... until now.

Jack is a solitary man with a mysterious past. His strange habits will soon become stranger when his past catches up with him.



When Simon awakens in the hospital after surviving a near-fatal accident, amnesia has erased the last two years from his memory. He learns that his brother was killed, he has married a woman he doesn't remember and he's haunted by strange visions of the woman he loved.

Porter Wren is a Manhattan tabloid writer with an appetite for scandal. On the beat he sells murder, tragedy, and anything that passes for the truth. At home, he is a dedicated husband and father. But when Caroline, a seductive stranger asks him to dig into the unsolved murder of her filmmaker husband Simon, he is drawn into a very nasty case of sexual obsession and blackmail--one that threatens his job, his marriage, and his life.

Towards the end of the Civil War a group of Confederate soldiers hole up on an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank, and find themselves at the mercy of supernatural forces.

25-year-old Dwayne McLaren, a former athlete turned auto mechanic, dreams of getting out of tiny Cut Bank, Montana the coldest town in America. But his effort to do so sets in motion a deadly series of events that change his life and the life of the town forever...

As she leaves for art school in New York, Skye gets a phone call from Alex. Skye hasn't heard from Alex in two years, but before she can move on with her life she needs to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, someone else has the same idea, and they're stalking and slashing their way through Alex's Sweet 16 party at her grandparents' isolated estate.

外界から隔絶されてしまったスーパーマーケットで、次々と絶体絶命の危機に襲われる人々の姿を3Dで描いたサバイバルパニック。大洪水にのみこまれ、一軒のスーパーマーケットに閉じ込められた13人の生存者たち。水浸しの店内には高圧電線が垂れ下がり、水中からは巨大な人食いザメが襲いかかるなど、次々とピンチが訪れる。さらに、13人の中には強盗殺人犯が紛れ込んでいることがわかり……。出演は「エクリプス トワイライト・サーガ」「ドリフト」のゼイビア・サミュエル、「ステップ・アップ3」のシャーニ・ビンソンほか。

A couple on a trip through the Irish countryside find themselves hunted by a creature who only attacks at night.

Kate and Martin escape from personal tragedy to an Island Retreat. Cut off from the outside world, their attempts to recover are shattered when a man is washed ashore, with news of airborne killer disease that is sweeping through Europe.

Former FBI agent, now single mother Lisa Brennan, takes a holiday to escape an unhappy love affair and painful family memories. But in a heartbeat, she is not only faced with a daughter kidnapped by human traffickers, but also faces murder charges and must keep one step ahead of the foreign police.


In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.