El 2029 el món és un corrent continu d'informació i els humans es connecten a la xarxa de totes les maneres imaginables. Una parella de policies cíborg de la Secció 9 malden per desemmascarar un misteriós hacker, el Titellaire.

The year is 2030 and six years have passed since a criminal known only as "The Laughing Man" swept through top medical nanotechnology firms committing acts of cyber-terrorism, kidnapping, and espionage leaving no known suspects. New information is revealed, as Section 9 enters the hunt for a suspect capable of unfathomable actions in this compilation of Stand Alone Complex content.

La radiació d'un satèl·lit causa el despertar dels morts, que surten de les seves tombes i ataquen els éssers vius per alimentar-se. L'acció se situa al camp de Pennsilvània, on Bàrbara és inicialment atacada al cementiri per un mort vivent i fuig cap a una granja. Allí es troba amb Ben, i ambdós construiran barricades per sobreviure a la temorosa nit, ja que a fora hi ha una multitud de despietats zombis que només poden ser vençuts amb un cop al cap.

The story takes place in the year 2034, two years after the events in Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG. Female cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi has left Public Security Section 9, an elite counter-terrorist and anti-crime unit specializing in cyber-warfare, which has expanded to a team of 20 field operatives with Togusa acting as the field lead.

Han passat tres anys i Batô segueix a la Secció 9. El record de la comandant Kusanagi no l'abandona. Ara ha d'investigar el cas d'una robot femenina destinada al plaer, que ha assassinat el seu propietari.

A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.

In the spring, male student Makoto Yuki transfers to Gekkoukan High School. However, as he heads to his new dormitory, listening to the music on his headphones, he is stopped. More precisely, time has stopped, and the people who were around him turn into coffins. Makoto learns that this period of time hidden between the minute of midnight is called the Dark Hour, a time when monsters called Shadows appear. Suddenly made the leader of his fellow classmates Yukari and Junpei by his upperclassmen Mitsuru and Akihiko, Makoto must learn empathy, his connection to his comrades, and the meaning of death. With the power of his Evoker aimed at his head, Makoto fights against the Shadows threatening to attack his world from the mysterious tower of Tartarus.

Two seemingly unconnected souls from different corners of the United States make a telepathic bond that allows them to see, hear and feel the other's experiences, creating a bond that apparently can't be broken.

A feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them.

The story is set in 2027, one year after the end of the fourth non-nuclear war. New Port City is still reeling from the war's aftermath when it suffers a bombing caused by a self-propelled mine. Then, a military member implicated in arms-dealing bribes is gunned down. During the investigation, Public Security Section's Daisuke Aramaki encounters Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg, wizard-level hacker assigned to the military's 501st Secret Unit. Batou, a man with the "eye that does not sleep," suspects that Kusanagi is the one behind the bombing. The Niihama Prefectural Police detective Togusa is pursuing his own dual cases of the shooting death and a prostitute's murder. Motoko herself is being watched by the 501st Secret Unit's head Kurutsu and cyborg agents.

The upcoming installment's story takes place amidst signs of postwar reconstruction in the winter of 2028. Tensions are rising in New Port City as demonstrations are held concerning the interests of foreign cartels. This leads to a shooting incident involving riot police. It all started with a cyberbrain infection released by the terrorist "Fire Starter." An independent offensive unit led by Makoto Kusanagi entrusts the suppression of the situation to their ghosts and aims for their own justice. Below the surface of the incident, lies the "tin girl" Emma and the "scarecrow man" Burinda Junior. As Kusanagi deals with the incident, she draws near to what those two ghosts were seeking.

The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the world’s last remaining Crystal, and the menacing empire of Niflheim is determined to steal it. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers called the Kingsglaive. Wielding their king’s magic, they fight to protect Lucis. As the overwhelming military might of the empire bears down, King Regis is faced with an impossible ultimatum – to marry his son, Prince Noctis to Princess Lunafreya of Tenebrae, captive of Niflheim, and surrender his lands to Niflheim rule. Although the king concedes, it becomes clear that the empire will stop at nothing to achieve their devious goals, with only the Kingsglaive standing between them and world domination.

A small-town news reporter and a Greenpeace volunteer enlist the help of rival superpowers to save three majestic gray whales trapped under the ice of the Arctic Circle.

La Nancy és una dona soltera de més de trenta anys amb una visió pessimista de l'amor i dels homes. Mentre viatja en tren a Londres per celebrar l'aniversari dels seus pares, coneix una noia que té una cita a cegues i que prova d'engrescar-la. La Nancy se'n fot del llibre d'autoajuda que li recomana i s'adorm. Quan desperta, cerca la noia per tota l'estació per tornar-li el llibre. Llavors troba en Jack, un divorciat que creu que la Nancy és la cita a cegues que esperava. De l'embolic sorgirà una nit caòtica que no oblidaran.

When Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Katana suddenly realize they cannot remember a single moment from their Monday at Super Hero High, the young DC Super Heroes spring into sleuthing action! Suspecting foul-play, they band together to retrace their steps and uncover the mystery of who exactly stole their memories – and what nefarious plan might be afoot?

After the idol group Aqours has won the final Love Live! contest, its remaining members prepare to enroll at a new school only to run into some unexpected trouble while the former members go missing on the way to their graduation trip. Separated, the girls begin to realize the value of their friendships as they attempt to find a solution to their various crises.

Set in a parallel universe entering a black hole, a woman reading the book of Revelation has visions of regeneration during Anthropocene.

Peter Devereaux, àlies "The November Man", és un veterà i perillós ex-agent de la CIA, que gaudeix d'unes vacances i porta una vida tranquil·la a Suïssa. Però, de cop i volta, se'l reclama per a una última missió: protegir la bella Alice Fournier, una testimoni clau per a l'Agència.

Som a l'ocupació nord-americana del Japó en els perillosos i impredictibles dies que van seguir a la rendició de l'emperador Hirohito. Quan el general Douglas MacArthur es veu sobtadament com el governant de facto d'una nació estrangera, encarrega a un expert en cultura japonesa d'intel·ligència militar, el general Bonner Fellers, que investigui secretament l'amenaçadora qüestió que penja sobre el país sencer: s'hauria de castigar o perdonar a l'emperador de Japó, adorat per la seva gent encara que acusat per crims de guerra?

El darrer AVE de l’any viatja amb 14 persones i es queda aturat sense causa aparent enmig del no res. La inquietud i la desconfiança augmenten entre els passatgers. I més quan descobreixen que entre ells viatja un musulmà que no es separa d’una sospitosa motxilla…