Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

Harijs Poters visu mūžu ir nodzīvojis kāpņu telpā, savas tantes un tēvoča mājās. Taču, savā vienpadsmitajā dzimšanas dienā viņš uzzina, ka viņš ir spēcīgs burvis un viņam ir paredzēta vieta Cūkkārpas burvju un raganu ārodskolā. Kamēr Harijs mācās izmantot savas spējas, viņš uzzina patiesību par savu vecāku nāvi, kā arī par ļaundari, kas par to atbildīgs.

No ostas pilsētas Saushemptonas savā pirmajā braucienā dodas pasaules lielākais kuģis - Titāniks. Kuģis dodas uz Ameriku un līdz ar Titāniku uz klāja tiek vestas tūkstoņiem cilvēku cerības un likteņi. Starp šiem cilvēkiem atrodas arī septiņpadsmitgadīgā Roza Djuita Bukeitera – skaista un bagāta meitene, kurai apnikusi savu vecāku bagātā un liekulīgā pasaule, kā arī nabadzīgs mākslinieks Džeks. Titānika veidotāji bija pārliecināti par to, ka kuģi nevar nogremdēt, taču kuģa ceļā nokļūst milzīgs aisbergs un Rozas un Džeka romantiskais piedzīvojums pārvēršas par cīņu uz izdzīvošanu.

24 gadus vecais Keilebs uzvar uzņēmuma rīkotajā programmētāju konkursā un iegūst iespēju pavadīt nedēļu savrupmājā, kas pieder uzņēmuma īpašniekam multimiljardierim Neitanam.

Vakanda nav tikai vienkārša teritorija, dziļi noslēpta Āfrikas mežonīgajos apvidos – tās unikālie derīgie izrakteņi vienmēr piesaistījuši alkatīgus cilvēkus, kuri gatavi iznīcināt visu savā ceļā, lai tiktu pie dārgumiem. Šeit dzīvojošos cilvēkus senāk aizsargāja savannas gars – Melnā Pantera. Pēc daudziem gadiem Vakandā atkal ierodas alkatīgais ienaidnieks – šoreiz apbruņojies ar modernām tehnoloģijām. Tam pretī var stāties tikai kāds, kurš būs gatavs ļaut atdzimt Melnās Panteras leģendai.

A Coca-Cola bottle dropped from an airplane raises havoc among a normally peaceful tribe of African bushmen who believe it to be a utensil of the gods.

Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertainment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains. Pitted against highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives, Katniss is forced to rely upon her sharp instincts as well as the mentorship of drunken former victor Haymitch Abernathy. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. The world will be watching.

Raised by her father, an ex-CIA agent, in the wilds of Finland, Hanna's upbringing has been geared to making her the perfect assassin. Sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys across Europe, eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative. As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence.

Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog are best pals and the unsung heroes of the African savanna. This prequel to the smash Disney animated adventure takes you back -- way back -- before Simba's adventure began. You'll find out all about Timon and Pumbaa and tag along as they search for the perfect home and attempt to raise a rambunctious lion cub.

As seniors in high school, Troy and Gabriella struggle with the idea of being separated from one another as college approaches. Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

When Russian neo-nationalists hijack Air Force One, the world's most secure and extraordinary aircraft, the President is faced with a nearly impossible decision to give in to terrorist demands or sacrifice not only the country's dignity, but the lives of his wife and daughter.

Filmas darbība turpinās uzreiz pēc iepriekšējās daļas notikumiem-Bellas un Edvarda kāzām un viņu meitas Renesmī piedzimšanas. Pavisam drīz atklājas, ka Renesmī ir īpašas spējas. Sākas notikumi, kas Kalennu ģimeni jau atkal nostāda pret Voltūri klanu.

Seksapīlā blondīne Lūsija kļūst par bīstamāko un nāvējošāko sievieti uz pasaules, apveltītu ar nepārspējamu intelektu un pārcilvēciskām fiziskām spējām. No potenciāla upura, viņa ir pārvērtusies par mednieci un dodas pa pēdām tiem, kuri viņu gribēja nogalināt.

Kay and Jay reunite to provide our best, last and only line of defense against a sinister seductress who levels the toughest challenge yet to the MIB's untarnished mission statement – protecting Earth from the scum of the universe. It's been four years since the alien-seeking agents averted an intergalactic disaster of epic proportions. Now it's a race against the clock as Jay must convince Kay – who not only has absolutely no memory of his time spent with the MIB, but is also the only living person left with the expertise to save the galaxy – to reunite with the MIB before the earth submits to ultimate destruction.

A lowly pencil pusher working for MI7, Johnny English is suddenly promoted to super spy after Agent One is assassinated and every other agent is blown up at his funeral. When a billionaire entrepreneur sponsors the exhibition of the Crown Jewels—and the valuable gems disappear on the opening night and on English's watch—the newly-designated agent must jump into action to find the thief and recover the missing gems.

During the Civil War, at a Southern girls’ boarding school, young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

Set in the Ozark Mountains during the Great Depression, Billy Coleman works hard and saves his earnings for 2 years to achieve his dream of buying two coonhound pups. He develops a new trust in God as he faces overwhelming challenges in adventure and tragedy roaming the river bottoms of Cherokee country with "Old Dan" and "Little Ann."

Spānija, jūra, jahta…jaunā Vila atvaļinājums kopā ar ģimeni. Neviens pat nenojauš, ka pēc dažām stundām jahtas klājs tiks noklāts asinīm un Vila vecāki tiks nolaupīti. Meklējot pazudušos vecākus Vils nejauši atklāj valdības norunas un sava tēva noslēpumus. Jaunietim ir tikai dažas stundas, lai glābtu savu ģimeni no bojāejas.

The Bannister family including former K-9 police hero Zeus (voiced by Mario López) is back, and this time they're spending their holidays at a beautiful Rocky Mountain resort. But toss in an unexpected visit from cocky Uncle Randy (Casper Van Dien of 'Watch Over Me' and 'The Curse of King Tut's Tomb') and his foxy poodle Bella (voiced by Paris Hilton) and a familiar pair of bumbling jewel thieves (led by Dean Cain of 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventure of Superman' and 'The Dog Who Saved Christmas') and this holiday may be headed downhill fast! Can Zeus solve the crime, save Bella and hit the slopes, all in time for Christmas Day? Gary Valentine ('King of Queens') and Elisa Donovan ('Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and 'Clueless') co-star in the all-new four-legged family adventure!